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Jesus' Resurrection Appearances: From Tears to Glory

Discover the profound encounters of Jesus post-Resurrection, from Mary Magdalene's tearful meeting at the empty tomb to His ascension into heaven, preparing for His return for judgment and rulership. Explore the transformative interactions with various individuals, disciples, and believers, culminating in a powerful message of hope and salvation. Are you prepared for His imminent return?

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Jesus' Resurrection Appearances: From Tears to Glory

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  1. The Resurrected Jesus appeared:OnResurrection Day to - Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb, taking away her tears;Other Women as they hurried away from the tomb, filling them with joy;Peter in Jerusalem, showing individual concern;Two Travellers on the Road to Emmaus, where He then taught themfrom the Scriptures concerning Himself; 10 Disciples hiding in a house, where He breathed on them the Holy Spirit.Some time later to -11 Disciples including a doubting Thomas, who needed to see Jesus’ hands and side;More than 500 Believers at the same time, who could testify to many others;James, the brother of Jesus, who still did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah;7 Disciples on the shore of Lake Galilee, where He cooked for them a breakfast of fishand commissioned Peter; 11 Disciples on a mountain in Galilee, where He gave them the Great Commission. On the 40th day He made a farewell appearance to –The Disciples on the Mount of Olives, where He blessed them and ascended into heaven.After His Ascension to -Manyincluding Stephen, Paul, Johnandother followers through the ages.Jesus said that He would appear again on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.Why? To judge mankind and rule the earth. Are you ready for His next appearing? www.nationaldayofprayer.com.au

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