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0. EMR info. Waves, light, and energy: Where chemistry and physics collide. http://imagers.gsfc.nasa.gov/ems/waves3.html. Before we get started…. What is light? Is it matter? What forms of light exist? List as many interactions of light and matter as you can.
0 EMR info Waves, light, and energy: Where chemistry and physics collide http://imagers.gsfc.nasa.gov/ems/waves3.html
Before we get started…. • What is light? • Is it matter? • What forms of light exist? • List as many interactions of light and matter as you can. • think how light changes matter, and how matter changes light • What are some uses of light?
0 First things first: Waves a and b represent wavelength (λ)- the distance of a wave from crest to successive crest; measured in meters http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/ALSTool/EMSpec/EMSpec.html
Waves: amplitude 0 • The height of a wave from crest to midline or trough to midline; measured in meters
Terms you need to know: 0 • Wavelength (λ) • Amplitude • Frequency (ν [nu]; I know some of you have used f, move on and get with chemistry!): • the number of cycles per second • measured in cycles per second (s-1) or Hz (Hertz) • Waves on a string
0 http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/ALSTool/EMSpec/EMSpec2.html
0 http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/lightandcolor/images/electromagneticfigure1.jpg
0 http://lepus.physics.ualr.edu/~tahall/EXAM2/emspec.jpg
0 http://www.arpansa.gov.au/images/emsline2.gif
Visible Light • color wavelength(nm) f(*1014 Hz) Energy (*10-19 J) • Violet 400---460 7.5--6.5 5.0--4.3 • Indigo 460---475 6.5--6.3 4.3--4.2 • Blue 475---490 6.3--6.1 4.2--4.1 • Green 490---565 6.1--5.3 4.1--3.5 • Yellow 565---575 5.3--5.2 3.5--3.45 • Orange 575---600 5.2--5.0 3.45--3.3 • Red 600---800 5.0--3.7 3.3--2.5
Some equations you need to know 0 • When • λ = wavelength in m • c = speed of light, 3.00E8 m/s • ν (nu)= frequency in Hz • (cycles/sec or s-1 or 1/s) • E= energy in J • h= Plank’s constant, 6.626E-34 Js [Joule(seconds)] • m= mass of particle in kg • V*= velocity in m/s • λ= c/ν and • E = hν • So…. E = hc/λ • And… λ = h/mv*
What the h? Planck’s Constant 0 • When metals are heated, they glow • 1800s- physicists were trying to determine the relationship between the color (wavelength) and intensity of the glow • Max Planck (1900)- energy can be released or absorbed only in little chunks (packets) of energy “of some minimal size”
Max Planck and the h 0 • The chunks of energy were dubbed “quantum” (“fixed amount”), which is the smallest amount that can be emitted or absorbed as EMR. • Proposed: E = hν • The energy (E) of a single quantum is equal to its frequency (ν) times a constant
Planck and the Nobel (Physics) 0 • Planck determined that h= 6.626E-34 J-s • Energy is always released in multiples of hv (1hv, 2hv, 3hv, etc) • h is so small that we cannot see the effects of this in our daily lives • Analogous to… • Planck won the 1918 Nobel Prize in physics for his work
Einstein & Bohr: Perfect Together 0 Einstein, left Bohr, above
Einstein:The Photoelectric Effect 0 • Einstein discovered that one could cause electrons to be ejected from the surface of a metal if the energy of the light wave was strong enough • He treated the light needed to do this as a piece of matter- a photon, if you will • This ejection of e- is the photoelectric effect
The Photoelectric Effect 0 • Only light of a certain energy could knock off an electron from the metal • Intense light of a weaker wavelength would not work, but even a low intensity of the correct wavelength would work • (the energy of the light is transferred to the kinetic energy of the electron) • Hmmm… light acting as a particle and as a wave…..
