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Navigating Social Media Purposely and Professionally

Navigating Social Media Purposely and Professionally. Debra Osborn, Ph.D. Mary Buzzetta, M.S., LPC. Social Media video. 70% ____% of jobs are obtained through Networking . 19% ___ % obtain a job by connecting through social networks. How is your online presence?.

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Navigating Social Media Purposely and Professionally

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  1. Navigating Social Media Purposely and Professionally Debra Osborn, Ph.D. Mary Buzzetta, M.S., LPC

  2. Social Media video

  3. 70% ____% of jobs are obtained through Networking

  4. 19% ___ % obtain a job by connecting through social networks

  5. How is your online presence? • Can you be found? • Search your name – also look in photos? • How long does it take to find you? • What do you find? • What if it’s bad?

  6. E-IMPRESSION • 77% of Executive Recruiters use search engines when screening candidates • 35% remove applicants based off information seen on the Internet

  7. Social networking is a kind of introduction

  8. Why use social networking sites? • Show that you are well-rounded • Demonstrate that you are well-connected • Provides a “snapshot” of who you are in real life • Acts as a “gatekeeper” to connections you might not normally contact

  9. Status Update: "Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work.” --Connor R.

  10. Using Social Media in Job Searching

  11. Social Media Can Help You • Locate potential employers • Research employers • Be found by employers

  12. Blogs

  13. Blog advice • Keep it professional • Consider the professional identity you want to portray • Regularly update • Change it up (text, video, picture) • Allow comments and respond • Follow those who follow you • Build community, relationships

  14. Twitter • Goal – not to get a job offer, but to start a dialogue • Include a link • Ask for a RT.

  15. Twitter – Who are you following?

  16. Twitter – be follow-worthy

  17. More Twitter Advice • Include elevator speech in your bio • Include links to your resume, blog, LinkedIn • Set up job search alerts • Tweetmyjob, twitjobsearch • Advanced Twitter search • #jobs #engineering FL

  18. Pinterest

  19. What is LinkedIn?

  20. Degrees of separation

  21. What is LinkedIn? • Online business card, your resume, and your letter of recommendation all in one • How do I begin to build my online network? • Different components of a LinkedIn profile

  22. LinkedIn • BrandYourself recently analyzed 100,000 profiles and found that LinkedIn was the social network MOST often appearing at the top of Google search results • Compete.com says the traffic of LinkedIn is about 25-26 million a month • Over roughly the past year, LinkedIn’s corporate clients increased by more than 40% to about 13,700 in late 2012 from 9,200 in late 2011 (Boston Globe)

  23. Components of LinkedIn Profile • Photo • Headline • Professional summary/specialties • Education and experience • Recommendations • Skills and expertise • Other sections (publications, groups, companies following)

  24. Sample Headlines

  25. Sample Professional Summary

  26. Sample Professional Summary

  27. Customize your hyperlink

  28. Education and Experience

  29. Recommendations

  30. Other sections

  31. Other sections

  32. Other sections

  33. Other sections

  34. How to strengthen your profile • Have a profile that is 100% complete! • Key words rank higher • Make full use of fields/sections available • Expand your network • Use keywords of companies of interest • Customize your LinkedIn hyperlink • Include hyperlink in email signature • Ask for recommendations  • Adding examples of your work • Maintain an active profile

  35. Researching employers • Use advanced search and keywords • Join industry groups • Follow companies • Get updates • See new hires • Company buzz information

  36. LinkedIn for Academia • As an academic, you will be expected to network and make contacts within your profession • LinkedIn can be an important complement to your other social networking activities • Beneficial to see “degrees of separation” • Remember…. • LinkedIn ranks highest in Google search results

  37. LinkedIn for Academia • Join groups related to academics • Academia Jobs, Young Professionals in Academia, Postgraduate Jobs and Recruitment • Seek out other academics with similar research interests • Include the following on your page: • Latest research (i.e., thesis, dissertation) • Publications • Conference presentations • Speaking engagements • Teaching experience • Fellowships/Grants

  38. Resources • university.linkedin.com/career-services/ • www.linkedin.com/studentjobs • Jason Alba's site: • www.imonlinkedinnowwhat.com • LinkedIn’s Help Center • www.help.linkedin.com • LinkedIn Checklist • http://tinyurl.com/bopwezj

  39. For more information, please visit career.fsu.edu

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