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Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section. TOEFL Reading Review August 9, 2009 at 4 PM Eastern Time, Online, in the Virtual Classroom Sign up at: http://professor-snydertoeflprep.blogspot.com/2009/07/toefl-test-preparation-series-begins.html Contact:. eslexcellence@aol.com 516 642 6007.
Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section TOEFL Reading Review August 9, 2009 at 4 PM Eastern Time, Online, in the Virtual Classroom Sign up at: http://professor-snydertoeflprep.blogspot.com/2009/07/toefl-test-preparation-series-begins.html Contact: eslexcellence@aol.com 516 642 6007
Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section • Learning Objectives: • · Understand Context clues • Use context clues, to respond to and analyze literature. • Using Context Clues • If you do not know the meaning of a word, read the sentences around the word to try to figure out the meaning of the vocabulary word. Focus on how to use clues in reading to help you better understand what you read.
What are context clues? Context clues are clues in any piece of literature that help you figure out what an unfamiliar word means. Is there something in the sentence already that helps you figure out an unfamiliar word? For instance, if you’re reading an instruction manual on assembling a cabinet, then you can assume that any technical terms you come across will either be tools or parts for the cabinet. Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section Use Context Clues
Using Context Clues When you come to an unfamiliar word, ask yourself, “Is there a word nearby that could mean the same thing?” Take this sentence, for example: When she realized she had toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her shoe, she was utterly mortified and completely embarrassed. From the way that sentence reads, you might guess that mortified and embarrassed are similar words. By the way, when two words have a similar meaning, they are called synonyms. Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section
Using Context Clues What is the topic of the sentence? Does that topic give you a clue about what the word means? For example: When dealing with depression, many people describe their mood as melancholy. If I’m not sure what melancholy means, I can at least guess that it has to do with sadness since the topic is depression. Keep in mind that your guesses may not always be right, but they’ll give you direction in figuring out meaning. Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section
Using Context Clues Does the sentence give a hint about what the word is similar to or different from? Although she was once happy and content, she now found herself with a surly attitude. The word although clues me in that two concepts are being contrasted, so I can guess that surly means the opposite of happy and content. Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section
Is there an action or description that helps you see what the word means? The carpenter used a jigsawto make a round edge on the table. If you can use these clues, you can make a pretty good guess at what a word means. Try reading the sentence with your new meaning in mind to see if it makes sense. Jigsaw- a power saw for curves. A machine saw with a narrow blade used for cutting curves and shapes. Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section Using Context Clues
Using Context Clues Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section Finally, reading is just like exercise. You have to use your muscles to develop them. If you hate reading and you never read, then guess what: reading will always be hard for you. If you try to overcome it, like a runner who runs one more mile every day until she can work up to a marathon, you’ll find that reading will become easier and easier. Start with things you like—magazine articles, comic books, etc.—and try reading out loud. The more you do it, the stronger your reading muscles will get!!!
GREAT HGH INTEREST SHORT READING LESSONS THAT WILL HELP YOUR CRITICAL READING SKILLS IMPROVE! THE MORE YOU READ, THE MORE YOU LEARN, THE MORE YOUR READING MUSCLES STRENTHEN! Critical Reading: The Perfect Wife and Mother! http://www.scribd.com/doc/17015742/Critical-Reading-The-Perfect-Wife-and-Mother-Thanksgiving-Day-Activities-Gerunds-Verbs-Become-Nouns-With-Audios Ghandi Packet: Reading Comprehension, Grammar, http://www.scribd.com/full/17217263?access_key=key-iyamf0z37tkpc4plfss Mother Teresa Reading Comprehension Lesson and Audio http://www.scribd.com/full/17097542?access_key=key-2tbm5177d6agvzz8vwk Flight to Freedom From Cuba to the USA: Reading http://www.scribd.com/full/17188687?access_key=key-q9xjycm8pbrfwouq1ik Multilevel Reading Comprehension Curriculum: Dr. King http://www.scribd.com/doc/17192389/Multilevel-Reading-Comprehension-Curriculum-Dr-King-Day-Lessons-and-Audio High Interest Advanced Level Reading: Tuskegee http://www.scribd.com/full/17197392?access_key=key-qbg6q4kzhytfu26ljv1 High Interest Reading: Nelly Bly Exposing the Truth http://www.scribd.com/doc/17212810/High-Interest-Reading-Nelly-Bly-Exposing-the-Truth
Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section USE CONTEXT CLUES TO HELP YOU FIND THE MEANING OF NEW WORDS! TOEFL Reading Review August 9, 2009 at 4 PM Eastern Time, on line, in the virtual classroom. Sign up at: http://professor-snydertoeflprep.blogspot.com/2009/07/toefl-test-preparation-series-begins.html Contact: eslexcellence@aol.com 516 642 6007
Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section Professor Snyderhttp://eslexcellence.blogspot.com http://eslexcellence.googlepages.comhttp://www.talkshoe.com/tc/21274http://eslexcel.com/default.aspxhttp://www.scribd.com/people/documents/14417929-professor-snyder?popular=1http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/ESLEXCEL/About-Me http://professor-snydertoeflprep.blogspot.com/2009/07/toefl-test-preparation-series-begins.htmlhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/eslexcelhttp://www.slideshare.net/ESLEXCELhttp://www.wiziq.com/tutor-profile/46752-professor-snyder-esl-teacherESL FLYER TEACHER EDITION:http://docs.google.com/View?id=dccvpvzb_745c2dn2sfxhttp://excelteachertraining.googlepages.com/home KEEP STUDYING HARD!
Test Tips for the TOEFL Reading Section KEEP STUDYING HARD! TOEFL TEST PREP SIGN UP NOW! http://professor-snydertoeflprep.blogspot.com/2009/07/toefl-test-preparation-series-begins.html eslexcellence@aol.com 516 642 6007 START YOUR READING LESSONS NOW! http://www.scribd.com/people/documents/14417929-professor-snyder?popular=1