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Understand NFPA codes, ensure fire alarm design compliance, and submit systems for plan review. Learn the difference between systems, code requirements, and signal transmission rules. Stay informed on Life Safety Code mandates. Be code-savvy for design accuracy.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY Associated General ContractorsAmerican Institute of ArchitectsConstruction Specifications InstituteNew Orleans 11/27/01 NFPA 72 and NFPA 101Supervised Automatic Sprinkler System Overview
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 72 and NFPA 101Supervised Automatic Sprinkler System Overview • Look at the requirements that mandates these systems • Understand how to find these requirements in the codes • Explain how these requirements affect your fire alarm designs • Outline what needs to be provided for code compliance • Detail how to submit these systems for plan review
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY • “What is the difference between an approved automatic sprinkler system and approved supervised automatic sprinkler system?” • “How does the sprinkler system affect my fire alarm system design?” • “How do I know that the sprinkler is required to be supervised?” • “Is it acceptable to chain open the main supply valve as prescribed in NFPA 13 and meet the intent of a supervised system?” • “If my fire alarm system is connected to the building sprinkler system, is it then automatically required to transmit off site to a monitoring facility?”
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code •* Supervisory Signals. Where supervised automatic sprinkler systems are required by another section of this Code, supervisory attachments shall be installed and monitored for integrity in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code, and a distinctive supervisory signal shall be provided to indicate a condition that would impair the satisfactory operation of the sprinkler system. Monitoring shall include, but shall not be limited to, monitoring of control valves, fire pump power supplies and running conditions, water tank levels and temperatures, tank pressure, and air pressure on dry-pipe valves. Supervisory signals shall sound and shall be displayed either at a location within the protected building that is constantly attended by qualified personnel or at an approved, remotely located receiving facility. (Note: This office’s interpretation of “constantly attended location” is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.)
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code • Alarm Signal Transmission. Where supervision of automatic sprinkler systems is provided in accordance with another provision of this Code, waterflow alarms shall be transmitted to an approved, proprietary alarm receiving facility, a remote station, a central station, or the fire department. Such connection shall be in accordance with (Therefore based on this requirement the proposed fire alarm system cannot be a local system!)
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code • Mandates for supervised automatic sprinkler systems are rarely in the _.3.5 Extinguishing Requirements in occupancy chapters in the Life Safety Code. • These requirements are typically given as a code trade-off to extend travel distances, dead-end corridors, or common path of travel. • These requirements sometimes are stipulated in minimum construction type limitations in specific occupancy chapters.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY “Does this mean that I am going to have to look at other sections of the code, other than fire alarm section, to verify that my fire alarm design is code compliant?” • Absolutely!The 2000 edition of the Life Safety Code has changed a majority of the sprinkler requirements and sprinkler exceptions to include the term “supervised”. • You need to be “code savvy.” • Understand other requirements that would mandate a “supervised automatic sprinkler system” - this will affect the design of your fire alarm system.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code • There are requirements in the “core chapters” (Chapters 1- 11) • 7.2.12 Areas of Refuge. General. An area of refuge used as part of a required accessible means of egress in accordance with 7.5.4, or used as a part of any required means of egress, shall conform to the following: (1) The general requirements of Section 7.1 (2) The requirements of and Exception: The requirement of shall not apply to areas of refuge consisting of stories of buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 9.7.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code • There are requirements in the “core chapters” (Chapters 1- 11) •* Where two exits or exit access doors are required, they shall be placed at a distance from one another not less than one-half the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served, measured in a straight line between the nearest edge of the exit doors or exit access doors. Where exit enclosures are provided as the required exits and are interconnected by not less than a 1-hour fire resistance-rated corridor, exit separation shall be permitted to be measured along the line of travel within the corridor. Where more than two exits or exit access doors are required, at least two of the required exits or exit access doors shall be arranged to comply with the minimum separation distance requirement. The other exits or exit access doors shall be located so that if one becomes blocked, the others shall be available. Exception No. 1: In buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 9.7, the minimum separation distance between two exits or exit access doors measured in accordance with shall be not less than one-third the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Chapter 16 - New Day Care Occupancy • • No dead-end corridor shall exceed 20 ft (6.1 m), other than in buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 9.7, in which case dead-end corridors shall not exceed 50 ft (15 m). • • No common path of travel shall exceed 75 ft (23 m), other than for the first 100 ft (30 m) in a building protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 9.7.