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ECAL Aprile 2007. Sommario. Problema MB, e soluzione Progresso nella integrazione e commissioning Risultati da test/commissioning 2006-2007 MTCC Test beam H2 Test beam H4 Cosmici. Attività ECAL 2007. (v. MD 9/2006) Costruzione Moduli EB Centro Regionale (fase finale)
ECAL Aprile 2007 S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Sommario • Problema MB, e soluzione • Progresso nella integrazione e commissioning • Risultati da test/commissioning 2006-2007 • MTCC • Test beam H2 • Test beam H4 • Cosmici S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Attività ECAL 2007 (v. MD 9/2006) • Costruzione Moduli EB Centro Regionale (fase finale) • Integrazione Super Moduli Bld27 (fase finale) • Pre-calibrazione con Cosmici ad H4 (fase finale) • Installazione e cablaggio ECAL Barrel in CMS • Commissioning ECAL • Analisi ECAL H4 • Analisi dati H2 ECAL+HCAL • PREPARARSI ALLA FISICA S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
ECAL integration progress in 2006 • Spring ’05: first SM assembled with final MB • Dec ’05: first SM assembled with final cooling • Jan ’06: first problems appeared during MB installation • May-July ’06: bad kapton batches delivered rejected • Sept-Oct ’06: SM validation test before installation @ Point 5 detected new disconnected channels at MB level • Front-end electronics integration suspended in Oct ’06 • Good health test of most of the already assembled SM • Ageing test campaign on 300 MBs • Creation of a task force • Dec ’06: IBE decided to change MBs in as many SM as possible without interfering with CMS installation schedule S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
MB task force • Members of the task force: • A. Benvenuti with: A. Ball, P. Bloch, T. Camporesi, W. Lustermann, J.Nash, N. Pastrone, F. Pauss, P. Sharp,T. Virdee • Task force meetings: • October 31st, November 15th, 27th and December 7th • The first meeting was dedicated to an overview of the problem, planning of the test campaign and procurement of a new generation of kapton cables. The other meetings were basically driven by the availability of the tests results S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Faults happening at the level of the connection (hand soldering) between kaptons , VFE connectors and PCB on the Motherboards 1 MotherBoard = 25 channels 1 SuperModule = 68 MBs = 1700 channels S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Ageing tests Sample of ~7500 ch spread over the whole MBs production from 4 dismounted SMs + extras • 90 thermal cycles (-20ºC, 80ºC) Hp: > 10 LHC years operation checks done after 20-55-90 cycles to study mortality • chemical stress: 80h at 80ºC and 80% humidity only on ½ sample to verify effect of residual soldering flux and kapton anomalies S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Channels Tested = 7850 (6750 from 4 SMs + 1100) B867 22 ch TO 21 ch B27 16 ch B27 11 ch B27 8 ch 80h - 800C - 80% hum Channels Tested ~ 4225 B27 2 ch Thermal cycles -20 to 800C: 20 55 91 S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
“The MB tests done in Torino before and after the thermal stress cycles indicated that some of the faults (disconnected channels), 30% before the first test and 3-4% afterwards, were actually intermittent. Most of the faults ascribed to bad soldering occurred before the first thermal cycle suggesting that they probably broke during the removal/insertion operation. The faults ascribed to kapton occur during the thermal stress cycles more or less at the same rate within the limited statistics. The chemical stress test yielded only 2 faults/4225 channels Profile analysis of 6 MB that failed the thermal stress cycles presented a pattern of defective kapton manufacturing and soldering “ A. Benvenuti @ CMS Management Board Dec 8, 2006 S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
“The overall picture that emerges from the tests and the handling of the boards (intermittent contacts) is that the kapton cables and the soldering to the pcbs are weak spots of the MBs, that probably will deteriorate with time since cables and solder points are under stress. The best strategy is to replace as many MBs as possible within the financial and more important the schedule constraints of CMS Technical coordination has developed a scenario where EB is fully installed in UX, mostly in the shadow of the layout of the cooling ducts and power cables for the tracker. This allows for maximal flexibility for the refurbishing EB without macroscopic delays in the readiness for Tracker Installation. The task force recommends that plans are made to replace the MBs in the entire EB if this proves to be consistent with the CMS schedule”A. Benvenuti @ CMS Management Board Dec 8, 2006 S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
New MB parameter definition • Task force examined in detail all the possible improvement to the new production exploitingpast experience: • Kapton design was mechanically improved • New tests during production were required due to tacker experience • New assemply technique were tried • Two new company were selected • Ageing tests of 44 new MBs OK S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Schedule ( as from L. Veillet planning) • First installation window: April 17-May8 • Second installation window: may 15- June 6 (but still discussions on start date: likely that the whole period shift by at least one week , in Austin master plan this shift is indeed implemented) • Last MB delivered on 11 May : this is the Critical path (last bare SM delivered 3rd week of April!) S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
New integration area @ B867MB & cooling assembly S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Old integration area @ B867front-end integration & SM commissioning S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Integration status • March 30 2007 • 18 “mibare” completed (MB and cooling only) • 11 completed and commissioned • 2 completed and ready for commissioning • 3 are being integrated • 2 waiting integration • on schedule for finished SMs (even slightly ahead) 15 Institutes involved in the integration & commissioning S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
ECAL schedule 9 SMs/month Current schedule today S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
