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ACPE Standards Committee. 2010 Standards Key Changes Jay Foster, Keith Espenshade, & Beth Jackson-Jordan Note: Changes to Standards are highlighted in yellow text . Explanation of Definition of Terms. Rationale for Revision of Definition of Terms
ACPEStandards Committee 2010 Standards Key Changes Jay Foster, Keith Espenshade, & Beth Jackson-Jordan Note: Changes to Standards are highlighted in yellow text
Explanation of Definition of Terms Rationale for Revision of Definition of Terms • We received numerous complaints that the practice of bolding the glossary terms proved distracting and confusing. Also, many persons questioned the wisdom of having a separate glossary for the Standards and each of the manuals. • It was decided that placing the definitions at the outset may help to maintain clarity and consistency throughout. • With this in mind, the following changes have been made to the Definition of Terms in the 2010 Standards and Manuals: • All of the glossary definitions are combined into one document entitled “Definition of Terms” and is placed at the front of the new set of Manuals and Standards. • There is no longer a bolding function employed for terms.
Rational for creation of Standard 303.1 • Appendix 19 has been replaced with Appendix 5 and substantially shortened; Accreditation requested that the faculty-student ratio– up until now only addressed in the Accreditation Manual– be addressed in Standards. • We considered a study of ratio for Medical Residents to Attending or Training Physician that recommended a 13 to1 ratio when considering number of Level I/Level II CPE students per supervisor. • We are indebted to literature in the Licensed Professional Counselors (in Pennsylvania) for a ratio of 6 to 1 for supervisory candidates to primary supervisor .
Standard 303.1 303.1 a faculty of sufficient size to fulfill program goals and comprised of persons authorized by ACPE: · An Associate CPE Supervisor or CPE Supervisor may be the supervisor for no more than 13 Full time equivalent (FTE) students in CPE (Level I/ Level II). · A Supervisory Candidate may be the supervisor for no more than 6 CPE (Level I/ Level II) students. (FTE does not apply to students of Supervisory Candidates). · In supervisory education, a center’s faculty should include at least one ACPE Supervisor for every 4 FTE Supervisory Education Students or Supervisory Candidates.
Addition to Definition of Terms • Full Time Equivalent Student (FTE) – Students in a Unit of CPE Level I/ Level II or Supervisory CPE who are engaged in curriculum and ministry for at least 32 hours each week are considered full time. Students in an extended Unit of CPE who are engaged in curriculum and ministry for less than 32 hours each week, are considered part time students. For the purpose of the student to supervisor ratio-requirement (Standard 303.1), a part-time student is counted as .5 FTE, e.g., 4 part time students count as 2 FTEs. See Standards 308.1 and 308.9.1.
Rationale for revision of Standard 304 • RATIONALE There is a need to clarify that the responsibility for providing for students in the absence of a supervisor falls on the accredited center because the Commission is finding that persons not authorized by ACPE are trying to step in to complete units when a supervisor has vacated a post. Similarly, in the Accreditation Manual, we need to clarify what a non-ACPE certified chaplain can and CANNOT do in terms of meeting this need—for instance, the chaplain can administrate aspects of the program, teach didactics, provide mentoring functions, but CANNOT supervise the clinical work individually or in groups without an ACPE authorized supervisor there.
Standard 304.10 • a policy and procedure that describes how the Accredited Center will provide for completion of a unit or program in process if the supervisor is unable to continue.
Rational for revision to Standard 307 It has not been clear how a Supervisory CPE program will assess the pastoral competence of persons applying for programs of Supervisory CPE. The application criteria would be enhanced by use of the SCC Common Standards for Chaplains (Adopted by the APC, the NACC, the NAJC, the ACPE, and the CAPPE in 2004) in conjunction with the CPE Level II standard outcomes in assessing that competence in applicants.