The photoelectric effect… 0 • Online animations • PhET • http://www.lewport.wnyric.org/mgagnon/Photoelectric_Effect/photoelectriceffect1.htm • http://www.xmission.com/~locutus/applets/Photoelectric.html
Getting to Bohr…. 0 • Light of a given wavelength is monochromatic (one color) • Most common EMR sources are polychromatic, but we see only one color • These can be reduced to a spectrum when the different wavelengths are separated out
Spectral Emissions 0 • Continuous spectrum: shows all colors of the rainbow
0 • Bright line spectrum: only certain wavelengths are visible (the rest do not appear at all) • Different elements have different bright line spectrum when they are heated • Na is yellow • Ne is orange-red
Line spectrum 0 • Ne • I2
0 http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sciences/Astronomy/Modenastronomy/Interactionoflight/AtomicAbsorption/AtomicAbsorption.htm
Hydrogen Spectra 0 Emission Spectra Absorption Spectra http://www.mhhe.com/physsci/astronomy/applets/Bohr/content_files/section1.html
0 http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sciences/Astronomy/Modenastronomy/Interactionoflight/AtomicAbsorption/AtomicAbsorption.htm
Color and what you see: • Absorption: the wavelengths that are absorbed by an object are not available for us to see, as we see the wavelengths of light that are reflected off of an object • This is not the same as those wavelengths that are emitted by an object that is emitting radiant energy.
0 • Line spectra formation- go to….. http://www.mhhe.com/physsci/chemistry/essentialchemistry/flash/linesp16.swf
Bohr Model and Spectral Emissions 0 • Bohr proposed that the emission of light energy from an (electrically or thermally) excited atom corresponds to the orbit of the electron around the nucleus of the atom • That energy can only be achieved by being a specific distance from the nucleus
What you’ve seen so far…. 0 Model of a Nitrogen (z=7) atom
Bohr Model and moving electrons 0 • http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/quantumzone/bohr.html
Energy levels- Bohr Model 0 • Electrons travel within set energy levels that have a particular energy associated with each level • After all, the e-s are moving around the nucleus • think KE here • Each shell has a number • Closest to the nucleus is n=1 • For each successive level add 1 to n • n=2, n=3, ect….
Energy increases as the distance from the nucleus increases 0
Bohr Model and moving electrons 0 • http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/quantumzone/bohr.html
SO… 0 • We know that the e-’s are free to move around the nucleus • They also can move from one energy level to the next (and fall) back when energy is added • Move from ground state (“home” level) to a higher level (the “excited” state) • Returning back to the ground state releases energy
0 • This emission is how we see colors: • the wavelengths of EMR released from an atom when it has been excited by • Heat energy • Electrical energy • Chemical energy • Think glowing red hot metal, or fireworks
Determining Energy for n • To determine the energy for a given energy level, use the equation: • En=(-RH)(Z/n2) • Where n=1, 2, 3, 4…. • And RH = 2.18E-18J, • So En=(-2.18E-18J)(Z/n2)
To determine E emitted or absorbed: • To determine the change in energy for a given energy transition: • ΔE=Ef-Ei • *Remember E=hν, so ΔE=hν • if ΔE=[(-2.18E-18J)(Z/n2)]f- [(-2.18E-18J)(Z/n2)]i
E changes continued • *Remember E=hν, so ΔE=hν to get the frequency of the light emitted or absorbed • If ΔE is positive • since Ef >Ei • E is absorbed • The e- was going from ground state to a excited state • If ΔE is negative • since Ef < Ei • E is released • The e- was going from excited state to a ground state
Also…life after Einstein and Bohr 0 • We know that electrons have characteristics of both light (waves) and matter, so we say that they have a dual nature
De Broglie 0 • De Broglie proposed that an electron moving about the nucleus had a wave-like behavior, so it has a particular wavelength associated with it. This wavelength depends upon the mass and velocity of the electron. • = h / mv • mv = the momentum of the particle • Mass* velocity = p • momentum = p so p = mv • therefore = h / p
0 • This matter-wave idea applies to all matter, not just to electrons • However, the mass is so large, and the wavelength so small, that we cannot see it in macroscale objects • This matter-wave theory led to applications like the electron microscope