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Finding Innovative ways of defining and measuring quality in adult educatio n

Finding Innovative ways of defining and measuring quality in adult educatio n. Quality in Context. Quality must be considered within a context Quality in Further Ed Context External Quality Internal Quality

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Finding Innovative ways of defining and measuring quality in adult educatio n

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  1. Finding Innovative ways of defining and measuring quality in adult education Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  2. Quality in Context • Quality must be considered within a context • Quality in Further Ed Context External Quality Internal Quality QA Quality managementStandards Policies & Procedures Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  3. Measuring Quality • EXTERNAL QA • (EU/National/Inspectorate/FETAC/NALA/Standards) • INTERNAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Centre Development planning Internal Centre Evaluation Centre Policies & Procedures Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  4. Centre Quality Management Quality of Structure Respond to needs of • External Quality Assurance Environment LEARNER Quality of Outcomes Improve experiences raise their achievements TEACHER Quality Processes Methodologies Attitudes Supporting learner to achieve Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  5. Quality Adult Education Systems • Focus on the Learner • Provide quantitative and qualitative evidence • Use target setting and review • Identify and Support the transfer of good practice • Ensure Value For Money (4 E’s) • Relevant • Monitor and review Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  6. Quality Assurance • Quality assurance considers all aspects of provision. • Translate learner requirements into centre requirements. Prioritize service improvements, Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  7. A Culture of Quality must exist in a Centre Quality processes are; • meaningful, understood and valued. • not seen as obligations that have to be fulfilled. • not viewed as being a distraction from the centres main purpose of learning (accredited & non-accredited). Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  8. Project Partners Definition of Quality ‘Quality of education affords an individual the opportunity to participate to their full potential in society. This will also include the development of the necessary soft skills which aids in the holistic development of the individual’ Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  9. PROJECT TUTOR COMMENTS • Quality cannot be directly linked to funding issues and student numbers. • Quality from the view of the Learner • Personal goals set by the learner must be flexible so that they can be changed if needed (IEP) Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  10. PROJECT TUTOR COMMENTS CONT. • Setting appropriate and realistic goals • Evaluation and feedback from the learner. • It is important that tutors understand the learners concept of quality and visa versa. Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  11. Project Tutor Comments cont. • All Parties should discuss the concept of quality – individual aims and views of quality should be treated equally. • Quality should be measured in a centre on a learner by learner basis. Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  12. Project Tutor Comments cont. • The ‘personal best’ of learners is important Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  13. ‘Quality’ How does it feel?’ What does it feel like? Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  14. CONCEPT OF INTANGIBLE QUALITY • Difficult to identify intangible quality. • It is an unseen experienced based type of quality. • It is sensual. • Highly dependent on observation and openness. • Doesn’t lend itself to physical documentation. Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  15. HOW DO WE MEASURE INTANGIBLE QUALITY Learners Value system based on their experience in the centre Formal & Informal Process auditing Compliance audit of student expectation Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  16. Mapping the Unseen Quality? • Learners are auditing our service and our centres. Are we getting feedback? • How do we ensure that each individual learner feels worthy of expressing their true feelings, perceptions and emotions? • Do we really encourage and stimulate the sharing of learner views and opinions? • How do we map/measure this unseen quality that is being experienced by each individual learner? Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  17. Teachers can create a positive classroom climate Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  18. Creating a positive Classroom Climate • Involvement – encourage learners to become actively involved in the lesson. Use active teaching methods, discussion, guided-practice, discovery learning etc. • Equity – learners need to be clear that everyone is treated equally and fair. Apply not just to discipline but to distribution of teacher attention. • Differentiation – teacher needs to make every effort to cater for learners differently on the basis of ability, rates of learning and areas of interest. • Responsibility for own learning – need to encourage learners to perceive themselves as being in charge of their own learning, motivated by constant positive feedback and affirmation. Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  19. Teachers can measure • Observation & Verification • Finding time • Conversations within the centre about/with ...... • Feedback & Expected outcomes • Identifying Barriers & Supports • Reflective thinking around practice • Sharing of good practice Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  20. Project Learners Definition of what Quality should/should not be • ‘Quality should not be measured by a piece of paper alone, it should be measured by what the learner gains from the course overall’ (personal/academic) Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  21. Induction is Key • Prepares learners for their programme of learning • Introduces the centre • Highlights the supports available • Explains learner rights and responsibilities and health and safety. Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  22. Initial Learner Measure • A good Induction process makes a real difference for outlining expectation and setting the scene for future learner expectation Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  23. Learners can measure • ‘Self Assessment is at the heart of effective quality improvement’ We must facilitate our learners to self-assess using ‘objective evidence’ ie evidence that is observed, measured, verified and documented. (Nicholas & Smith Pty Ltd) • Effective planning and targeted support to help learners reach their goals is vitally important to sustain quality. Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  24. Ways to listen to Learner Voice • Conduct Learner Surveys/Evaluations • Consult with people who are knowledgeable of the learner (internal & External) • Develop focus groups/Quality circles. • Analyse Learner words • Review IEP’s & IAP’s Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  25. Limitations of Learner Feedback • Learners may not tell us everything or they may tell us what they think we want to hear. • Learners may also change their minds. Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  26. Measures of Intangible Quality • WEB WHEEL An effective Self assessment profiling tool that profiles the holistic individual learner. Can be integrated into other centre programmes (JCSP & LCA) • (LAPS) Individual Learning Action Plans are a requirement and are part of the Quality Framework. • Facilitates the concept of ‘taking the time’ to talk to the learner using a structured mentoring/key worker system. Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  27. Audio Visual Measures . The DVD’s containing the learner interviews from our partnering countries speak for themselves in relation to intangible quality! Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  28. Attributes of a Quality Centre Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  29. Continuous improvement Quality Management Adult Education System Learner Requirements Flow of info Management/ Staff Responsibility Flow of info Learner Satisfaction Measurement analysis and Improvement Resourcing & Supports Value Added Activities Service Delivery Process Output Input Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

  30. CONCLUSION • A Dissatisfied Learner tells eight to ten people about their experience. • A satisfied Learner tells four or five people about their experience. • Wrap your learners in a ‘quality wrapper.’ • Make sure its a Quality Experience! Presentation on Quality Grundtvig Learning Partnership - Catherine Cooney, Co Galway VEC

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