Standard 307.6 307.6 Additional requirements for admissions to Supervisory CPE include, but are not limited to: • 307.6.1. previous ministry experience in which the applicant demonstrated ability to function pastorally. • 307.6.2. completion of at least four units of CPE (Level I/ LeveI II). • 307.6.3 successfully meeting CPE Level II Outcomes, as documented in the Supervisor’s evaluation or assessed in the readiness consultation. • 307.6.4 demonstrates familiarity with the Spiritual Care Collaborative Common Standards for Chaplains (Appendix 2). Note: The ACPE Standards and Code of Ethics supersede these Standards. 307.6.5 consultation for readiness for the student and supervisor as specified in the ACPE Certification Manual, Part Two, IV.A., p. 10. 307.6.6 current ACPE membership.
Program Management Rationale: Supervision needs to be provided by an appropriate person, which was stated in 308.3. The CPE program also needs to be managed by an ACPE authorized supervisor, not by a chaplain, administrator, etc. Standard 308.3 has been changed to include program management. 308.3 “supervision and program management by a person authorized by ACPE.”
Person Authorized by ACPE Def’n of Terms – spells out who is “authorized by ACPE” Authorized -- authority given by ACPE for specific persons to serve as primary supervisor for a unit of CPE in a center accredited by the ACPE, i.e., ACPE Supervisor or Associate Supervisor. • A National Association of Catholic Chaplains Supervisor is authorized to supervise as primary supervisor for a unit of CPE (see Standard 303.1) accredited by ACPE, but it must be in a dually accredited center or system with an ACPE Supervisor. The ACPE Supervisors has responsibility for ensuring that the NACC supervisor is abiding by ACPE accreditation standards and code of ethics. If there is no ACPE Supervisor, then a consultant ACPE Supervisor shall be employed until a new ACPE Supervisor is hired. An NACC supervisor may report student units to ACPE under these conditions only. • An International Guest Supervisor is authorized to supervise students in ACPE accredited centers in the U.S. for a defined period of time. The ACPE Supervisor at that center has responsibility for ensuring that the International Guest Supervisor is abiding by ACPE accreditation stands and code of ethics, and must co-sign all evaluations and submit the student unit reports. • A Supervisory Candidate may only supervise under the supervision of an ACPE Supervisor and may sign students’ evaluations in conjunction with the supervisor, but may not submit the ACPE student unit report form. Enrollment in an ACPE accredited Supervisory CPE program is required whenever supervising CPE students. • Prior to Supervisory Candidate status, a student in Supervisory CPE is not authorized to supervise CPE students.
Time Extension for Supervisor’s Evaluation Rationale: Standard 308.8.1 defined the deadline for a supervisor’s evaluation. No guidance was in place for situations where the supervisor needed an extension. The revised Standard provides such guidance. 308.8.1 “Supervisor’s evaluation will be available to the student within 45 calendar days of the completion of the unit. To extend this deadline in rare unusual circumstances, the supervisor may negotiate with the student and receive approval from the regional accreditation chair to extend this deadline. The supervisor’s evaluation will document this process, and such instances must be reported on the next annual report.”
Program Standards for Supervisory Education Rationale: No program standards existed to guide the Supervisory Education programs. Standard 308.9 and its sub points were created to provide such guidance. 308.9 Additional program standards for Supervisory CPE include, but are not limited to:
Program Standards for Supervisory Education Rationale: definition of unit is similar to Level I/II CPE. 308.9.1. A specific time period for a program unit of supervisory CPE or a half unit of supervisory CPE A unit of Supervisory CPE consists of a clinical supervisory practicum of at least 400 hours, which includes no less than 100 hours of structured group and individual education along with supervisory work and/or spiritual care ministry. A half-unit of Supervisory CPE consists of a clinical supervisory practicum of at least 240 hours, which includes no less than 60 hours of structured group and individual education along with supervisory work and/or spiritual care ministry.
