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Islamic Art and Architecture Masterpieces

Explore historical and intricate Islamic creations worldwide, from the Kaaba in Mecca to the Alhambra in Spain. Discover the rich cultural and artistic heritage of Islamic civilizations.

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Islamic Art and Architecture Masterpieces

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  1. The Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Surrounded by the mosque of al-Masjid al-Haram

  2. Aerial view of Haram Al-Sharif, Jerusalem Islam: Muhammad ascended to the presence of God Jews and Christians: Solomon’s temple, creation of Adam, Abrahams sacrifice of Isaac

  3. Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem 691 CE Byzantine tradition Golden dome Central plan / Octogonal

  4. The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, 691-2 Exterior tiles Dome Drum Arcade of piers and columns Aisles/ambulatories Islam: Muhammad ascended to the presence of God Jews and Christians: Solomon’s temple, creation of Adam, Abrahams sacrifice of Isaac

  5. Marble veneer and mosaic; frieze with passages form Qu’ran, other texts, history of the rock in gold mosaic on turquoise green; columns of gray marble and golden capitals

  6. minaret The Great Mosque Kairouan, Tunisia 836–75

  7. mihrab minbar Sultan Hasan Madrasa-Mausoleum-Mosque Complex Cairo, Egypt 14th cent.

  8. Morocco, Marrakesh Kutubiyya Mosque Minbar from the Almoravid period, 1125-30

  9. Jama Mosque in Delhi, India Blue Mosque, Istanbul

  10. Great Mosque Cordoba, Spain 786 – 987 Area covered: 620 x 460’ 1/3 of it is the courtyard Mihrab Dome in front of the mihrab Mosaics with inscriptions, geometric motifs and stylized vegetation

  11. Horseshoe Arch Pointed Arch Muqarna

  12. Complexity of design reflects Islamic interest in mathematics and geometry as sources of artistic inspiration White stone and red brick voussoirs Great Mosque, Cordoba, Spain Begun 785–86

  13. The Alhambra Court of the Lions, Palace of the Lions, Alhambra, Granada, Spain 1354–91

  14. Muqarnas Dome Hall of the Abencerrajes Palace of the Lions, Alhambra 1354–91 carved stucco

  15. The Great Mosque of Isfahan, Iran 11th–18th century 14th-century iwan vault, 17th-century minarets Blue glazed tile

  16. Mihrab Madrasa Imami, Isfahan Iran Founded 1354 Tile Mosaic Glazed and cut tiles 11'3" X 7'6"

  17. Mosque of Sultan Selim II, Edirne Turkey 1568–75 Ottoman architect Sinan (Sinan the Great) Climax of Ottoman architecture

  18. Interior, Mosque of Sultan Selim Dome higher from its base than Hagia Sophia’s

  19. calligraphy Page from the Qur'an in kufic script 9th century Black ink pigments, and gold on vellum, 8⅜ X 11⅛"

  20. Arabic manuscript page (Kufic and Nashki script) 1199, Iraq The status of calligraphers

  21. 9th–10th century Bowl with kufic border E with slip, pigment, and lead glaze “Knowledge: the beginning of it is bitter to taste, but the end is sweeter than honey”

  22. Textile with elephants and camels (known today as the Shroud of Saint Josse) Before 961 Dyed silk, largest fragment 20½ X 37" From Khurasan or Central Asia

  23. Mamluk glass oil lamp c. 1355 Syria or Egypt Glass, polychrome enamel, and gold height 12" (30.5 cm) “God is the light of the heavens and the earth. His light is as a niche wherein is a lamp, a lamp in a glass, the glass as a glittering star. The Qu’ran

  24. Illuminated Tugra of Sultan Suleyman Ink, paint, and gold on paper removed from a firman and trimmed to 20½ X 25⅜" c. 1555–60 Istanbul, Turkey

  25. From a copy of the 12th-century Khamsa (Five Poems) of Nizami Kamal al-Din Bihzad The Caliph Harun Al-Rashid Visits the Turkish Bath c. 1494 Herat, Afghanistan Ink and pigments on paper c. 7 X 6"

  26. Pen Box 1210–11 From Iran or Afghanistan Brass with inlaid silver and copper height 2", length 12⅝", width 2½"

  27. The Macy Jug Composite body glazed, painted fritware and incised (glaze partially stained with cobalt), with pierced outer shell 6 ⅝ X 7 ¾" 1215–16 Iran

  28. Banner of Las Navas de Tolosa southern Spain 1212–50 Silk tapestry-weave with gilt parchment 10'9 ⅞" X 7'2 ⅝" Detail of center panel

  29. Qur’an frontispiece (right half of two-page spread) c. 1368 Cairo, Egypt Ink, pigments, and gold on paper 24 X 18"

  30. Medallion Rug, variant Star Ushak style Wool Anatolia (present-day Turkey) 10'3" X 7'6 ¼" 16th century

  31. a. Kilim weaving pattern used in flat-weaving, b. Symmetrical knot, used extensively in Iran, c. Asymmetrical knot, used extensively in Turkey

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