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Welcome Aboard the Friend Ship! Room 20 – Mrs . Kaczmarek 2013-2014. Classroom Schedule. 8:30-8:40 Prepare for the day/Complete Morning Work 8:40-8:50 Morning Work/Calendar 8:50-10:40Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar) 10:40-11:00 Recess 11:05-11:35 Lunch
Welcome Aboard the Friend Ship! Room 20 – Mrs. Kaczmarek 2013-2014
Classroom Schedule 8:30-8:40 Prepare for the day/Complete Morning Work 8:40-8:50 Morning Work/Calendar 8:50-10:40Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar) 10:40-11:00 Recess 11:05-11:35 Lunch 11:35-12:00Read Aloud 12:00-12:35 Special 12:40-1:15 C.A.R.E. 1:15-2:20 Mathematics 2:25-3:00 Science/Social Studies 3:00-3:15 Assignment Books/Pack up/Jobs/Silent Reading 3:15 Dismissal begins
Special Schedule Day 1 – Technology Day 2 – Library Day 3 – Art Day 4 – Music Day 5 – Physical Education
Attendance Policy Students are expected to be in school each day. However, if your child is ill and unable to attend, call the school or email me as soon as possible and I will try to send home work for your child. When your child returns to school, you have 3 days to send in an excuse as to the reason for the absence. Early dismissals – you will need to send in a signed note with the time you are picking up your child. Emails will not be accepted. Educational trips – There is a form in the office to be filled out at least 2 weeks prior to the absence. Also, there are certain dates children are unable to be taken out due to testing or the end of the year. The school day begins at 8:40AM.
Procedural Guidelines Promises: 1. I promise to be respectful of others and their property. This includes being kind, helpful, and always using my manners. 2. I promise to listen while others speak. This includes classmates, teachers, and other adults. If I have something to share, I will raise my hand. 3. I promise to always do my best. To do this, I will always be prepared with necessary materials and objects, like pencils, papers, and folders. I will use my assignment book. 4. I promise I will follow the rules of the school. Consequences: Warning Pull a green ticket – Loss of 5 minutes of recess Pull a blue ticket – Loss of 10 minutes of recess Pull a yellow ticket – Loss of 15 minutes of recess Pull an orange ticket – Loss of all recess Pull a red ticket – No recess for 1 week, a visit to the office, and Mrs. Kaczmarek and I will call a parent/guardian. Rewards: Extra recess, Treat Box, Special Activities, Class Choice
Grading and Report Cards Grading Scale – A/O Excellent progress 90-100% B/S Good 80-89% C/S Average 70-79% D/N/U Below Average 60-69% F/N/U Not Passing 0-59% Report Cards – They provide evaluations of reading, math, writing, spelling, and social sciences. Reading, spelling, and math are the only academic areas in which your child will receive a letter grade. They also provide updates regarding Special Areas and student behavior. They are distributed 4 times a year. They will be sent to you via email.
Reading Log *10minutes each night (60 for the week) *completed by a student reading out loud to a parent, grandparent, sibling, babysitter, etc. or an adult can read to the student or silent reading. *record each night (only end in 5 or 0 for minutes) and always keep in Take Home Folder *Checked every Monday and I record the minutes they have read. *Together, the class will earn special activities for minutes read. (If your child doesn’t read, he/she will not participate in the activity.)
Homework *Students write homework in the Assignment Book. *Students complete homework at home. *An adult signs the Assignment Book each evening after checking over the homework to make sure it is finished. *Students will lose points due to unfinished homework.
Compass Learning Compass Learning is a computer program that has activities for enrichment or reinforcement of language arts and mathematics concepts. User Name: last name, first initial, middle initial (Ex. kaczmarekal) Password: student id number http://clo.svsd.net/childu/index.html?2051Nav=|&NodeID=258
Classroom Volunteers Volunteers within the classroom are welcomed with open arms! We greatly appreciate the work you do for us! Please fill out the paper in the folder if you would like to volunteer in the classroom. I also need 1 or 2 room parents to plan and organize the parties. Please let me know if you are interested.
Communication I look forward to working closely with you this year. If you should have minor questions or concerns, please write a note in the planner, on a separate piece of paper, or email me. Please do not email me for serious concerns/discussions. Please call the school and leave a message for me to contact you.
P.T.O. Please get involved! I would love to have 100% participation from our class. There are many volunteer opportunities and ways to stay involved by supporting this wonderful organization!
Success….Home and School…. *Open communication *Organization *Homework Support *Routines *Eating and sleeping well