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Welcome to the RTI for ELLs in Georgia: Research to Practice A professional learning webinar series Spring 2011. While you are waiting, please do the following: Enter/edit your profile information by going to: Tools - Preferences - My Profile…
Welcome to the RTI for ELLs in Georgia: Research to Practice A professional learning webinar series Spring 2011 • While you are waiting, please do the following: • Enter/edit your profile information by going to: • Tools - Preferences - My Profile… • Fill out the info on the “Identity” tab and click “OK” • To view the profile of another use, hover your mouse over his or her name in the Participants window • Configure your microphone and speakers by going to: • Tools – Audio – Audio setup wizard • Confirm your connection speed by going to: • Tools – Preferences – Connection speed
Questions and Answers To comment or ask a question: • Type your question in the chat section. • Make sure you send it to “this room” so that all participants can see your question. • GaDOE personnel will respond to your question.
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RTI for ELLs in Georgia: Research to Practice A professional learning webinar series Session 7 May 11, 2011, 3-4:30pm RTI for ELLs: Application & Implications
Welcome and Introductions • Gail DelGreco, REL-SE at SERVE Center at UNCG • Cori Alston, GaDOE • Carol Johnson, GaDOE • Randy Lee, GaDOE • Participants
Counting ALL Participants To officially “sign in” to this webinar: • Go to the Chat Window • Type your district name and school name or organization name • Type your name and the names of every person in attendance with you • Send it to “This Room”
Who are our participants? • Teachers PK-5 • Teachers 6-8 or 9-12 • ESOL/Title III coordinators, RTI/SST coordinators, or counselors • Building administrators • LEA Office, RESAs, or GaDOE • Post-secondary IHE • Other?
REGIONAL EDUCATION LABORATORY- SOUTHEAST (REL-SE) Serving AL, GA, FL, MS, NC, SC, 2006 – 2011 Executive Director, Dr. Ludwig van Broekhuizen Toll Free: 800-755-3277 www.serve.org Georgia liaison: Dr. Kim Anderson Operated by SERVE Center at UNCG
REL-SE’s MISSION To serve the educational needs of the Southeast, using applied research, development, dissemination, and training and technical assistance to bring the best available evidence and proven practices into local, district, state, and regional school improvement efforts
REL-SE Services • Outreach and Dissemination of Research, Evaluation, and Policy Info. = today’s event • Technical Assistance to SEAs and LEAs • “Issues & Answers” publications • Experimental Studies on interventions of relevance to our region • Quick Turnaround Data Analysis
Overview of the Series • Goal is to provide GA educators with increased knowledge of research and practice that can improve RTI for ELLs • Co-hosted by REL-SE and GaDOE, with support from USED Institute of Education Sciences (IES) • The 7 sessions build on trainings that GaDOE and REL-SE have been offering since 2008 • Addresses the GA RTI Guidance Manual and research-based practices for ELL instruction, intervention, assessment, and RTI • Sessions archived at GaDOE website
series overviewsession 1 session 2 session 3session 4 16
Where the series fitS in the EBDM Cycle (Evidence-Based Decision Making) 18
Session Goals • Discuss ELL interventions in light of the research and highlighted practices in the series. • Reflect upon the current status of RTI for ELLs across the state. • Challenge: Embedding ESOL instruction into the Common Core GPS • Next steps: Professional Learning – what will districts find most valuable?
AGENDA • Welcome and introductions • Overview and agenda • Series discussion/recap • Reflection on practices • Roll-out of the Common Core GPS • Next steps for Professional Learning in GA • Evaluation survey
Series Discussion / Recap What generalities did we learn about ELL instruction?
In what practical ways can state test data contribute to working with ELLs in the classroom?
How can we help content teachers improve assessments for their ELLs?
Reflect on Our Practices: What are the Challenges and Successes in our Districts? Let’s chat about what help we can provide to help you in your work with English Learners. Questions will be asked about how practices discussed in our sessions are applied in your school district. Share your input in the chat box. We will then explain what Professional Learning topics are “in the works” and use today’s input – from you! – to help guide us in developing offerings for the 2012 school year.
Content Instruction What challenges do regular education teachers face when instituting GENERAL “best practices”? In what ways do you help regular education teachers understand and use ELL strategies and modifications in their lessons? Do you face difficulties in delivering ESOL instruction? In what ways?
Literacy Interventions How can we use the Common Core concept of Literacy across the Curriculum to help our ELLs in the content areas? Is differentiated reading instruction truly taking place in Tier 1? If not, how can ESOL teachers help? In-depth vocabulary instruction is key to developing ELL literacy skills. To ensure this, what changes need to take place in our teaching practices?