Program Standards for Supervisory Education Rationale: Curriculum needs to define how the SES moves through the process. 308.9.2 Supervisory CPE programs will demonstrate how a Supervisory Education Student advances from observing the supervision of CPE to supervising defined program activities to supervising CPE programs under supervision as a Supervisory Candidate. The curriculum will include supervision of the student’s work, active participation in a supervisory student peer group, and individual or independent study related to the curriculum. 308.9.3 The curriculum of a specific unit may include program planning, professional reading, theory writing and active participation in a consortium or in regionally sponsored educational events. 308.9.4 An educational plan that enables a supervisory student to complete a minimum of one and a maximum of four units of Supervisory CPE in one year and that describes a two to three year curriculum plan for a student in full time Supervisory CPE.
Program Standards for Supervisory Education Rationale: The following theoretical areas are those that are essential for the SES to cover during their supervisory training. 308.9.5 A supervisory education curriculum will address the theoretical underpinnings of clinical pastoral supervision. A bibliography and resource guide will be provided that is sufficient to acquaint the supervisory student with: • history of CPE, • theology, • educational theory, • behavioral sciences, • multicultural theory, • management/ administration of educational programs,, • group theory, • supervisory theory, and • personal and professional ethics.
Program Standards for Supervisory Education Rationale: The SES can expect an environment that will help him/her progress toward the goal of certification. 308.9.6 A relational learning environment that fosters growth in competence as a clinical pastoral supervisor, theories of supervision, the practice of CPE supervision, CPE program design and implementation.
Level II CPE Curriculum RATIONALE Standard 312 had read “The Level II curriculum involves at least two or more program units of CPE.” This statement makes clear that the formal curriculum must include a plan for that many units of Level II because most students will need at least two program units to adequately address the outcomes of Level II. What is unclear, however, is whether a particularly apt student with similar kinds of training might successfully meet the outcomes in one unit. The evaluation about outcomes belongs with the supervisor. Therefore, the following change has been made: Standard 312 “The curriculum for CPE Level II addresses the development and integration of pastoral formation, pastoral competence and pastoral reflection to a level of competence that permits students to attain professional certification and /or admission to Supervisory CPE. Level II curriculum involves at least two or more program units of CPE. The supervisor determines whether the student has completed Level II outcomes based on the student’s competence. The supervisor must document completion of Level II outcomes in the student’s final evaluation.”
SCC Common Standards Rationale: ACPE is part of the Spiritual Care Collaborative which developed Common Standards for Professional Chaplaincy. A way to recognize and support this work is to include these documents in the Level II Curriculum: Standard 312.8 “demonstrate awareness of the Spiritual Care Collaborative Common Standards for Professional Chaplaincy. Note: The ACPE Standards and Code of Ethics supersede these standards.” SCC Standards & Code of Ethics will be appendix to Standards Note: the former 312.8 has been renumbered to 312.9
Standards for Pre-Certification: 400 – 402.5 Need to establish guidelines for Supervisory Education Students admitted to Supervisory CPE but not yet officially in the Certification process (this process begins when the Certification Sub-Committee grants status as Supervisory Candidate)
Standard 400 Certification Individuals are progressively authorized to conduct clinical supervision through levels of certification from Supervisory Candidate to Associate Supervisor to ACPE Supervisor. Supervisory Education Students (SES) are accepted into programs of Supervisory CPE in preparation for certification as a Supervisory Candidate. • Rationale for Change • Need to establish standard for the role and function of Supervisory Education Students to provide for their learning and for learning of CPE Level I/ II Students • Need to establish standard for students accepted in Supervisory Ed programs before officially part of Certification process. (ACPE has had persons function in this place between acceptance into a program and prior to Certification for years– but no Standard to describe or define the practice)
Standard 401 Supervisory Education Practice Supervisory education involves the practice of supervision within limits set by the center’s supervisory education program and the requirements of certification in ACPE. Supervisory education practicum requirements apply to students enrolled in Supervisory CPE at both pre-candidate and candidate levels. • RATIONALE • The Supervisory Ed Center has responsibility to define its supervisory ed program so that the SES has resources and structures necessary to meet certification requirements • We now have “program standards” that define the minimum baseline that a center must meet to offer supervisory CPE (see 308.9)– this includes the practicum requirement (see 308.9.2, “The curriculum will include supervision of the student’s work, active participation in a supervisory student peer group, and individual or independent study related to the curriculum. “) • There are practicum requirements at both the SES and the Candidate level.
