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MANAJEMEN NEWS ROOM TELEVISI. Oleh : Dr. Ishadi S.K., M.Sc . Direktur Utama TRANS TV. Maximum effort to gain for VALUE. Via 1. Corporate Governance. 2. Common understanding of Business Principles. 3. Be aware of The Element of Change. 4. Ambition – full throtle.
MANAJEMEN NEWS ROOM TELEVISI Oleh : Dr. Ishadi S.K., M.Sc. Direktur Utama TRANS TV
Maximum effort to gain for VALUE. Via 1. Corporate Governance. 2. Common understanding of Business Principles. 3. Be aware of The Element of Change. 4. Ambition – full throtle. 5. Ultimate Goal of Para Group. 6. Communications among all Para Group staff. THE Vision
MAJOR QUESTION… What are YOU looking for ?
VALUE “The higher VALUE you have, The more BENEFIT you gain, such as, salary, self esteem, prestige, appreciation, recognition, facilities, network, and additional income…” Since You are not part of the share holders, your investment is VALUES. These VALUES will raise Your current position, hopes, and future.
Your asset is YOURSELF. Therefore You should consistently develop Your values by increasing Your knowledge, capacity, skills, and productivity. OPINION… CORPORATE VALUES: If You work hard for the benefit of Your company, it will have a better value which will raise the values of people working within the company. So that individual values & corporate values support and complement one another
EXAMPLES OF PEOPLE WITH GREAT INDIVIDUAL VALUES.. Rosihan Anwar, Mochtar Lubis, Jakob Oetama, Dahlan Iskan, Azrul Ananda, Chairul Tanjung, Wishnutama, Prof. Grace Ugut, Mozart, Beethoven, Tiger Woods, Madonna, Mick Jagger, Stefi Graaf, George Welsh, Tom Cruise, Rudi Hartono, Kris Dayanti, Alan Budi Kusuma, Ananda Nicola, Effendi Gozali Andi Mallarangeng, Dino Patijalal, Hinca Panjaitan, Quintos-Gonzales,
II. BUSINESS PRINCIPLES • Finding new business opportunities • Implementing a better business among existing businesses • Always try to increase revenue and reduce cost to achieve high efficiency resulting in the form of profit margin to expand business, reinvestment, dividend, and bonus. • Working hard, working hard, working hard • Avoid establishment, spur adrenaline to stay creative
“Always think ‘out of the box’ to become number One and A Global Player” IV. AMBITION PARA GROUP consists of 3 Pillars: • Finance and Banking: Bank Mega, Bank Mega Syariah Indonesia, Mega Capital Indonesia, Mega Life, Para Multi Finance, Mega Insurance • Energy, Mining, and Agro-Business • Transcorp: TV, radio, print, multimedia; Property: Para Bandung Propertindo; Telecommunication; Hotel & Resort; Bandung Supermal; Lifestyle: Coffee-Bean; Mahagaya; Trans Studio; Airlines: Luxurious Trans Airlines.
III. THE ELEMENTS OF CHANGE “Everything changes, except change itself…” CHANGE is absolute. Those who anticipate change will surely win the competition. The keys are: 1. Broad vision 2. Developing knowledge based management by sharing among individuals within the corporation so that every decision is taken from in-depth discussions between all internal elements. 3. Expertise in IT among all staffs since technology makes it possible for us to know the change in progress and the upcoming change. 4. Environmental culture in order that employees work with high spirit and full hearted, such as behave, sincere, helpful, smile, being polite and friendly.
V. COMMUNICATION • Every staff must become a PR for the whole corporation by maintaining good attitude, language, and behavior in order to develop a good corporate image. • Communication of the corporation consists of: • Intra-communication Good communication between employers and employees; vertical-horizontal communication. All staffs must understand the goals, situation, and condition of the company so that they will have a sense of belonging. • Inter-communication The capability of the corporation to build a good image and communication with external elements i.e. Business Partners, Public, Government, Legislative, Political Elite Groups, Academic Persona, and International Relations.
“ BROADCAST ”Budaya dan Pengaruh Barat BROADCAST as BUSINESS INSTITUTION Padat modal Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat cepat Menjadi ajang pemasaran produk
“ BROADCAST ”Budaya dan Pengaruh Barat BUSINESS DEFINITION BROADCAST as • Marketing rules the show • Konsep rating • Pendekatan memuaskan penonton (Uses and Gratification)
Program content Program lay-out Program Promotion Program Montage Program Structure Program Quality Audio Video Program Technology “ BROADCAST ”Budaya dan Pengaruh Barat COMPETITION in BROADCAST INDUSTRY
Program’s Name Program’s Format Program’s Rhythm / Tempo Program’s Style Program’s Color Program’s Content “ BROADCAST ”Budaya dan Pengaruh Barat TELEVISION PROGRAMME
POSISI INDUSTRI MEDIASebelum dan Sesudah Reformasi TAHUN 1997 TAHUN 1999 MEDIA Perusahaan Tiras (jutaan) Perusahaan Tiras (jutaan) SKH 79 5,0 299 4,8 TABLOID SKM 88 5,0 886 6,9 MAJALAH 114 4,3 491 4,1 BULETIN 8 na 11 11 MEDIA CETAK 289 14,4 1.687 15,8 STASIUN TELEVSI 6 - 11 30 juta TV set STASIUN RADIO 740 + RRI - 1.100 + RRI - Sumber: Leo Batubara, Dewan Pers, 2001
Harus memiliki visi dan misi yang jelas. Harus melakukan study pasar: feasibility study yang comprehensive dan mendalam. Menyusun business plan yang akurat dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara detail. Mencari investor yang mempunyai pemahaman dan visi yang sama mengenai media massa. Manajemen Media Massa
Memiliki ketrampilan dan pemahaman bisnis khususnya perubahan teknik-teknik pemasarannya disesuaikan dengan target pembaca. Memberikan pengetahuan dasar dan pemahaman dasar mengenai prinsip-prinsip bisnis kepada seluruh wartawan dan lingkungan media yang akan diterbitkan. Setiap orang harus menjadi sales and marketing terhadap media tempat ia bekerja. Bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan positioning dalam bentuk memperoleh image dan audience yang cukup kuat. Lanjutan………….
