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Alua DAUTOVA Katelco company Almaty, Kazakhstan. INTRODUCTION INTO CENTRAL ASIA. Kazakhstan: Population - 14819700 Squire km- 2724900 sq.km Density – 5,5 men/sq. km. Kyrgyzstan: Population – 4887500 Squire km- 19900 sq.km Density – 24 men/sq. km. Uzbekistan: Population- 23769000
Alua DAUTOVA Katelco company Almaty, Kazakhstan TELESOL annual review
INTRODUCTION INTO CENTRAL ASIA Kazakhstan: Population - 14819700 Squire km- 2724900 sq.km Density – 5,5 men/sq. km Kyrgyzstan: Population – 4887500 Squire km- 19900 sq.km Density – 24 men/sq. km Uzbekistan: Population- 23769000 Squire km- 447400 sq.km Density – 53 men/sq. km TELESOL annual review
Geographic and demographic features Existing telecommunication infrastructure Experience in EC IST projects implementation (DENEMA, TeleInViVo) and readiness to work with European partners Business requirements in Telework (Official Capital, Business Center, Caspian region, Metals region) Prepositions of successful development of TELESOL in Central Asia TELESOL annual review
Existing infrastructure: Satellite telecommunications (8000 VSATs) IP telephony Digital TV broadcasting All communication channels – 67500000 channels Fiber Optics – 5000 km (including TAE-1750 km) Telephony – 11,8 num / 100 inhabitants Internet – 4 users / 100 inhabitants Mobile telephony – 5,4 user / 100 men Telecommunication infrastructure TELESOL annual review
TELESOL IN PROGRESS TELESOL local web-siteTelework Competition Center (TCC)Information disseminationCentral-Asian regional Conference (Almaty, 2004) TELESOL annual review
TELESOL Kyrgyz focal organization:World Health Organization (WHO) Information Centre on Health (ICH) for Central Asian Republics Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 720021, Toktogula 62, Tel. (996 312) 29 87 91 (996 312) 29 35 08 Fax: (996 312) 68 08 30 E-mail: whocar@elcat.kg TELESOL annual review
Components of Kyrgyz TELESOL Web-site • General Information on Kyrgyzstan (geography, population, state structure, state symbols etc.); • ICT in Kyrgyzstan; • TELESOL Kick-off Meeting in Kyrgyzstan; • Presentation of EU FP5 and FP6 Teleworking tools, useful for Health Information and Telemedicine; • CAR Teleworking projects of WHO ICH:- CARINFONET Project; - WHO-Soros Project on Strengthening of Public Health Network in Kyrgyzstan;- WHO EUPHIN-EAST Project in Kazakhstan; - Printing of National Health Reports. • Telesol key people in Kyrgyzstan; • Contact information TELESOL annual review
THANK YOU Alua Dautova, Katelco +7 (3272) 58-12-95 alua@katelco.net TELESOL annual review