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FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. When we say FUTURE We remember W i l l. FUTURE -ecek, -acak. I will study We will learn They will play She will watch . Will study learn play watch. F U T U R E. Burada FİİL/EYLEM BAŞLAYACAK. When we say PERFECT we remember
When we sayFUTURE We remember W i l l
FUTURE-ecek, -acak I willstudy • We willlearn • They will play • Shewillwatch Will study learn play watch F U T U R E Burada FİİL/EYLEM BAŞLAYACAK
When we sayPERFECT we remember HAVE VERB (3)
PERFECTbitmiş/olmuş/yapılmış • I havestudIED • We havelearnED • They have playED • ShehaswatchED
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE • FUTURE-ecek, -acak • PERFECTbitmiş/olmuş/yapılmış • bitmişECEK bitmiş olacak • OlmuşACAK olmuş olacak • yapılmışACAK yapılmış olacak
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Will have studied Willhave learned Will have played Willhave watched Bu NOKTADA Fiiller/eylemler TAMAMLANMIŞ GERÇEKLEŞMİŞ BİTİRİLMİŞ olacak FUTURE PERFECT
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE • IwillHAVE EATEN yemişolACAĞım • Youwill HAVE FINISHED • BitirmişolACAKsın • TheywillHAVE WASHED • YıkamışolACAKlar
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE • Futureperfect tense Will + have V3 • Iwill have studied
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE • Futureperfect tense Will + have V3 • Wewill have learnED
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE • Futureperfect tense Will + have V3 • Theywill have playED
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE • Futureperfect tense Will + have V3 • Shewillhave watchED
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları by the timeyou receive this letter Bu mektubu alıncaya kadar
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE • Sen bu mektubu alıncayakadar, ben şehri terketmiş olacağım. by the timeyou receive this letter F U T U R E BİTİŞ NOKTASI Şehri terketmiş olacağım Yani GELECEKTE / OKUN OLDUĞU O NOKTADA terketme fiili GERÇEKLEŞTİRİLMİŞ olacak.
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları by the time you arrive at the office tomorrow morning yarın sabah büroya gidinceye kadar
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları by 7 o’clcok Saat 7’ye kadar
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Akşam saat 7 ye kadarişimi BİTİRMİŞ OLACAĞIM. by 7 o’clcok Saat 7’ye kadar Now It is 2 O’clock F U T U R E I will have finished my workby 7 o’clock.
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları by the time we get home biz eve gidinceye kadar
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları By then O zamana kadar
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları • By next July • Gelecek temmuz ayına kadar
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları Within the next few days Gelecek (önümüzdeki) birkaç gün içinde
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları • by the endof the week • by the endof the year • by the endof the month • Hafta sonuna kadar • Yılın sonuna kadar • Ayın sonuna kadar
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları • By 2010 • 2010 yılına kadar 2008 2010 2009
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları • by the end of the day • Günün sonuna kadar
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları • by the time you join us.Bize katılıncaya kadar
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları • bynext October. • Gelecek ekim ayına kadar haziran temmuz ağustos eylül ekim now
Time adverbs / Zaman zarfları • By the time we get to Istanbul, • Biz İstanbul’a gidinceye kadar,
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE • Theywill have completedthe bridge • by the end of the year.
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE I save $500 a month. This is February By next JulyIwill have saved$3000. • Save(v):para biriktirmek, artırmak
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE We got married in 1980. • It’s 2000 now. • By 2010wewill have beenmarried for 30 years .
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE I hope Iwill have finishedthis report by the end of the day.
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE • We will have eatendinner by the time you join us.
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE I will graduate in May. I will see you in September. By the time I see you in September, I will have graduated.
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE I will have finishedthe project by the time you arrive at the office tomorrow morning.
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Shewill have preparedthe dinner by the time we get home.
FUTURE PERFECT TENSE The scientistswill have foundthe cure for cancer by 2030.
E X E R C I S E S I ……………………….. (leave) Ankara by the timeyou receive this letter. will have left
The end of the year They……………………(complete) the bridge bythe end of the year. now will have completed
I save $500 a month. This is February. By next JulyI ……………………….. (save) $ 3000. will have saved
We got married in 1980. It’s 2000 now.By 2010we ……………………….. (be) married for 30 years . will have been
I hope I ……………………….. (finish) this reportby the end of the day. will have finished
We ……………………….. (already/eat) dinnerby the time you join us. will already have eaten
In two dayswe …………………….. (finish) the painting. will have finished
In two days’ timeour teacher ……………………. (announce) the results of the exam. will have announced
In four yearsthey …………………. (build) a tube at te bottom of the Bosphorus. will have built
Until you finish high school, you ……………………..(study) English for ten years. will have studied
Tillfive o’clock the workers………………………(work) for eight hours. will have worked