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Higher Education Funding and State Government. Presented to PADM 6800 State Government (Dr. Paul Harris) Spring 2007 By Braden J. Hosch, Ph.D. Overview. Population Change and Pressures on State Funding State Spending on Higher Education: The National Picture
Higher Education Funding and State Government Presented to PADM 6800 State Government (Dr. Paul Harris) Spring 2007 By Braden J. Hosch, Ph.D.
Overview • Population Change and Pressures on State Funding • State Spending on Higher Education: The National Picture • State Spending on Higher Education: A Case Study of South Carolina
Population Change US Population By Age and Sex, 1900 Female Male Source: U.S. Census Bureau - http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbpyr.html
Population Change US Population By Age and Sex, 1950 Female Male Source: U.S. Census Bureau - http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbpyr.html
Population Change US Population By Age and Sex, 2000 Male Female Source: U.S. Census Bureau - http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbpyr.html
Population Change US Population By Age and Sex, 2010 Male Female Source: U.S. Census Bureau - http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbpyr.html
Population Change US Population By Age and Sex, 2020 Male Female Source: U.S. Census Bureau - http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbpyr.html
Population Change US Population By Age and Sex, 2030 Male Female Source: U.S. Census Bureau - http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbpyr.html
Population Change US Population By Age and Sex, 2040 Male Female Source: U.S. Census Bureau - http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbpyr.html
Population Change US Population By Age and Sex, 2050 Male Female AnimatedLink Source: U.S. Census Bureau - http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbpyr.html
Implications of Population Change • Shift in budget priorities from education to health care • Shift in mission of higher education to provide continuing education throughout the lifespan *Source: U.S. Census Bureau - http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbpyr.html
Enrollment Growth and Appropriations In constant 2006 dollars, adjusted by Higher Education Cost Adjustment (HECA) Source: State Higher Education Finance FY 2006 (SHEEO, 2007)
Total Educational Revenue Per FTE In constant 2006 dollars, adjusted by Higher Education Cost Adjustment (HECA) Source: State Higher Education Finance FY 2006 (SHEEO, 2007)
Net Tuition as a % of Public Higher Education Total Educational Revenue Source: State Higher Education Finance FY 2006 (SHEEO, 2007)
Higher Education Appropriations in Southern States Source Notes: 1. Higher Education Support = State and local tax and nontax support for public and independent higher education. Includes special purpose appropriations for research-agricultural-medical. Source: SHEEO SHEF 2. Population and personal income data from U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Economic Analysis. 3. State and local tax revenues data from U.S. Census Bureau; lottery profits data from North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. Source: State Higher Education Finance FY 2006 (SHEEO, 2007)
South Carolina Higher Education Appropriations 2000-01 to 2006-07 Source: South Carolina Budget and Control Board, Historical Analysis, http://www.budget.sc.gov/webfiles/oo/historical/histana-web.pdf
South Carolina Tuition & State Appropriations, 1999-2005 Source: SC CHE. Chart excludes MUSC. State Appropriations Per FTE calculated using Fall FTE; dollars are not adjusted for inflation.
Undergraduate Tuition in Southern States Source: Southern Regional Education Board http://www.sreb.org/main/EdData/reports/DEHighlights06.pdf
State Funding Per FTE Student in Southern States Source: Southern Regional Education Board http://www.sreb.org/main/EdData/reports/DEHighlights06.pdf
Tuition Revenue Per FTE Student in Southern States Source: Southern Regional Education Board http://www.sreb.org/main/EdData/reports/DEHighlights06.pdf
Operating Expenditures Per FTE • Operating expenditures per FTE student have increased for comprehensive universities on average by just 0.5% annually between 1999 and 2003 in unadjusted dollars. Source: IPEDS Peer Analysis System. National Center for Education Statistics. Fall FTE from CHEMIS is used for the per FTE calculation.
Instruction & Academic Support • Expenditures for Instruction and Academic Support per FTE have increased at an annual rate of less than 2.75% for universities in the comprehensive teaching sector. Source: IPEDS Peer Analysis System. National Center for Education Statistics. Fall FTE from CHEMIS is used for the per FTE calculation.
Graduation Rates in South Carolina • Six-year graduation rates from SC comprehensive universities are among the highest in the region compared to similar institutions. Source: IPEDS Peer Analysis System. National Center for Education Statistics. Statistics are unweighted.
Degrees Conferred in Southern States Source: Southern Regional Education Board http://www.sreb.org/main/EdData/reports/DEHighlights06.pdf
Degrees Conferred Nationally Per State Resident (#1-25) Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education Almanac Issue 2006-07 53.1, August 25, 2006. Population Data are from the U.S. Census Bureau http://www.census.gov/popest/states/tables/NST-EST2006-01.xls
Degrees Conferred Nationally Per State Resident (#26-51) Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education Almanac Issue 2006-07 53.1, August 25, 2006. Population Data are from the U.S. Census Bureau http://www.census.gov/popest/states/tables/NST-EST2006-01.xls