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22. UML Tools & Blueprints. CSE 5324 Quiz 21 due at 5 PM, Saturday, 18 October 2014. UML Tools & Blueprints. Objective: Define forward, reverse and round-trip engineering. Present IBM Rhapsody in C++ sales pitch ($45K gift). How to integrate UML sketches and tools. UML Tools & Blueprints.
22. UML Tools & Blueprints CSE 5324 Quiz 21 due at 5 PM, Saturday, 18 October 2014
UML Tools & Blueprints • Objective: • Define forward, reverse and round-trip engineering. • Present IBM Rhapsody in C++ sales pitch ($45K gift). • How to integrate UML sketches and tools.
UML Tools & Blueprints • UML sketches help us analyze and design software. • As a blueprint, UML guides designers in realizing requirements and coders in implementing the software design. It can even guide UML tools in automatically generating code, which programmers edit. • As a programming language, UML generates large segments of deliverable production code, or (rarely) replaces programmers altogether.
22.1 Fwd, Rvs, Round-Trip Engineering • According to Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool users, forward engineering is automatically generating code from UML diagrams. • Reverse engineering is automatically inferring UML diagrams from code. • And round-trip engineering is automatically generating either from the other as desired.
22.2, .3 & .5 UML Tool Features • Most UML tools are purchased for reverse engineering, and are used as learning aids. • That is, automatically generating UML package, class and interaction diagrams help understand large, poorly maintained legacy programs, before a new maintenance cycle. • Buy the best UML tool available (i.e., IBM’s Rhapsody). Your productivity will soar, and your company will make lots of money. The tool will quickly pay for itself. But do check out IBM’s competition before you buy at: www.ObjectsByDesign.com/tools/UMLtoolsbyCompany.html
22.4 Updating UML Sketches • Use the sketches to guide design and coding. • DO NOT update UML sketches after coding begins. • Instead, use your UML tool to reverse-engineer the tested code. • Automatically generate (already updated) high-quality UML diagrams, which will replace the outdated sketches.
R U O K ? Match the following terms with their definitions below. • CASE. __ • Forward engineering. __ • Reverse engineering. __ • Round-trip engineering. __ • UML sketch. __ • UML blueprint. __ • UML programming language. __ • Automatically generating code from UML and vice versa. • Automatically inferring UML diagrams from code. • Generates large segments of deliverable production code. • Guides designers in fulfilling requirements and coders in implementing a software design. • Automatically generating code from UML diagrams. • Helps analyze and design software. • Computer Aided Software Engineering tools, including UML tools.
R U O K ? 8. How do (most) people use UML tools? __ • They forward engineer UML diagrams into code, to avoid hiring programmers. • They do frequent UML-to-code and code-to-UML round trips, to quickly verify new design and code ideas. • They reverse engineer new code into UML diagrams, to avoid tedious design sketching. • They reverse engineer legacy code, to help understand it just before a maintenance cycle.
R U O K ? 9. What UML tool should your company buy and why? __ • Buy the new “UMLdraw,” tool because a major industrial firm recently replaced IBM’s obsolete Rhapsody tool with it. • Buy IBM’s expensive Rhapsody, because the best productivity enhancer pays for itself. • Buy the highest rated tool on Craig Larman’s tool shopper’s network, because he is an expert in the field. • Don’t buy a UML tool, because they “get in the way more than help” [Larman, bottom p.396].
R U O K ? 10. How should you update UML sketches? __ • Deliver your best white board design sketch to the coders as-is, • Let the coders deviate from it as they see fit, • And use a UML tool to automatically reverse engineer the fully tested code into as-built UML diagrams. • All of the above. • None of the above.
23. Elaboration Iter 2—More Patterns CSE 5324 Quiz 21 due at 5 PM, Saturday, 18 October 2014
Iteration 2—More Patterns • Objective: • Identify Iteration 2’s requirements. • Introduction: • Iteration 2 is like Iteration 1. • In Part 4, we examine more closely: • Essential object design. • Patterns’ impact on designs. • UML’s impact on visualizing models.
23.1 Iteration 1 to 2 Transition • Concluding Iteration 1: • All developed software is rigorously tested. • Customer engagement has clarified requirements and shown reassuring progress. • The (partial) system is integrated and stabilized as a configuration managed baseline internal release. • Beginning Iteration 2: • An iteration planning meeting resolves questions and identifies major second iteration tasks. • A UML tool produces quality design diagrams from (i.e., reverse engineers) iteration 1’s released code. • The User Interface’s usability analysis is underway. • Database modeling and implementation are ongoing. • A 2-day requirements workshop discovers the top 10% (i.e., highest risk and business value) to develop in iteration 2. Of the remainder, 80% are being explored.
23.2 Iteration 2’s Requirements • NextGen POS: • UI connections with 3rd-party external services’ APIs; e.g., tax calculators, accounting systems (in Supplementary Specification). • Complex pricing rules; e.g., Buy one get one free (from a previously identified Process Sale use case scenario). • GUI display of sale totals. • Monopoly Game: • Each player starts with $1500, plus $200 for passing Go. • After landing on the Go-To-Jail square a player goes to jail, …but is simply released on the very next move. • A player pays the greater of $200 or 1% of net worth, after landing on the Income-Tax square. • One scenario cannot be split, but the many scenarios of one use case may be split among many iterations, so that the system continually grows.
R U O K ? 11. Which of the following does NOT happen at the conclusion of Elaboration Iteration 1? __ • The developed software is rigorously tested. • The engaged customer has clarified requirements and is happy about the developers’ progress. • Configuration Management has internally released a baseline partial system. • A 2-day requirements workshop discovers the highest risk and highest business value 10% of the remaining requirements.
R U O K ? 12. Which of the following does NOT happen at the beginning of Elaboration Iteration 2? __ • An iteration planning meeting resolves questions and identifies major 2nd-iteration tasks. • A UML tool produces high quality design diagrams from (i.e., reverse engineers) iteration 1’s released code. • The User Interface’s usability analysis is underway. • Database modeling and implementation are ongoing. • The partial system gets released internally as a baseline. • A 2-day requirements workshop discovers the top 10% of (i.e., the highest risk and business value) the remaining requirements to develop in iteration 2. Of the new remainder, 80% are being explored.
R U O K ? 13. How are use cases split among iterations? __ • One use case scenario cannot be split among many iterations. • Many scenarios of one use case may be split among many iterations. • Divide up the work, most important first, so that the system continually grows. • All of the above. • None of the above.