Culturally Responsive Intervention Do classroom teachers take into account ELL students’ backgrounds? Is this impacting the number of ELLs with Special Ed referrals? There is limited research available on culturally-sensitive interventions. Have you discovered or implemented any unique interventions that appear to have helped your ELLs progress in their mainstream classrooms? In your opinion, where do you think we should focus training so that the RTI process is better implemented for ELLs?
Summative Assessment We learned that ACCESS Reading & Writing scores were strong predictors of content assessment scores in reading and writing, but also mathematics. Oral proficiency does NOT predict content performance…are our content teachers still struggling with this concept? How can we use this information to help content teachers make instructional decisions? How are ACCESS scores currently used in your district? What practices could be integrated into your district’s ESOL program that might help you work with teachers and students’ ACCESS results?
Formative Assessment Good formative assessment for ELLs “teases” language out of the content testing. Do our content teachers do this? Are they aware that this would help our ELLs show what they know? We learned about using methods (tasks) and strategies (cognitive complexity levels) to adapt assessments and how to develop a “toolkit” for adaptations. Think about where you might begin this process in your school (a grade level? a content area? by engaging administrators?) What steps would you need to take to get the “Adaptation Toolkit” off the ground? How can we at the DOE help you with this goal?
Content Instruction Literacy Interventions Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Our ELLs will blossom… ELLs Summative Assessment Culturally Responsive Intervention Summative Assessment
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) Professional Learning and Implementation Timeline CCGPS Contacts: Director of Curriculum - Pam Smith (pamsmith@doe.k12.ga.us) ELA Program Coordinator - Kim Jeffcoat (kjeffcoat@doe.k12.ga.us); Mathematics Program Coordinator - Sandi Woodall (swoodall@doe.k12.ga.us) March – June 2011 RESA ELA and Math Leaders to Facilitate District and School-level Orientation Ongoing – Resource development and enhancement September 21, 2011State-wide CCGPS meeting for educators and stakeholders provided by State School Superintendent, Dr. John Barge and GaDOE staff via Georgia Public Broadcasting January – March 2011K-12 grade by grade ELA and Mathematics teacher professional learning with live/interactive streaming via Georgia Public Broadcasting (Sessions will be recorded.) CDs with recorded sessions will be sent to each school Face-to-face professional learning and technical support for local districts/schools via RESA Mathematics and ELA mentors 2012-2013 Year 1 Implementation/Transition 2013-2014 Year 2 Implementation; Field Test 2014-2015 Year 3 Implementation and Common Assessment
Next Steps for Professional Learning • Collaborating with RESAs for extension of professional learning opportunities • Continue to offer Title III and ESOL related sessions at area conferences • Collaborating with Georgia’s ESOL professionals to highlight best practices in the classroom • Increased number of Elluminate webinars on topics of interest and importance
Potential Elluminate Topics • Best practices & instructional strategies for teaching ELLs in content classes • ELLs and Common Core Georgia Performance Standards • The importance of Academic Language • Providing a continuum of services for ELLs with disabilities
Potential Elluminate Topics • Introduction to WIDA English language proficiency standards • Integrating the WIDA Standards with Georgia Performance Standards to differentiate instruction for ELLs at varying levels of proficiency • Teaching content teachers how to modify their assessments for ELLs at varying levels of proficiency
Potential Elluminate Topics • Introduction to Title III & ESOL for new Title III Directors • Cross-cultural awareness and how it impacts teaching and learning • Cultural diversity • TransACT and parental communications • Programs and projects to increase parental involvement
Reflection and Q&A USE the CHAT BOX • What “big ideas” stand out for you from the presentation? Why? • How could you apply some of the info. from the presentation immediately in your classroom? • HOW CAN THIS SUPPORT RTI? • What questions do you have?
Concluding thoughts and evaluation • Kim: Implications of today for… • practice in GA • future professional learning topics • Randy: Evaluation survey— takes approx. 5 min. https://uncg.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_eg5zsVgCyPwSODG
Thank you for your participation! Our experts in the field have enjoyed sharing their research with you; we are grateful that you chose to spend your time with us!
Questions? Contact Info: • Cori Alston, GaDOE • calston@doe.k12.ga.us 404-656-2067 • Carol Johnson, GaDOE • cjohnson@doe.k12.ga.us 404-463-1858 • Dr. Kim Anderson, SERVE Center • kanderson@serve.org 404-657-6174