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Cultural Orientation of Philippines

Cultural Orientation of Philippines. COGNITIVE STYLES. How Filipinos Organize and Process Information. In the Philippines one will find a culture that loves to converse Filipinos are open to information but do not change their attitude readily

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Cultural Orientation of Philippines

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cultural Orientation of Philippines

  2. COGNITIVE STYLES How Filipinos Organize and Process Information • In the Philippines one will find a culture that loves to converse • Filipinos are open to information but do not change their attitude readily • They tend to process information subjectively and associatively • They rarely using rules and laws to solve their problem

  3. NEGOTIATION STRATEGIES What Filipinos Accept as Evidence Most of the truth comes from immediate feeling. Although some truths may rest on faith in ideologies, such as those of the Catholic church, very few can be traced back to objective facts.

  4. VALUE SYSTEM The Basis for behavior Locus of Decision Making Sources of Anxiety Reduction Issues of Equality/Inequality • Individual act in the • context of group. • Decisions are made • from a relational • perspective. • It’s difficult for them • to confront and to give • an outright “no” • The nuclear and • extended family is the • main source of support • and stability. • The whole family may • be shamed by the action • of one member • Much of the stability of • life is found in the • adherence tradition. • Reciprocity in the • relationships is practiced • on all levels • Filipino Politics is a • system that serves its • players, not the people. • However, Filipinos are • strongly in favor of • democracy, individual • freedom, education, • and freedom of press. • Filipinos are very status- • conscious. This • sometimes extend to • issues of race.

  5. A roasted pig known as the Lechón, one of the Philippines most popular cuisines.

  6. The Philippine PalabuniyanKulintang musicians performing the Kulintang instruments which is the music of the Maguindanao people. A Chavacano dance in Philippine

  7. The Manila Cathedral in Luzon is one of many Christian churches in Philippines.

  8. THANK YOU…..

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