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Welcome to LinguaFolio The Ultimate Inbox. National Council of State Supervisors for Languages. LinguaFolio. A language portfolio learners keep throughout their educational and professional careers
Welcome to LinguaFolioThe Ultimate Inbox National Council of State Supervisorsfor Languages
LinguaFolio A language portfolio learners keep throughout their educational and professional careers • to document their language competencies in all languages, including heritage languages and English for speakers of other languages • to reflect on their intercultural competencies • to manage their own language learning
Transatlantic DialogueSponsored by the Goethe Institut Members of • Council of Europe • Ministries of Education • National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL)
EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO EUROPÉEN DES LANGUES Use of the European Language Portfolio is supported by the 29 organizations of the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) representing 24 languages.
EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO EUROPÉEN DES LANGUES European Language Portfolio • Over 75 approved versions are used in over 20 countries. • Each version must be approved by the Council of Europe.
EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO EUROPÉEN DES LANGUES European Language Portfolio • Belongs to the learner not the school • Has 3 sections • Passport • Biography • Dossier
EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO EUROPÉEN DES LANGUES Common European Framework of Reference Common Scale of Reference European Language Portfolio
EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO EUROPÉEN DES LANGUES Common Scale of Reference(CSR) a description of what people can do at 6 different levels of language performance and competence B-Independent User C-Proficient User A-Basic User A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
European Language Portfolio The ELP • adds value to language learning. • promotes “plurilingualism.” • encourages reflection on achievement. • contributes to mobility in Europe for workers and students.
LinguaFolio LinguaFolio • facilitates K-16 articulation. • serves as a tool for students to manage their language learning. • recognizes and values heritage languages. • promotes language learning as a life-long endeavor.
LinguaFolio LinguaFolio informs • language learners and their parents. • educators. • businesses and employers.
Who is using LinguaFolio? Language learners in • elementary programs • middle school programs • secondary programs • university programs • career settings
www.doe.virginia.gov/Instruction/ Language/LinguaFolio Virginia Department of Education
LinguaFolio Indiana! Student Name: Indiana Department of Education World Languages LinguaFolio USA! - A national “Year of Languages” world language initiative endorsed by the National Council of State Supervisors of Foreign Languages (NCSSFL). LinguaFolio Indiana! - A state pilot program supported by the Indiana Department of Education, Office of Program Development: World Languages.
LinguaFolio Nebraska Study Dr. Ali Moeller, University of Nebraska, is conducting a five year longitudinal study investigating the questions: • What do students know? • What can they do at the end of one year, two years, three years, four years and five years of language study?
LinguaFolio Nebraska Study • One-year pilot to develop, revise and implement in secondary Spanish classes • Two years of data collected involving 47 school districts to determine: • the impact of goal setting on student achievement • the role of self-assessment • the implementation of LF as an assessment tool to promote articulated K-16 language program
FLAP Grant expands research to introduce LinguaFolio Jr into 15 elementary settings • Online digitized LinguaFolio developed and implemented at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln allows participating schools to: • record student language development via self-assessment • document student products as well as reflections on the part of the student that analyze how and why this product provides evidence of meeting the goals set at the onset of the year and each subsequent chapter/unit during the year
Summer Immersion Institutes • 30 Spanish teachers for 2 weeks • Participants read novel, online discussions related to novel and build a community of learners • Research-based strategies modeled in context of novel with videos, World Wide Web, guest speakers, interactive games, etc. integrated • Technology training using online assessments, websites, WebQuests, podcasting, blogging, etc. to integrate into own classes
Teachers themselves use goal setting and experience first hand the impact of the LF • Research focuses on how LinguaFolio impacts teacher beliefs and instructional practices • Possible consortium of postsecondary institutions to implement LinguaFolio • Study led by Dr. Aleidine J. Moeller will follow K-16 learners using LinguaFolio to examine student learning
Professional Development • Online professional development continues during the academic year • Onsite workshops offered throughout the year
5-State Training Modules Module 4 Guidelines for development of self-assessment criteria Module 5 How to Implement LinguaFolio Module 2 Autonomous & reflective learning through self-assessment Module 3 Development of interculturality
Resources • European Language Portfoliohttp://culture2.coe.int/portfolio/ • LinguaFolio 5-State Pilothttp://www.doe.virginia.gov/linguafolio/ • LinguaFolio Nebraskahttp://www.nde.state.ne.us/FORLG/PreK16.htm • Indiana World Languages site with LinguaFolio linkshttp://www.doe.state.in.us/opd/wrldlangs/
Helga Fasciano, Second Language Consultant NC Department of Public Education 6366 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6366 Phone: 919-807-3865 hfascian@dpi.state.nc.us Ruta Couet, World Languages SC Department of Education Office of Curriculum and Standards 1429 Senate Street, #B-17 Columbia, SC 23201-3799 Phone: 803-734-8383 rcouet@sde.state.sc.us Helen Small, Foreign Language Specialist Virginia Department of Education P.O. Box 2120 Richmond, VA 23218-2120 Phone: 804-225-3666 Helen.Small@doe.virginia.gov Susan Crooks Georgia Department of Education 205 Jesse Hill, Jr. Drive Atlanta, GA 30334 Phone: 404-463-0601 scrooks@doe.k12.ga.us Jacqueline Bott Van Houten, World Language and International Education Consultant Kentucky Department of Education 500 Mero Street Frankfort, KY 40601 Phone: 502-564-2106 Jacqueline.VanHouten@education.ky.gov Vickie Scow, World Languages Nebraska Department of Education 301 Centennial Mall South Lincoln, NE 68509 Phone: 402-471-4331 Vickie.Scow@nde.ne.gov