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Chapter 16 - New Day Care Occupancy • • Travel distance shall meet the following criteria: (1) The travel distance between any room door intended as an exit access and an exit shall not exceed 100 ft (30 m). (2) The travel distance between any point in a room and an exit shall not exceed 150 ft (45 m). (3) The travel distance between any point in a sleeping room and an exit access door in that room shall not exceed 50 ft (15 m). • Exception: The travel distance in and (2) shall be permitted to be increased by 50 ft (15 m) in buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 9.7.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Chapter 16 - New Day Care Occupancy • Windows for Rescue. • Every room or space normally subject to client occupancy, other than bathrooms, shall have not less than one outside window for emergency rescue that complies with the following: (1) Such windows shall be openable from the inside without the use of tools and shall provide a clear opening of not less than 20 in. (51 cm) in width, 24 in. (61 cm) in height, and 5.7 ft2 (0.53 m2) in area. (2) The bottom of the opening shall be not more than 44 in. (112 cm) above the floor. (3) The clear opening shall allow a rectangular solid, with a width and height that provides not less than the required 5.7-ft2 (0.53-m2) opening and a depth of not less than 20 in. (51 cm), to pass fully through the opening. • Exception No. 1: This requirement shall not apply to buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 9.7.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Chapter 16 - New Day Care Occupancy • 16.3.6 Corridors. • Every interior corridor shall be constructed of walls having not less than a 1-hour fire resistance rating in accordance with 8.2.3. • Exception No. 2: In buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 9.7, corridor walls shall not be required to be rated, provided that such walls form smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4. • “What about 16.3.4 - Detection, Alarm, and Communications Systems or 16.3.5 - Extinguishment Requirements?”
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Chapter 16 - New Day Care Occupancy • 16.3.4 Detection, Alarm, and Communications Systems. • General. Day-care occupancies, other than day-care occupancies housed in one room, shall be provided with a fire alarm system in accordance with Section 9.6. • Initiation. Initiation of the required fire alarm system shall be by manual means and by operation of any required smoke detectors and required sprinkler systems. (See • Occupant Notification. Occupant notification shall be in accordance with 9.6.3. Positive alarm sequence shall be permitted in accordance with • Emergency Forces Notification. Fire department notification shall be accomplished in accordance with 9.6.4. • Detection. A smoke detection system in accordance with Section 9.6 shall be installed in day-care occupancies, other than those housed in one room. Detectors shall be installed on each story in front of the doors to the stairways and in the corridors of all floors occupied by the day-care occupancy. Detectors also shall be installed in lounges, recreation areas, and sleeping rooms in the day-care occupancy.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code Chapter 16 - New Day Care Occupancy • 16.3.5 Extinguishment Requirements. Any required sprinkler systems shall be in accordance with Section 9.7. • Neither of these sections require the automatic sprinkler system to be supervised - this is an example of why you need to have a better understanding of the codes as a whole! Code Savvy!
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY • What if the building is not required to have a fire alarm system in accordance with the _.3.4 section of the occupancy chapter, but the building owner wishes to utilize a supervised automatic sprinkler system to enhance an architectural feature, what would be the minimum equipment to satisfy this requirement? • The State Fire Marshal’s Office views these “supervised automatic sprinkler systems” as required fire alarm systems not providing occupant notification at the protected premise. Therefore, the following equipment would be required: • Control Panel - Listed for the appropriate signaling system type, sprinkler supervision and waterflow. • Manual pull station - See 101:, required when the sprinkler system is down due to maintenance. • Waterflow & tamper devices • Smoke detector - See 72:1-5.6, required if the control panel is not located in a continuous occupied area. • These systems can be submitted on the Fire Alarm Exemption Request Form pursuant to State Fire Marshal Memorandum 99-2.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY • “What is the difference between an approved automatic sprinkler system and approved supervised automatic sprinkler system?” Supervised sprinkler systems are monitored for integrity by the fire alarm control panel, which transmit signals (supervisory, trouble and alarm) to a monitoring facility. • “How does the sprinkler system affect my fire alarm system design?” The supervisory requirements of NFPA 101 would prohibit the fire alarm signaling system type to be a protected premises or local. • “How do I know that the sprinkler is required to be supervised?” Get a copy of the architectural review or ask the design professional.
LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND CORRECTIONS OFFICE OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL, CODE ENFORCEMENT AND BUILDING SAFETY • “Is it acceptable to chain open the main supply valve as prescribed in NFPA 13 and meet the intent of a supervised system?” No! The requirements of 101: stipulates that the where a supervised automatic sprinkler system is required by another section of the code, the supervisory attachments shall be installed and monitored in accordance with NFPA 72. • “If my fire alarm system is connected to the building sprinkler system, is it then automatically required to transmit off site to a monitoring facility?” No! Only if other sections of the code require the sprinkler system to be supervised.