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The Gospel According to Mark part 3 “Let the Miracles begin” Mark 1:21-45. Capernaum was a little town which sat at the northern edge of the Sea of Galilee. Sabbath, or “Shabbat” in Hebrew, Saturday in our vernacular, and it is of course the seventh day of the week.
The Gospel According to Markpart 3“Let the Miracles begin”Mark 1:21-45
Capernaum was a little town which sat at the northern edge of the Sea of Galilee. Sabbath, or “Shabbat” in Hebrew, Saturday in our vernacular, and it is of course the seventh day of the week.
Synagogue, or phonetically “soon-ag-o-gay,” is the Greek term for “assembly” this is translated from the Hebrew “beyt knesset”
Jesus could speak with authority because the Scriptures were about Him.As God in the flesh, He is the author of the very Scriptures He was reading.
These demons knew who Jesus was, “The Holy One of God.” And they should! They used to live with Him in the heavenly realm, before they were cast down.
Why would Jesus tell these demons; who by all accounts were giving credence to the true identity of Christ, to be quiet?
Two possible answers as far as I can see. The testimony of demons was not the reputable source Jesus wanted to use. Jesus thus far had not come right out and declared Himself. Up to now, He had been quoting scripture and making veiled suggestions of who He was.
What was it about this visit to the synagogue that really caused a stir? It was the issue of authority. No one ever spoke like Jesus. No one ever commanded demons like Jesus.
We can glean from the text that Peter and Andrew lived in Capernaum, and from the way the text reads, it was very, very close to the synagogue.
Something is different about this healing over those which will come later, could it be that all the dialogue was unnecessary because the house of Peter was a house of believers, they already understood Jesus was the Messiah.
Under Jewish law, Sabbath began sundown Friday, and lasted until sundown Sabbath. They did not fully understand that this Jesus was the Lord of the Sabbath.
Demons cast out of who knows how many lives, lives now free to live a normal life. Free to do good, and not evil. Those who had been freed from disease and sickness were healed; some for the first time in their entire life found themselves normal.
Jesus knew the demons could reveal more about Him than He was ready, or willing for them to reveal. It was an important part of Jesus routine, to find a solitary place free from noise and distraction; in order that He might commune with the father.
The phrase “everyone is looking for you” suggests they wanted Him to know they were worried.
But, Christ had a singleness of purpose and nothing could detour Him from His mission.By Jesus casting out demons wherever He went, He was emphasizing His authority rested with Him, and not with any particular place or people.
The leper fully knows Jesus can heal him, the only question is, will Jesus want to?
Mark tells us Christ was moved with compassion. Mark wants us to know about this quality in the character of Jesus. Him. It is Christ’s compassion for us that motivates Him.
Praying for a healing is perfectly legitimate, it’s no different than the leper asking Jesus for one. In fact, we should ask. But, God and God alone decides who, what, and where; not us. So, Jesus said “I am willing.”
Mark is promoting the power and authority of Christ. Several times just in the first chapter, Mark as used the word “immediately.”
But, no matter what we do, God’s purposes will not be denied. God is sovereign, our free will may allow us to disobey, and we may find ourselves outside the will of God for our lives.
So, what have we learned from Mark in the second half of the first chapter. Jesus has authority over all disease and sickness Jesus has authority over the demons
3. Miracles are not dependent upon who we are, or how much faith we have, or because we merit them in some way, but solely because of Christ’s compassion, and because it’s His will and purpose to do so.4. Jesus prioritized prayer, He set aside quite time for communication with the Father.
5. God is sovereign, His plans and purposes will not be thwarted by our disobedience.