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STUDENT CHARTER. S TUDENT CHARTER. Student charter is a document /an instrument that defines and confers rights, responsibilities and privileges of students in the College/University with the aim of achieving excellence in pursuit of education and learning through quality assurance. .
STUDENT CHARTER STUDENT CHARTER Student charter is a document /an instrument that defines and confers rights, responsibilities and privileges of students in the College/University with the aim of achieving excellence in pursuit of education and learning through quality assurance. GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.]
STUDENT CHARTER Students are important stakeholders in the higher education system and have a unique role to play in maintaining high standards and ensuring quality education in the College as responsible human beings. GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.]
STUDENT CHARTER The students have the right to quality education and it is the prime responsibility of the College/University to provide quality educational environment and experience to the learners. GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.]
STUDENT CHARTER GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] The students have to be aware of their rights and responsibilities and this will help the College to impart quality education to the learners in a better way.
STUDENT CHARTER GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] In order to fulfill your creative and professional potential you need to know what to expect from college – and what the college expects from you . The quality of the services that we believe you are entitled to is to be balanced with responsibilities placed on you.
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] STUDENT CHARTER The Student Charter is jointly developed by the members of advisory council of the college, members of IQAC, PTA members, students, and the CSCA.
STUDENT CHARTER The aim of The Student Charter is to encourage active partnership between GDC Haripurdhar and its students in learning and teaching, professional practice and life of the college community. GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] The Charter will be reviewed and updated each year.
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P STUDENT CHARTER • Students, teachers and staff of our College are expected • to treat each other with respect. Diversity and Individuality should be celebrated.
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P STUDENT CHARTER RESPONSIBILITIES OF COLLEGE TOWARDS STUDENTS GDC HARIPURDHAR shall: • Value social justice, equality and ethical practices • Provide safe, clean and healthy COLLEGE atmosphere to all the stake holders. • Promote overall healthy practices in both academics and administration and their adoption by all the stakeholders of the COLLEGE
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P GDC HARIPURDHAR shall: • Give you clear information about your studies, assessed work and academic options • Make its students aware of mission, vision, goals, study programs, delivery means and assessment objectives at the time of admission, student induction and counseling for various programs. STUDENT CHARTER
GDC HARIPURDHAR shall: STUDENT CHARTER • Provide clear-cut and complete/ up-dated information to the students about admission procedures, fee structure, scholarships, awards, financial aids, other support systems and also requirements for completion of various study programs. HARIPURDHAR shall: GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHARDIST.SIRMOUR[H.P • Follow student focused/centric approach towards learning and provision of efficient and timely student services. • Provide academic, professional and personal counseling
STUDENT CHARTER GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P • Strive to motivate dynamic and innovative growth of the learners to achieve academic excellence. GDC HARIPURDHAR shall: • Provide opportunities to get impartial/unbiased/factual feedback for the overall growth, up-liftment and improvement of the COLLEGE. • Provide appropriate opportunities to all the stake holders to participate in Extra curricular, Co-curricular and other extension activities
STUDENT CHARTER GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] GDC HARIPURDHAR shall: • Provide fair, transparent, and efficient procedures for dealing with complaints,appeals and disciplinary matters • Provide all possible opportunities for engaging in discovery, creation, refinement, dissemination and preservation of knowledge . • Offer need based academic courses, skill improvements and training programs keeping in view the goals and perspectives of the College/University ,available facilities and expectations of the society.
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] STUDENT CHARTER · In conjunction with the CSCA, College will provide a wide range of sporting and cultural activities, with extensive extra-curricular activities for students who want to take part
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] STUDENT CHARTER • Offer need based academic courses, skill improvements and training programs keeping in view the goals and perspectives of the College/University ,available facilities and expectations of the society. GDC HARIPURDHAR shall: • Develop and implement an effective, reliable and valid mechanism for students’ continuous assessment, grading, examination and certification based on merit.
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P STUDENT CHARTER GDC HARIPURDHAR shall: • Ensure intellectual independence, freedom of enquiry and spirit of scientific temper. • Provide all possible opportunities to engage with inclusive, accessible and effective teaching and professional practices. • Encourage students to respect, preserve and protect our Environment and our Culture. • Offer opportunities for students to be represented in review, planning and policy making
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P STUDENT CHARTER RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS TOWARDS COLLEGE Student shall: • Understand, appreciate and follow the College’s Vision, Mission, Goals of various study programs, delivery means and assessment objectives, and contribute to the realization of the same by sincerely and actively participating in the relevant institutional activities. • Strictly follow the College/University Calendar, time schedules, norms, ordinances/rules, acts, and regulations of the various services provided by the University/College and actively and positively participate in teaching, learning, professional, extra-curricular, and other developmental activities.
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] STUDENT CHARTER Student shall: • Make optimum use of the learning resources available in the College • Actively participate in academically enriching programs such as seminars, workshops, debates, projects, extension activities, training programmes and other curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular institutional activities. • Participate in the continuous comprehensive assessment process and annual/ semester examinations
GOVT.DEGREE HARIPURDHAR STUDENT CHARTER Student shall: • Contribute to the organizational and cultural life of the College. Participate in various extension activities from time to time e.g. protection of environment, cleanliness, literacy programs and reaching out to communities for equity, access, inclusiveness, sustainability and other relevant issues. • Respect the property and physical infrastructure of College and shun all such acts which may lead to damage to the property and breakdown of the basic services for the effective academic pursuits of the College.
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] STUDENT CHARTER Student shall: • Follow moral and constitutional values as enshrined in our multidimensional culture and Constitution of India. • Respect and celebrate the diversity of ideas, multiculturalism and inclusiveness without any preconceived notions of caste, creed and religion. • Abstain from any activity leading to violence, unhealthy atmosphere e.g. drugs, alcohol, intoxicants, ragging and other unhealthy practices.
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] STUDENT CHARTER Student shall: • Provide solicited and unsolicited unbiased/honest feedback for improvement of the system for the up-liftment of the standards of the College. • Have a clear and adequate knowledge of various study programs, admission policy, program completion requirements, assessment mechanisms and other student services of the College.
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] STUDENT CHARTER Student shall: • Abide by the decisions of the College/University as decided by the various statutory bodies of the College/University or the executive authorities from time to time. • Always strive for Excellence
GOVT.DEGREE COLLEGE HARIPURDHAR DIST.SIRMOUR[H.P.] STUDENT CHARTER Students’ Union or CSCA will: work with staff and students of the College to promote and implement the principles of this Charter.