What are the limits of the SES’s role– how do we recognize that the SES “learns by doing” while also maintaining adequate supervision for CPE Level I/ II Students…. 401.1 A Supervisory Education Student’s practice of supervision is limited to those activities as described in the center’s supervisory education program curriculum. Supervisory CPE programs will demonstrate how Supervisory Education Students advance from observing the supervision of CPE to supervising defined program activities under direct observation by an ACPE authorized certified Supervisor • RATIONALE • Begin by observing • As judged ready by supervisor, lead in program activities, such as lecturing, co-visitation with patients, leading in role-play or case consult activities, or supervision of individual or group sessions • Under direct observation of an ACPE Supervisor • The goal is for an SES to move towards Candidacy, and towards greater responsibilities and more freedom, as quickly as possible.
Definition of Terms • Supervisory Observation-- a primary supervisor’s viewing of a supervisory student’s clinical supervisory work is important for that student’s learning and for the protection of pastoral care students and the persons to whom they minister. • Supervisory observation can be provided for the work of an SES in a CPE (Level I/ Level II) curriculum through direct observation: • the supervisor’s physical presence, or • viewing/listening in real time electronically or through a one-way mirror. • Supervisory observation for the work of a Supervisory Candidate in a CPE (Level I/ Level II) curriculum can include these direct observation methods as well as indirect observation: • conjoint analysis of videotapes; or • thorough review of Supervisory Candidate’s process notes of student encounters; or • examination and feedback of transmitted videoconferences.
Authorization to supervise students is a function of the Certification Commission– prior to Candidacy, the SES is not authorized to supervise 401.2 Supervisory Education Students may observe supervision and begin assisting with limited elements of a CPE (Level I/Level II) program based on their development. Prior to certification as Candidate, Supervisory Education Students may not serve as a CPE (Level I/Level II) student’s supervisor.
401. 3 The supervisory education practicum for Candidates will involve the development and conduct of programs of CPE (Level I/Level II) under supervision. • RATIONALE • Once certified, the Supervisory Candidate takes on the learning and the doing of CPE, under supervision • Writing curriculum • Engaging theory and practice of pastoral supervision • Beginning Individual and Group Supervision
Standard 402 Pre-Certification: Preparation for Candidacy (Readiness Consultation) • Formal Requirements include: • 402.1 current ACPE clinical membership; • 402.2 satisfactory completion of four units of CPE (Level I/Level II) (Standard 400); • 402.3 acceptance in to an ACPE accredited program of Supervisory CPE. • Corresponds with 2005 Formal requirements for Candidate, 401ff • 402.4 pre-certification consultation addressing the student’s readiness to enter supervisory CPE, plans for the educational program, and theological foundation for providing pastoral care. This consultation should occur either before or within six months of being accepted into an ACPE accredited program of Supervisory CPE. • New Standard: defines purpose of Readiness consultation– puts this long standing practice into a Standard. • 402.5 Supervisor responsible for Supervisory CPE must be a certified ACPE Supervisor.
Other Additions to 400 Standards • 407.5 • 408.6
407.5 enrollment in an ACPE Center that is accredited for Supervisory CPE program whenever supervising CPE (Level I/Level II) students. • RATIONALE • Accreditation has found that students have been in supervisory training in Centers that have not sought accreditation for offering Supervisory CPE– this standard seeks to clarify that situation.
408.6 demonstrates collegial competence. RATIONALE • Collegial competence has been cited in the Certification Manual explicitly since 2005, and listed on the Committee Action Reports since then, but has not been adequately defined in Standards. • In the definition of terms, define collegial competence as: collaborates with colleagues as relative equals, respecting their dignity, gifts and depth while honoring one’s own.
APPENDIX 2Common Standards for Professional Chaplaincy • Appendix 2 has been added so that Common Standards for Professional Chaplaincy can be referenced. • See new Standards 307.6.4 & 312.8 • Note: The ACPE Standards and Code of Ethics supersede these standards.