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Chapter 7: Cogs in The Machine

Chapter 7: Cogs in The Machine. Findings. Greenley was once a peaceful city that had been converted into a meat processing, business based town. The denizens complain about how the putrid stench of the factories keep them awake at night. Author’s Argument.

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Chapter 7: Cogs in The Machine

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  1. Chapter 7: Cogs in The Machine

  2. Findings • Greenley was once a peaceful city that had been converted into a meat processing, business based town. The denizens complain about how the putrid stench of the factories keep them awake at night.

  3. Author’s Argument • The title of the chapter itself relates to the author’s opinion that the people working in these meat processing factories are all working as “cogs in a machine.” • By teaching each employee to repeat the same simple task, major corporations do not need to provide advanced training for their employees thus being able to pay low wages to their workers.

  4. Safety Conditions • The author makes note that the conditions in these meat processing factories is less than adequate. An example provided is that the meat processing plant in Greenley continued selling its lard product even after an incident where a man had fallen, and been processed into the lard. The company did not dispose of the vat, instead it was sold to unsuspecting consumers.

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