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Flood clustering, insurance, and a bit of sediment mixed in! Emma Raven Willis Research Fellow in Hazard and Risk , IHRR, Durham University February 21 st 2011. Water and Me! . Emma Water house. BSc / MSc: fluvial studies / catchment dynamics.
Flood clustering, insurance, and a bit of sediment mixedin! Emma RavenWillis Research Fellow in Hazard and Risk,IHRR, Durham UniversityFebruary 21st 2011
Water and Me! Emma Waterhouse BSc / MSc: fluvial studies / catchment dynamics PhD: sediment / fluvial geomorphology / flood risk Extra-curricular water interest Fellowship: insurance / extreme floods / rainfall / clustering JBA: reinsurance / floods / cat modelling
Seminar Overview • Part 1: River Flow Clustering for UK Insurance Risk Analysis • Reinsurance / Willis Research Network; • Background: flood-risk stats (stationary vs. trends vs. cycles); • Methodology: discharge rather than rainfall; • Characterising clusters: visual / statistical; • Potential atmospheric links / future research needs. • Part2: Interactions Between Sediment, Engineering and Flood Risk in Gravel-Bed Rivers • The importance of sediment for flood risk; • Background; • Results from fieldwork; • Overview of model; • Model scenarios.
Part 1: Characterising High River Flow Clustering in UK Rivers
Reinsurance Willis Reinsurance Group Reinsurers 20,000 associates 400 offices 100 countries USD 11 billion in premiums & USD 5 trillion of exposed global risk protected every year Insurers risk transfer Clients Willis are a global reinsurance intermediary – need to understand extreme risks
The WRN and Durham funding / steering Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience research applications Improve knowledge and understanding of extreme events Making a difference to how we live with hazard and risk • Core Flooding Questions • what factors drive floods (characteristics of rainfall patterns from summer 07)? • what problems do short-records cause for analysis? • do floods occur in decadal-length temporal clusters? • can we quantitatively characterise these clusters? methods to help clients identify and quantify their risk exposure academic outputs: journals / teaching
Stats and Short Term Trends Flood risk analysis / management require quantitative statistics: Return Intervals / Probabilities. DATA: UK river flow data is now widely available (National River Archive) - predominantly post 1960. River Severn at Bewdley (photo & data) stationary trending cyclic Long-historical data sets are essential.
Problematic Probabilities Return Interval = years/rank Probability = 1/RI
Problematic Probabilities • Return Interval = years/rank • Probability = 1/RI • 1990-2010: 19 years / 3 flows • RI = 6.3 years Prob. = 16% • 1980-2010: 29 years / 3 flows • RI = 9.6 years Prob. = 10.4% • 1900-2010: 109 years / 20 flows • RI = 5.5 years Prob. = 18% As record length increases, probability changes - influences decisions.
Discharge Data • 22 longest flow records in UK; • created a Peak Over Threshold series for each; • RI of 1 in 1year, 2years, 4years; • 7-days between peaks. Circle diameter = catchment size POT eg: 100 year record: RI of 1year = top 100 flows; RI of 4years = top 25 flows
2007 What about Rainfall Records? • Length of record: UK monthly average rainfall series (Met Office): July data: 1960-2008 vs. 1766-2008 Type of record: July totals only vs. June & July totals average of 132 mm average of 145 mm
Linking Rain to River Flow Seasonal totals for Central England: 1920 - 2008 What measure of rain do you use – hourly intensity / weekly totals / seasonal totals? How do we account for runoff processes? Rain complex factors Flood-poor period Autumn 2000 floods 1947 Snowmelt floods River
Concerns Over Discharge Data Changes in catchment land-use? (1) we are more interested in the timing of peaks rather than their magnitude. (2) changes in land-use are likely to be manifest as trends rather than cycles. (3) with only ~20 catchments we can examine each for unusual changes (e.g. step change associated with regulation).
Clusters - Bubble Plots • south • north Methods of capturing clustering: flood frequency counts No. of peaks within a moving 5-year window. RI = 1 year Cycles not Trends Spatial Correlations FLOOD RICH FLOOD POOR
Time Between Peaks Quantitative clustering: individual event timing rather than associated year.
Clustering Statistics Dispersion Stat: a measure of the deviation of points in time from equi-dispersion. over- and under-dispersion Statistical measure of clustering
Applicability of Dispersion Stat. 10 synthetic POT series Dispersion stat. tells us that a series has clustering but not about its nature.
Box Plots Thames at Kingston Peak counts in moving window (1year – 40years); POT RI = 1 year; Red : twice as many floods as we would expect; Clustering is manifest over different time-scales and at different times-periods. Moving away from individual events.
Box Plots Peak counts in moving window (1year – 40years); POT RI = 1 year; Red : twice as many floods as we would expect; Clustering is manifest over different time-scales and at different times-periods.
