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Empowering Students Through Health Education

Our goal is to provide students with accurate health information to empower them in making lifelong healthy choices. Health education instills knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes, covering physical, mental, emotional, and social health and promoting overall well-being. Our curriculum focuses on various topics such as stress management, drug dependency, family roles, first aid, and more. Studies show that healthy students perform better academically, indicating the importance of comprehensive health education in schools.

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Empowering Students Through Health Education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Back to School Night Sophomore Health Education Mr. Smith psmith@neshaminy.k12.pa.us

  2. Goal Our goal is to provide students with the correct information with hopes that they use this information to make healthy life long choices.

  3. Why do we teach health? Health education builds students' knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes about health. Health education teaches about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It motivates students to improve and maintain their health, prevent disease, and reduce risky behaviors.

  4. Health education curricula and instruction help students learn skills they will use to make healthy choices throughout their lifetime. Effective curricula result in positive changes in behavior that lower student risks around: alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, injury prevention, mental and emotional health, nutrition, physical activity, prevention of diseases and sexuality and family life.

  5. Health education promotes learning in other subjects! One study showed that reading and math scores of third and fourth grade students who received comprehensive health education were significantly higher than those who did not. In general, healthy students learn better. Numerous studies have shown that healthier students tend to do better in school. They have higher attendance, have better grades, and perform better on tests.

  6. Content In Our Health Course: Stress Management Time Management Goal Setting De-escalating Conflicts Drug Dependency Family Roles Peer Pressure Alcohol Effects First Aid CPR Understanding Diet Food Labels Gender Roles Dating Relationships Abstinence STI’s Suicide Prevention Deescalating Conflict

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