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Family and Social/Health. Jamila Anderson Tishanna Jackson Rhonda Kelly Lindsey McMillan Latoya Ponder. Community Helpers. Community helpers are people who work to keep communities and families safe, healthy and fun. A community is an area and the people who live in that area.
Family and Social/Health Jamila Anderson Tishanna Jackson Rhonda Kelly Lindsey McMillan Latoya Ponder
Community Helpers • Community helpers are people who work to keep communities and families safe, healthy and fun. A community is an area and the people who live in that area. • Teachers – teaching children how to read, write and to become productive members of society. • Firefighters- are people who protect our families by fighting fires, teaching fire safety and rescue workers. • Police officers- most important duty is to keep our families safe. • Doctors-practice medicine to keep our families and communities healthy. Rhonda
Friendship What are Friends For? • Children and adolescents of all ages think of friendship in terms of reciprocity - what they do for each other - but what actually happens between friends changes with age. 2 The toddler may help a friend rebuild his block tower; the school age child may help a friend with homework; the adolescent may offer advice to a friend on issues they can't discuss with parents. Although the issue of reciprocity remains constant, concepts of friendship and the behaviors associated with friendship change as children develop. Why Friendship is important to a child • Friendships are important in helping children develop emotionally and socially. Through interacting with friends, children learn the give and take of social behavior in general. They learn how to set up rules, how to weigh alternatives and make decisions when faced with dilemmas. They experience fear, anger, aggression and rejection. Friends provide companionship and stimulation for each other, and they find out who they are by comparing themselves to other children. They learn that they're both similar to and different from others. Through friendships and belonging to a group children improve their sense of self-esteem. The solace and support of friends help children cope with troubling times and through transition. Friendships and School Achievement • It seems logical that having friends at school would enhance a child's academic progress. Friends can help each other with class assignments and homework; they can fill in what's missed during absences, and most importantly, friends make school more fun. Research confirms these impressions. Longitudinal studies show that children entering first grade have better school attitudes if they already have friends and are successful in keeping the old friends as well as in making new ones. What schools can do to encourage friendships • Children are taught social skills individually by an adult coach or counselor and then they practice the new strategies. • Peer pairing therapy; two children with difficulties interact while they receive feedback from an adult coach. In some instances a shy child is matched with a more outgoing child. • Conflict resolution programs teach children alternate ways of handling problems through peer counselors or adult-supervised techniques. • Collaborative learning, cooperative assignments and games or "buddy systems" may foster alliances and encourage positive peer interactions. • Reinforcement of appropriate social skills may enhance a socially reluctant child's social interaction. What parents can do to encourage friendships • Let your child know that you feel friendships are important and worth the effort. • Respect your child's social style; some children do best with a host of friends, and some do best with a few close friends. Some make friends quickly, and some warm up to friends slowly. • Find practical ways you can help your child make room in his/her life for being with other children. This is especially important if your child is shy or reluctant about peer interactions. For example, be flexible about family schedules so that your child can find time to be with friends. Offer your home or offer to accompany children on outings. You might also make arrangements for your family to spend time with another family that has a similar-age child. Or, you could make concrete suggestions, such as "You can invite somebody to go to the pool with us on Saturday?"
Types of Families • On the basis of marriage • Polygamous/polygynous family (man married to two women but no bond between wives), Polyandrous family (woman has more than one husband but no bond between husbands), Monogamous family (only two partners in the marriage) • On the basis of the nature of residence • Family of matrilocalresidence (Married couple resides with or near the wife’s parents) , Family of patrilocalresidence (wife joins husband in his father’s residence), Family of changing residence (When the married couple after marriage reside in a new place) • On the basis of ancestry or descent family • Matrilineal family(Based on or tracing descent through the female line) , Patrilineal family (Based on or tracing descent through the male line.) • On the basis of size or structure and the depth of generations • Nuclear or the single unit family (comprised of single unit families of one generation with father, mother and their children. ), Joint family (wo or more generations along with their offspring live together in a single house. ) • On the basis of the nature of relations among the family members • The conjugal family which consists of adult members among there exists sex relationship, and Consanguine family which consists of members among whom there exists blood relationship- brother and sister, father and son etc.
Parentinghttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/parenting.html • If you're a parent, you get plenty of suggestions on how to raise your child. From experts to other parents, people are always ready to offer advice. Parenting tips, parents' survival guides, dos, don'ts, shoulds and shouldn'ts - new ones come out daily. • The truth is there is more than one "right" way to be a good parent. Good parenting includes: Keeping your child safe, Showing affection and listening to your child ,Providing order and consistency, Setting and enforcing limits ,Spending time with your child ,Monitoring your child's friendships and activities, and Leading by example. • Parenting Styles • Authoritarian parenting style can be very rigid and strict. It is mostly patriarchal in nature and everything is often decided by the father. Parents who use this style have a strict set of rules and expectations; if rules are not followed it ends up with punishment. There is usually no explanation of giving the punishment just that the children are in trouble and should listen accordingly .This parenting style and parents who use a more authoritarian approach with power assertion and the involvement of physical punishment with little emotions of comfort and affection are more likely to produce a child with deviant tendencies. • The authoritative style consists of following the same rules as the authoritarian parents. With having strict rules and expectations however there is more open communication with parents and children in the authoritative style .They listen more to the child and how they are . When children have problems with rules and they are broken these parents tend to be more receptive . They monitor instead of trying to rule the child’s life they are less restrictive parents but still assertive • Permissive parenting is often the style parents try to stay away from. There is not much structure here for children, and parents often do not set rules or have guidelines for the child . They do not have many expectations for the children; they avoid conflict and are more nurturing to the child. They are more lenient when it comes to misbehavior and often do not punish the children for wrongdoing. Children under this parenting style have a hard time communicating with parents about things they found important to them . Children with less communication with parents tended to have more negative behaviors at school than those who have had some open communication with their parents .
Bullying • Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. • There are four types of bullying: physical, verbal, emotional and cyber. • Physical bullying includes but is not limited to, hitting, kicking, or pushing someone...or even just threatening to do it, stealing, hiding or ruining someone's things, making someone do things he or she don't want to do. • Verbal bullying includes but is not limited to, name-calling, teasing, insulting. • Emotional bullying includes but is not limited to, spreading nasty stories about someone, exclusion from social groups, being made the subject of malicious rumors. • Cyber bullying is any type of bullying that is carried out by electronic medium. For example, text message bullying, picture/video clip bullying via mobile phone camera, phone call bullying via mobile phones, E-mail bullying, bullying via websites, etc. • Dealing with bullies: talk to the counselor, a teacher, the principal, or an assistant principal, help stop bullying at your school, ask your principal if you can start an anti-bullying program, tell all your friends to help stop bullying. The more support you have, the easier it is!
Video on Bullying • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvhIdB_8WXE&feature=related
WebsiteExtensions • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__T933kP0Bw