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Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing

This class covers hazard assessment in environmentally conscious design and manufacturing, including hazard evaluation, stages of hazard identification and risk evaluation, assessment tools for product, process, and facility, and types of hazards. Includes case studies on waste stream hazards and risk assessment.

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Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing

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  1. Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing Class3: Hazard Assessment Prof. S. M. Pandit

  2. Hazard Assessment • Agenda • Hazard Evaluation • Case study - Hazards and risks in Manufacturing • Stages of Hazard Identification and Risk Evaluation • Assessment Tools: • Product • Process • Facility

  3. Types of Hazards • Other hazards: • Civil Disturbances, Geological Events • Epidemics, Infestation • Fires, Meteorological, • Hydrological hazards • Technological hazards • Chemical Spills • Structural failure • Gas Explosions, Leaks • Oil Spills • Radiological, Nuclear • Ref: http://life.csu.edu.au/hazards/topics.html

  4. Hazard Evaluation - 1 • Getting data • Surveys, Designed experiments, Modeling and simulation Structural failure hazard assessment

  5. Hazard Evaluation - 2 Assign scores to factors / sub-factors Estimate relation between score & variables Compare alternatives

  6. Case Study Waste Stream Hazards (Process related), also, Product related & facility related Waste Streams Environmental hazards Energy Chips Cutting Fluids Product Manufacturing Activity Heat Water contamination Mist generation Acid Rain Air Toxins Energy Sulphur Nitrogen Carbon Monoxide Carbon particles Dust Fuel combustion

  7. Hazard & Risk Energy Energy (Heat) Solids Solids (Chips) Liquids Liquids (Cutting Fluid) Aerosols Aerosols (Mist) Gases Gases (Effluent gases) Machining Wastes Hazard Scoring Hazard Scoring Risk Assessment Environmental hazard

  8. Risk Space Not Observable - CO concentration rise Controllable - Manufacturing process parameters Uncontrollable - Nature Observable - Oil well Explosion • Risk: The probability of “suffering harm” from a product • Twin dimensions: Contaminant concentration, Duration of exposure

  9. Risk - 1 Risk Product Biological System Damage Process Aesthetic Degradation Damage to Planetary Systems Facility

  10. Risk - 2 • Risk Assessment: • Hazard Identification • “Dose” Evaluation • Probability of undesirable impact due to “dose” • Exposure determination RISK MANAGEMENT

  11. Risk - 3 1 Log Probit model 2 Multistage model 1 P(d) = log10 d) 2 P(d) = 1 - e-[+ d+ +d2+ ... + rdr]

  12. Risk - 4 Multi stage model “r” is the number of stages through which the hazard is propagated, and’s are constant weighting factors. These are relatively easy to visualize, although the weighting factors have a strong influence on the calculated “risk.”

  13. Risk-5

  14. Risk-6 Exposure Determination Risk Impact I=N P(d) where N is the number of exposed people

  15. Risk - 7 Log - Probit modeling and analysis is discussed comprehensively by Charles Annis at http://www.statisticalengineering.com/index.html. It uses Generalized Linear Modeling (GLC) where the binary nature of the hazard (either there or not there) is taken into account. An application to fracture cracks is discussed.

  16. Risk - 8 Radiation Risks {Obtained by multiplying by appropriate carcinogenic factors for various modes of exposure http://omega.lbl.gov/select/risk.htm

  17. Risk - 9 Example: Radiation risk due to ingestion, inhalation and dermal exposure summed and plotted for individual with assumed lifetime and exposure duration

  18. Risk - 10 Comparison of alternatives

  19. Risk - 11

  20. Assessment Tools - 1 Life Cycle Assessment: (Goal - Understand & Improve) Inventory Analysis Impact Analysis Improvement Analysis Product Process Facility Assessment Tools

  21. Assessment Tools - 2 Environmentally Responsible Product Matrix Environmental Concern Life - Cycle Stage M{stage(i),concern(j)}

  22. Assessment Tools - 3 The sum of all the elements, which provides an indication of the “Product Rating.” Matrix elements are estimated on the basis of underlying checklists and protocols, and assume a value between 0 and 1. REPRT=ijMi,j

  23. Assessment Tools - 4 1,1 Target Plots (From Env. Resp. Prod. matrix)

  24. Assessment Tools - 5 Environmentally responsible process matrix - similar analysis. (Life cycle stage / Environmental concern) Environmentally Responsible facility matrix: Facility activity (site selection, maintenance) vs Environmental Concern

  25. Homework #1 The following problems are out of the textbook “Industrial Ecology” 1. Problem 1.1 (Answer: 0.9) 2. Problem 1.2 (Answer: 3.77million) 3. Problem 1.3 (Answer: 3.924 million) 4. Problem 1.4 Answer: Country Eco2(Pg/yr) GNP/capita Eco2/dollar of GNP(103g) Brazil 0.53 2950 1.22 China 1.22 370 2.91 India 0.56 310 2.13 Nigeria 0.15 260 0.573 United States 2.38 21,000 0.458

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