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Emerging Opportunities

National Conference “Harnessing Services for Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Jordan ” 21-22 September 2010 Grand Hyatt Hotel Amman Program By Raouf Dabbas Ministry of Environment  . Emerging Opportunities.

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Emerging Opportunities

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Presentation Transcript

  1. National Conference “Harnessing Services for Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Jordan” 21-22 September 2010 Grand Hyatt Hotel Amman Program By Raouf Dabbas Ministry of Environment 

  2. Emerging Opportunities Collective global “rethink”of development and business models Governments looking for ways to stimulate economic activity and create jobs Significant international momentum for transition to a green economy UNEP – GREEN ECONOMY INITIATIVE

  3. Greening the economy links to creation of employment engine of development poverty eradication 3. GEI Analysis UNEP – GREEN ECONOMY INITIATIVE

  4. Green Economy Report Agriculture Building Cities Energy Finance Forest Manufacturing Tourism Transport Waste Water Modeling Enabling Conditions UNEP – GREEN ECONOMY INITIATIVE UNEP – GREEN ECONOMY INITIATIVE

  5. Components: 5 Green Economy Organic Farming, Tourism & Land Cover Eco Finance Eco Cities JCPP Energy & Environmental Audits Water, Organic Fertilizer Fiscal incentives Green Buildings and infrastructure Eco Labeling Monitoring & Enforcement Transportation & Mobility Market Based Incentives Lab Testing Waste Management Awareness & Training Awareness & training Awareness Air & Water Technology sourcing

  6. Savings of 20 - 30% of final energy consumption per sectorrepresent a reduction in annual energy cost of Jordanof about 620 million JOD* 1,037 ca. -200 Cost of energy consumed inmillion JOD 2008 829 Cost of energy consumed in millionJOD incl. energy-efficiency measuresto save x% of 2008 consumption ca. -190 ca. -120 Cost savings in million JOD dueto sector-specific (NERC)energy savings** 642 -x m. JOD 593 Cost of energy consumed 2008 in million JOD 474 ca. -80 450 391 313 ca. -25 ca. -5 -20% energy savings -30% energy savings -20% energy savings -20% energy savings 86 14 10 60 Industry Commercial Transport Household Streetlighting Waterpumping -30% energy savings * Internal estimations (Ministry of Environment/ CIM) ** Calculated by applying the sectors’ share in final energy consumption to the total cost of consumed energy (2008=2,763 Million JOD; MEMR-Facts & Figures)

  7. Eco Cities? • Eco-cities are areas where urban planning and environmental management tools are applied to pursue synergies in resource utilization, waste management, environmental preservation, promotion of industrial & economic development and a healthy living environment.

  8. EV infrastructure

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