Segera melakukan konsolidasi dan meningkatkan kualitas serta lebih mengetengahkan idealisme ketika media yang bersangkutan sudah cukup mampu untuk itu. Senantiasa mencari peluang baru di tengah persaingan yang ada dengan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi. Selalu konsisten didalam peningkatan kualitas dan pengembangan usaha serta konsiten dalam menjalankan good corporate governance. Lanjutan………….
SEPULUH KOMITMENWARTAWAN PROFESIONAL • HARUS SEORANG IDEALIS: punya komitmen kepada keadilan (fairness), kepedulian sosial dan hati nurani yang kuat. • HARUS SEORANG PATRIOT: cinta Merah Putih, bangga pada bangsa dan negara. • MENGHAYATI IDEOLOGI DAN KONSTITUSI NEGARA: mengerti, mengenal hukum dan UU R.I. • MEMPUNYAI MORAL YANG TINGGI: etika dan beragama. • MEMAHAMI DAN MENGHAYATI KULTUR BANGSA: mencintai kebudayaan Indonesia.
SUKA MEMBACA DAN MENULIS: khususnya buku-buku sastra dan sejarah. • MUDAH BERGAUL: mau mendengarkan orang lain, mau menimba illmu bahkan dari seorang bakul jamu atau sopir taxi. • JUJUR DAN TIDAK BERPRASANGKA: tidak mudah dipengaruhi oleh apapun dan siapapun. • PANDAI MENGEVALUASI DAN MENGANALISA: merangkai satu kejadian dan kejadian yang lain. • MEMPUNYAI RASA TANGGUNG JAWAB: siap menempuh resiko terburuk – hilangnya nywa atau hilangnya kebebasan.
Effective Date : Page : 29 Level Org. : 2/3 NEWS DIRECTORATE News Division Head Research Creative Development Bulletin & Current Affairs Department Head Magazine & Documentary Department Head Executive Producer Executive Producer Assignment Editor & Korda Section Head Anchor Section Head Producer Sekretariat Section Head Associate Producer = Generalist = Specialist
Rapat Mingguan (Divisi): Peserta : Seluruh Produser/Ass.Prod, EP, Kadep, Kadiv. Materi rapat : Evaluasi rating/share, Strategi program & persoalan divisi Rapat Internal Program (Masing2 program): Peserta : Produser/Ass.prod, EP/Kadep. Materi Rapat : Evaluasi program, strategi, timeline, pemilihan topic, angle, narasumber. Jadwal Rapat
Rapat Budgeting (siang/setiap hari) : Peserta: Produser/ass.prod, korlip & Korda, EP/Kadep. Materi rapat : Laporan dari proyeksi liputan dan pemilihan item untuk mengisi rundown hari itu; pengayaan tema dan pemilihan narasumber; update liputan. Rapat Evaluasi (sesudah program) Pkl. 17:30. Peserta : Korlip/Korda, Produser/Ass.prod, reporter & campers, EP/Kadep. Materi Rapat : Evaluasi siaran, evaluasi liputan, usulan liputan dan tema untuk esok. Rapat Perencanaan (Untuk siaran esok) Pkl 19:00 Peserta : Korlip/Korda, Produser, EP/Kadep. Materi Rapat : Perecanaan liputan esok, penentuan angle, topic dan narasumber. Khusus untuk Bulletin :
Dilakukan setiap enam bulan sekali. Tujuannya untuk penyegaran crew (menghindari kebosanan dan rutinitas); melihat potensi crew; kebutuhan program. Rolling lintas departemen (crew magazine berpindah ke bulletin, dan sebaliknya). Bisa juga rolling antar program di dalam departemen saja. Misalnya dari program Redaksi Sore berpindah ke Kupas Tuntas (kedua program tersebut adalah bagian dari departemen Bulletin & Current Affairs. Rolling Crew
Job Description Research & Program Development (R&PD) To analyze data based on Nielsen Media Research and other sources include unpredictable facts that influence competition. Mapping competition, trend audience mood, market intelligence and gathering information from competitors. Reporting result of daily, weekly, monthly, and annually analysis to News Director or Division Head as policy and decision making. Giving input and advises any information to Division Head as policy and decision making. Giving input and advises to Creative Meeting Member (CDG, Executive Producer and Producer, include each Creative Program Team below). StructurePosition &Responsibility
Job Description Creative Development Group (CDG) Gathering, developing and creating Creative Ideas. Maintenance recently creative ideas and programs. Presenting creative ideas to Division Head, Dept. Head, Executive Producer & Producer. Giving input and advises to Division Head, Dept. Head, Executive Producer & Producer. Manage Creative Ideas Database (CID) StructurePosition &Responsibility
Dalam melakukan fungsi dan tugas-tugas crew, divisi pemberitaan dibekali SOP. Misalnya : SOP Siaran Live, SOP Liputan di daerah konflik, SOP keselamatan liputan, SOP PTC (Piece to Camera), dsb S.O.P.(Standard Operating Procedure)
GOD BLESS You Thank You &