H4-cosmici H4 H2 MTCC 2006: test beams+Cosmici+MTCC S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Shower in ECAL MTCC • Per ECAL principalmente un esercizio di integrazione DAQ • DCS e Data Quality Monitor (G. Della Ricca Ts) hanno funzionato bene • ECAL ha funzionato per circa 2 mesi senza problemi: noise allo stesso livello • osservato in H4 S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
DRMS pedestals 0T-3.8T 3400 ch MTCC No B-induced changes in the pedestal RMS TB results confirmed noise/ch ~ 40MeV S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
H2 – TB combinato ECAL+HCAL Raccolti dati di ottima qualità: elettroni e pioni 1 – 300 GeV S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
0 0 20GeV beam H2 H2 goals • Combined calorimetry • Electron (photon)/hadron separation with ECAL only (shape analysis etc.) • pi0 reconstruction and study of in-situ calibration with pi0 • linearity studies down to 1 GeV e- Disponibili solo risultati preliminari: non esistevano per questi task software e algoritmi consolidati su test precedenti S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
H4 Test beam H4 • Attività coordinata con successo da Nicolò Cartiglia (TO) • Provata l’intera catena: XDAQ, DQM, CMSSW • 9 SM calibrati, di cui 1 x 2 • E anche: • Irradiation (6 Xtals) • Energy Scan & linearity (15-250 GeV, in M1, M3, M4 and as a function of eta) • Gap & cracks, corners & edges (at different energies, in several positions) • Horizontal and vertical fine scan (every 2 mm) • Gain ratio (at many energies) • Trigger primitives • Zero suppressions • Synchronous running • Muons • Xtals Monitoring and Laser operation S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
H4 test timeline August SM22 SM18 SM16 SM17 September 25 ns period SM22 SM13 SM24 SM12 October SM25 SM6 November SM6 S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Test beam H4 - analisi • alcuni tra i principali goal: • Calibrazione: precisione di intercalibrazione e riproducibilità (resp. P.Govoni Mi) • dimostrata allo 0.2% • viene usata come riferimento per: • misure light yeld in laboratorio • intercalibrazioni con cosmici • Contenimento e confronto con Geant4, scan in : analisi in corso e risultati preliminari (Resp. C. Rovelli Rm) • Linearità: risultati preliminari (Resp. N. Pastrone) S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
H4: intercalibration precision S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
H4: intercalibration stability S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
H4 - electrons vs. LY S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Test beam H4 • Provata la solidità dell’intera catena di monitoring e calibrazione: • Light yield (misura in lab, prima di montaggio) • DQM • Calibrazione cosmici (commissioninng SM) • Calibrazione con elettroni (test beam) • Laser • Chiare relazioni quantitative tra le informazioni raccolte con le diverse procedure: fondamentali per commissioning finale di tutti i SM S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Calibrazioni con raggi cosmici • E’ la procedura di intercalibrazione adottata per tutti i supermoduli a completamento del commissioning (resp. A.Ghezzi, Mi) • APD gain x 4 (200 invece di 50) controllato con laser • progressi in: • confronto con intercalibrazioni su fascio (notare range dinamico) • contributo di mu che attraversano due cristalli • studio e riduzione di effetti sistematici • calibrazione di cristalli di confine modulo-modulo e di bordo del supermodulo S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Cosmics Setup Cornice di scintillatori di tag sui bordi del SM, per assicurare che il passi per il SM 10° SM inclinato di 10° per aumentare il rate di puntanti a grande . • Scintillatori di trigger posizionati in modo da massimizzare l’accettanza per puntanti S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
M1 M2 M3 M4 Comparison with the test beam Comparison of the relative calibrations to study the typical results on a SM. All the TB calibrated SMs (except SM24) are merged, to obtain the average behaviour. M1 ~ 1.25 % M2 ~ 1.28 % M3 ~ 1.32 % M4 ~ 1.81 % S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Considering the whole range and all the SMs: =1.41 % whole SM All the SMs No SM24 <Ccosm -Cbeam> index Comparison with the TB relative calibrations including SM 24 =1.49% in the peak Similar results for all the SMs S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Comparison with TB Comparing the global calibration gives a figure of the accuracy obtainable from the calibration with cosmic muons, and of the spread between SMs All the SMs No SM24 =1.47 % including SM 24 =1.55% in the peak Similar results for all the SMs S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
All the SMs No SM24 Edge and intra modules crystals Overall agreement for the combined calibration of the intra-module crystals: M1||M2 ~ 1.5 % M2||M3 ~ 1.65 % M3||M4 ~ 2.1 % Relative calib Including the intra modules =1.45 % • For the edges: • From pairs M1~2.2%, M2~2.4% , M3~ 2.7%, M4 ~4.4% • From singles They will be combined S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Cosmic calibration - summary The average agreement of the calibration with cosmics and at the TB, over a single SM is at the level of 1.4% (1.5% including SM24) If also the global calibration between the different SMs is taken into account the agreement is at the level of 1.5% (1.55% including SM24) This varies from about 1.3% in M1 to about 1.8% in M4 S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Conclusioni • Il retrofitting delle MB procede secondo la schedule • nessuna sorpresa • test con cosmici di moduli retrofitted dimostrano la riproducibilità delle calibrazioni • La campagna di test e analisi del 2006-2007 dimostra: • intercalibrazioni determinate e riprodotte allo 0.2% • robustezza della procedura di: • misura LY in laboratorio • DQM (resp. Trieste: G.Della Ricca et al.) • monitor laser • calibrazioni cosmici • Altri importanti risultati nella pipeline di analisi • confronto tra diverse procedure di calibrazione • linearità • confronto con Geant4 • calibrazione con pi0 S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca
Conclusioni (2) • Restava un solo problema... • la revisione della schedule per il retrofitting delle MB comportava la quasi cancellazione dell’ importante programma di commissioning in situ (DQM, HV, laser...) • sembra che anche questo problema ora sia risolto, ma non è una buona notizia S. Ragazzi Milano-Bicocca