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Water Resources in a Changing Climate (Strategic Plan - http ://www.webs.uidaho.edu/epscor/IDSP_Oct_2009 .pdf)

Water Resources in a Changing Climate (Strategic Plan - http ://www.webs.uidaho.edu/epscor/IDSP_Oct_2009 .pdf). Idaho Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), 2008-2013. Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) (Not just another “research grant”). Personnel

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Water Resources in a Changing Climate (Strategic Plan - http ://www.webs.uidaho.edu/epscor/IDSP_Oct_2009 .pdf)

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  1. Water Resources in a Changing Climate(Strategic Plan - http://www.webs.uidaho.edu/epscor/IDSP_Oct_2009.pdf) Idaho Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), 2008-2013

  2. Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) (Not just another “research grant”) • Personnel • Research • Hydroclimatology • Ecological Change • Economic and Policy • Cyberinfrastructure • Diversity/Outreach/Comms • Management/Stewardship • Sustainability

  3. Personnel The Research Team

  4. Personnel The Research Team – Group Leaders / Institutional Liaisons

  5. Personnel The Research Team – Junior Faculty

  6. Personnel Adding Intellectual Capacity New Faculty Hires Spatial econometrician (BSU) Kelly Cobourn Water resource engineer (BSU) Arturo Leon Climatologist (UI) John Abatzoglou Regional scientist (UI) Tim Frazier Water resource engineer (UI-Boise) Interviewing now… Soil scientist (ISU – Yr 3) Ecosystem ecologist (BSU – Yr 3) Spatial analyst/hydrologist (ISU – Yr 4) Water policy specialist (UI – Yr 4) Ecosystem services analyst (UI – Yr 4) Start-up Augmentation Hydrology Alejandro Flores Ag. Economics Levan Elbakidze Riparian Ecology Alex Fremier Soil Science Robert Heinse

  7. Main study areas to be used in the Idaho Research Infrastructure Improvement effort. Research • Research • Two major river basins in Idaho — the Snake River Plain (Snake) and the Salmon River Basin (Salmon) —are being used as “natural laboratories.” • Both of these areas have national significance. • The Snake and the Salmon provide complementary, yet contrasting study areas: • The Snake is a highly managed system heavily influenced by humans. • The Salmon is much less managed and contains some of the most pristine rivers in the U.S. • Research from these basins directly applies to similar systems in the western U.S. • Worked with the Climate Impacts Group at UW on this science plan.

  8. Innovation for Idaho:Water Resources in a Changing Climate2008-2013 MISSION: The Idaho EPSCoR program, Water Resources in a Changing Climate, embodies a vigorous integrated program of research, education and outreach that focuses on understanding the effects of climate change on water resources, the impact of these effects on ecological, human, and economic systems, and public engagement and enlightenment.

  9. Research • Hydro-climatology: Water Resources in the Snake and Salmon River Basins • (Core Infrastructure in Hydro-climatology) • Improve hydrologic modeling in Idaho by incorporating new measurements of the surface energy and mass balance. • Explore connections between surface water and groundwater in the Snake River Plain. • Understand how projected climate change might affect the timing and magnitude of mountain snow packs and snowmelt. • Ecological Change: Effects of Climate Change on Natural Ecosystems • (Integration of Hydrology and Ecological Change in the Salmon River Basin) • Compile legacy datasets related to long-term physical and ecological change. • Predict shifts in natural ecosystems as a response to future climate change. • Explore the complex, integrated relationships between climate, hydrology, fire, insects, ecology, and changing landscapes. • Economic and Policy Modeling: Ramifications of Future Change on Economics and Policy • (Integration of Hydrology and Economic/Policy Modeling in Snake River Plain) • Develop adaptive and mitigation strategies to deal with changes in the timing and variability of water supply on land use, economic production, urban growth, and water management. • Determine how changes in water availability affect conjunctive use of water and the relative value of surface water and groundwater rights.

  10. Cyberinfrastructure Goal 1 – Cyber-collaboratory Develop and utilize a cyber-collaboratory to increase ease, frequency, and quality of communication among project participants and collaborators. Goal 2 – Time Series and Point Observations Coordinate and develop a comprehensive time series and point observation data management and sharing system appropriate to research within the RII theme as well as future and parallel statewide research. Hydrologic Information System HIS) Goal 3 – Geospatial and Remotely-Sensed Data Coordinate and improve a comprehensive processing, management and sharing system for geospatial and remotely-sensed data that meets critical needs of researchers. INSIDE Idaho • Please Note: • Active state-wide CI Working Group • Development of CI Plan for water resources and climate change in Idaho • Successful Track 2 proposal for additional CI • Data Manager at Water Center in Boise to build upon existing HIS and IEWN archives

  11. Water Resources in a Changing Climate Questions ? Idaho Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), 2008-2013

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