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Brian Derry, Director of Information Services brian.derryic.nhs.uk

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Brian Derry, Director of Information Services brian.derryic.nhs.uk

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    2. A shared Social Care and NHS view of the world ?....

    5. Lots of willing helpers …

    6. Supportive performance management…

    7. Innovation rewarded…

    9. The big three - across the world Quality of care Economic downturn Information to help address 1 and 2!

    10. Information Management Challenges World Class Commissioning & JSNA Quality of care Improving efficiency Audit, inspection and assurance From feeding the beast to analysis for improvement… …Measuring the right things, measuring them right, and using the measures right

    11. Facility for numbers?

    12. Our mission: the “what”… Practical action that would make a discernable difference to front line NHS and Social Care Information Management practitioners

    13. The proposition… Could make better use of existing frontline resources by: Reducing drudgery Shared solutions to shared problems Providing practical guidance and advice Supporting skills development

    14. The “who”… Jointly commissioned by NHS IC & NHS CFH Delivered by Tribal Consulting – Dr Richard Gibbs

    15. The “how”… Semi-structured interviews with senior and middle grade IM specialists: 26 NHS – acute hospitals, PCT, SHA 9 Social Care plus ADASS IM Group 9 DH, NHS CFH and NHS IC

    16. Basis for prioritisation and delivery… Substantial: delivers tangible benefit in the short term to many frontline IM practitioners, with a good return on investment Simple: can be implemented in a year at modest cost Synergy: reinforces other actions so that the overall benefit is greater than the sum of the individual benefits Strategic fit: consistent with existing policies and initiatives for building IM capacity and capability Sustainable: likely to endure and to provide a sound platform for future developments Subsidiarity: to be implemented – and led - as locally as possible.

    17. Social Care recommendations Datasets Tools Management information and intelligence Benchmarking Training and development Information governance NHS IC associates Personalisation information

    25. Associates Scheme? IM practitioners in NHS and Social Care Agree to make time available to NHS IC to support national and local initiatives Training funded by NHS IC on information and consultancy skills. Associates would: act as ambassadors for NHS IC in their own organisation and locality would provide NHS IC with experience and insights from the frontline embody IM excellence, personally and by their organisations.

    27. Questions to you… Will these sorts of thing help? Gaps? Priorities? Thoughts (especially on Associates Scheme and Regional Learning Networks) to: brian.derry@IC.nhs.uk

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