Climatic Drivers of Clustering Summer 2007 Floods and the Jet Stream Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation River Lee But are catchment processes going to filter out the climate signal?
Challenges to Address • Spatial correlations - catchment size and location; • Advantages and difficulties associated with rainfall analysis (pluvial flooding); • Climatic influences –teleconnections / climate change? • Trends on top of clusters; • Clustering of other phenomena – windstorm, rainfall, droughts, landslides, banking collapse? • Application to risk management and the insurance industry – is clustering too complex to provide a product?
But what about the sediment? Part 2: Interactions between sediment, engineering and flood risk in gravel-bed rivers.
Sediment Morphology Interactions Processes in natural, unmanaged, sinuous upland gravel-bed rivers.
Interactions Provoking Management • High coarse sediment supply • In-channel deposition • Bank erosion • Channel capacity is maintained Loss in capacity Increased flood-risk CHANNEL MANAGEMENT too high too rapid Loss of land See Raven et al, (2010), PiPG 34, P23 for broad discussion Processes leading to channel management: levees, bank protection, gravel traps.
The Importance of Sediment • Sediment agg/deg can change channel capacity > flood risk > changing RI; • Sediment moved in large floods can end up deposited on flood plains: costly clear up; • Sediment can create problems for infrastructure - bridges, weirs; • Sediment is important for river aesthetics and habitat.
Combined Methodology Fieldwork: monitor channel change; monitor driving processes; explore interactions. (2) Modelling: develop, apply and test a model of channel change. • DATA • repeat cross-sectional surveys • bank erosion monitoring • sediment impact sensors • pebble counts / bulk samples • field surveys • bend velocity paths
The Upper Wharfe Study Reach upland-rural coarse gravel annual floods flashy managed meanders 12-30m wide exposed bars single thread bank erosion sinuous Yorkshire Dales, Northern England
Sediment and Overbank Flows 4-years of sediment accumulation = flood frequency, 2.6 times greater and overbank flow time increased by 12.8 hours. channel capacity, 02 channel capacity, 06 Raven et al. (2009) “The spatial and temporal patterns of aggradation…” , ESPL, 34, p23-45.
Modelling Framework time step Initial and boundary conditions Coupling a SRM model with a lateral channel change component; Three sub-models; Iterative scheme; Novel approach – lateral change using a split channel approach. updates Flow hydraulics Sediment transport Lateral channel change Output / results Raven et al. (online, early view, Jan 11), Hydrological Processes.
Coupling SRM with Lateral Change Q SRM: width-averaged Right bed elevation Left bed elevation LEFT SIDE hydraulics, shear stress, sediment transport, bed level change. RIGHT SIDE hydraulics, shear stress, sediment transport, bed level change. Splitting the cross-sectional geometrical representation in the model
Curvature and Lateral Change Curvature: shifts average shear τ > critical erosion τ = bank erosion τ < critical narrowing τ = bank narrowing Curvature and deeper flow = higher τ Bank erosion feeds back to lower flow depth and reduce shear stress Excess shear stress drives bank erosion
Preventing Lateral Change Curvature: shifts average shear Curvature and deeper flow = higher τ Hard Engineering Low critical shear = erodible banks High critical shear = protected banks Excess shear stress drives bank erosion
Model Calibration Downstream fining Steeper channel slope Model performance vs. field data
Scenarios: Benchmark Comparison > 0 bend is right turning, high shear on left τ high τ low L Bank protection R > 0 for bank erosion < 0 for bank narrowing Cross-sectional node 2-Years of Simulating the Actual River Conditions
Scenario 1: width change with protection Max BE: 0.4 m Max BE: 1.45 m
Scenario 1: width change with NO protection Max BE: 0.4 m • Further implications • changes in flow depth; • changes in shear stress distribution; • changes in the locations of sedimentation. • wider channel promoting in-channel deposition Max BE: 1.45 m Raises caution to restoration schemes
Scenario 2: Implementing Engineering Model Scenarios2: engineering a problematic reach severe bank erosion sediment accumulation • straighten a 350m reach (loss of 75m); • removes high curvature; • increases slope; • narrow and fix banks.
Scenario 2: Engineering Normal reach Engineered reach Bank erosion (m) Engineering simply shifts the problems (and makes them worse) up and downstream.
Part 2: Summary Sediment is important for flood risk and river management and also insurance; In-channel deposition can change RI / probabilities of flood events; The model’s split-channel approach and lateral change componentwas effective and allowed asymmetrical channel adjustment; Limitations remain – simplified geometry, fixed curvature, data. Scenarios raise caution to river management schemes that interfere with the sediment transfer system; This research supports a recommendation that managing sediment sources may be better than managing the after affects.
Emma Raven e.k.raven@durham.ac.uk IHRR Room 256