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Intellectual Disability or Mental Retardation

Intellectual Disability or Mental Retardation. KNR 270. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES. Intellectual disability (Mental retardation) Cerebral palsy Epilepsy Autism. Intellectual Disability. More frequently used outside US Increasing use in US

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Intellectual Disability or Mental Retardation

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  1. Intellectual Disability or Mental Retardation KNR 270

  2. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES • Intellectual disability • (Mental retardation) • Cerebral palsy • Epilepsy • Autism

  3. Intellectual Disability • More frequently used outside US • Increasing use in US • AAMR (American Association on Mental Retardation) is now AAIDD (American Association on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities) • 1/2007 • 7-8 million in US • 1% of total population • 1/10 families impacted • U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Service • Other sources: 3% of total population • Carter, Van Andel, & Robb, 2003

  4. MENTAL RETARDATION DEFINITION • Significantly subaverage intellectual function • Concurrent with limitations in adaptive skills • 2 or more • Manifested before 18 • Person/environment interaction • Similar definition APA in DSM-TR IV & AAMR

  5. Communication Home living Using community resources Work Free time Academic achievement Self-care Self-direction Social & interpersonal skills Health Safety Adaptive Skills

  6. MENTAL RETARDATION (old)Functional Levels • %AAMREDUCATORS • 89% 55-70 mild 50-75 educable (EMR) • 6% 40-55 moderate • 3.5% 25-40 severe 25-50 trainable (TMR) • 1.5% 0-25 profound 0-25 profound

  7. MENTAL RETARDATION (New) • Functional level • Mild • Moderate • Support level (resources/strategies) • Intermittent: As needed • Limited: Short time intervals • Extensive: Regular basis in some environments • Pervasive: Consistent

  8. Mental Retardation • Many causes • 3 major causes • Fetal alcohol syndrome • Down syndrome • Fragile X syndrome • 1/3 causes unknown • Prolonged labor • Low birth weight • Older mothers • Shaken baby syndrome

  9. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome • Caused by mother drinking • Mental & physical birth defects • Growth deficits • Central nervous system dysfunction • Behavioral maladjustments • Fetal Alcohol Effect is less severe set of same symptoms • www.jau.wvu.edu

  10. Fragile X Syndrome • Hereditary • Range of severity • May have behavioral disorders • May have speech & language delays • Trouble processing sounds, sight, smell, sensations, • Do not like to be touched • More severe in males

  11. Down Syndrome • Genetic (extra genetic material from 21st chromosome) • Flaccid muscles / motor problems • Small fingers and hands /coordination problems • Large tongues & small mouth /language problems • Congenital heart defects (40-45%) • Lung problems • Obesity • Stubborn (central nervous system)

  12. Down Syndrome • Hearing deficits (60-80%) • Premature aging • Early onset Alzheimer’s (age 40) • Atlantoaxial instability (10-20%) • Excessive movement in C1/C2 joint • Doctor’s clearance for SO/sports • Not involve in gymnastics, diving, butterfly swimming stroke, soccer, etc.

  13. Co-Existing Conditions • Cerebral Palsy • Seizure Disorder • Vision Impairment • ADHD • More severe, more likely to have co-existing

  14. Suggestions for Considerations/Accommodations?

  15. Considerations/Accommodations • Assess functional level • Small concrete steps (task analysis) • Allow more time to complete tasks • Repetition • Practice time • Modeling (Demonstrate vs. describe) • Age appropriate • Skills & staff interaction • No baby talk

  16. Considerations/Accommodations • Have high expectations • May learn slowly • Teach to generalize skills to different environments • Routines • Praise • Facilitate social interaction & appropriate social behaviors • Encourage physical activity • Best Buddies • Others?????

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