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Explore the multidisciplinary area of research on sustainability and the 17 SDGs goals. Learn why equality, gender empowerment, and action are crucial for a sustainable future. Discover how a clean environment is essential for well-being and the role of economics in promoting environmental care.
Multidisciplinary Area of Research on Sustainability – UNI LyceeBarthet, 23 May 2019 Dr. Tiziana Tamborrini, https://mars.uni.lu
The 17 SDGs Goals, whatarethey? ImprovingWellBeingfor All Interdisciplinarity ReducePovertyand Hunger Equality Sustainability Gender Empowermentand Action Take care ofour Planet as a pricelessandirrepleaceblegift Take actionsforthe Common Goodandbecome a citizenofour Society
The Agenda 2030 In July 2015 Member States set an Agenda that covers all the important dimensions of human wellbeing and commit to a model of development that is Sustainable, Equal and accessible to All.
A Sustainable Development for All A model of social and economic development that is Sustainable improves living conditions in the present without compromising the resources of future generations.
WellBeingfor All Every person has the freedom to fulfil his/her own rights as human being in the respect of the rights of the other human beings of present and future generations, including the other living beings in our planet.
Equality and Justice go necessarily together with a cleaner environment Economists have studied this relationship • They discovered that the more equal is a society the more we will take care of our environmentand we will support policy in favour of the environment. • A clean and preserved environment will mitigate the living conditions of the poorest and less rich people who usually are the most affected by pollution, natural resources degrade such as climate-related extreme events (flood and droughts).
Interdisciplinary All is a cycle, waste is input for other life cycles, a SEED for other PLANTS, all is linked Learn from the Ecosystem and apply it to: • The way we produce and consume: closing the loop • The way we learn, study and do research: transdisciplinary and complex thinking
WhatdoesPovertymean? Ishim/her fault? Whenwecansayoneispoor? Can we do anything? Isoneborn Poor by Nature Can wesaythatis just a matter of Money? Whataboutotherdimensions?
A Minimum Income tomeetbasic Needs isnecessary • Economists have set the Poverty Line at the level of $1.90 per day whichistheminimumincomenecessarytoensure a basicnutrientsintakeandfulfill essential needs • Did you know that: • 10.2 % of the populationlive in monetary poverty? • 783 million people live below the international poverty line of US$1.90 a day • Globally, one in nine people in the world today (815 million) are undernourished • Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45 per cent) of deaths in children under five – 3.1 million children each year. • Almost every fourth person in the EU — 23.7 % of the population — is at risk of poverty or social exclusion?
THINK! Other Dimensions matter forour WELL BEING Whatifyouwould not have: • Clean andsafewater; • Clean energyandtransportations; • Food ofgoodquality; • A decentjob; • Medical carecoverageforgooddoctorsandhospitalsanda pensionforyouroldage;
Whatifyouwould not have: • Care andsupportoffamilyandcommunitytofeelappreciatedandgrowconfident; • Basic educationaland professional skillstolookfor a jobandfeelconfident in yoursocialcommunity; • Clean andniceareaaroundyourhome, insteadof a dirtypollutedfactory, whichwouldmakeyoubreathing all daypoisoninggases; • The freedomandtheknowledgetopartecipatetothecivil-politicallifeofyourcity…….
Whythe Environment is so importantForourWellBeing? Whatdoesitprovidetousthatwecan not do without? Why Vulnerable peoplearethemostaffectedbyClimate Change? Am I also a vulnerablepeople? Whatisthe so called `tragedyofthecommons‘? Whatarethey?
A clean Environment Important dimension of our well being • Essential material and energy resources; • Ecosystem services to support our life on earth; • Sinking functions to absorb the waste produced by our economy and our daily life; • Pricelesssource of recreation, beauty, spiritual values, and other amenities.
We are all globally linked, human and living beings, across frontiers Isthewaywedressaffectingotherlivingbeings? Isthewayweeataffectingotherlivingbeings? Isthewaywechoosetobefashionaffectotherlivingbeings? ….. Isthewaywemoveandtravelaffectingotherlivingbeings ……. ……
Who/whatmademygoodies? Most ofourneededresourcescomefrompoorworkingconditionsandnaturalresourcesexploitation
Where all myWasteisgoing? Poor countries areoftenthemainrecipientofwastewecan not handle
Equality and Justice go necessarily together with a cleaner environment Do youknowthat: • In the last yearinequalityhassharpeneddramatically. • Women and vulnerable groupsarethemosteffectedby environmental degrade
How Women contributeto a moreSustainableandEqualSociety? • Water • Education • Care • Complexthinking Nurturing • Peacekeeper
ACT NOWEthicscan not waitfor Politics Individual changematterssinceit will eventually bring importantsystemicchanges: • Startingfromone‘sowngoodqualitiescanbring a positive changeforthe Common Good; • Developingcommitment, sharingandsolidarietystartingfromone‘sowncommuntiy; • Beingcitizenforthe SDGs in thecivilandpoliticallife.