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Troop 2 2010. Overview. Positions of Responsibility are a great way to learn how to be responsible and mature
Overview • Positions of Responsibility are a great way to learn how to be responsible and mature • Positions of Responsibility are a great way to learn how to be a leader, and, maybe in the future, if you would like, you would have the chance to become part of the PLC (Patrol Leader, ASPL, SPL) • With each position, you must show good behavior, maturity, and set a good example • You should have AT LEAST an attendance of 75% • Should ALWAYS email myself, their patrol leader, and at least one adult leader, preferably the Scoutmaster, if you can not attend a meeting or trip • You are the foundation of the troop so, how you operate determines how well the troop operates
Assistant Patrol Leader • 2nd in command to the Patrol Leader • When the PL is busy, the Assistant is in charge of the patrol • He should know how the patrol operates so that, when he is in charge, it’s like he is the original Patrol Leader • The assistant should know everything that needs to be done and goes on through the patrol leader
Record the minutes of the PLC meetings. • Maintain troop attendance records for Troop Meetings. • Collect Dues and money/permission slips for trips and turns them in to the Assistant Scout Master. • Write articles for Troop Newsletter and Website regarding upcoming events. • Maintain updated list of Troop members, including address, phone numbers and email address. • Set a good example. • Enthusiastically wear the Scout uniform correctly. • Live by the Scout Oath and Law. • Show Scout spirit. • Perform any additional duties as assigned by adult or youth leaders
Assists the Troop Chaplain with religious services at troop activities. • If he has a service, he must be aware of the wide variety of religions in our troop • Makes sure religious holidays are considered during troop program planning. • Plan and lead religious services at troop activities, such as Sunday services on campouts and invocations at Courts of Honor. • Lead Troop in brief prayer at close of Troop meetings. • Make Scouts aware of the religious emblem program for their faith. • Set a good example. • Enthusiastically wear the Scout uniform correctly. • Live by the Scout Oath and Law. • Show Scout spirit.
Maintain a check-out/check-in system for all troop literature. • Follow up on late returns. • Add new or replacement items as needed. • Collect programs and scripts from Troop and Eagle Courts of Honor for reference material. • Keep the inventory of the Troop Library contents up to date. • Show good behavior and attitude • Enthusiastically wear the Scout uniform correctly. • Live by the Scout Oath and Law. • Show Scout spirit. Librarian
Gather pictures, facts and memorabilia about troop activities and keep them in an historical file or scrapbook. • Maintain the Troop bulletin board • Take care of troop trophies, ribbons, awards and souvenirs of troop activities. • Display troop awards, scrapbooks, and Rank Board at Courts of Honor. • Enthusiastically wear the Scout uniform correctly. • Live by the Scout Oath and Law. • Show Scout spirit. • Perform any additional duties as assigned by adult or youth leaders Historian
Instructor • Teaches basic Scouting skills in Troop and Patrols. • Sets a good example. • Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly. • Lives by the Scout Oath and Law. • Shows Scout spirit • I found that, with the Purple Platipii, the Instructor really helped with earning them requirements
The Ubermaster must have been a quartermaster before or have held another significant position of responsibility • The Ubermaster is the chief quartermaster • The other quartermasters report to him with who took home equipment, needed supplies, and broken supplies • The Ubermaster reports every other PLC (or when he is requested) on an equipment stand point • Wears the Scout uniform proudly • Shows Scout Oath and Law everyday
Quartermaster • There will be one quartermaster for each patrol • Gets the US, troop, and patrol flags for meetings and ceremonies and puts them away afterwards. • Issue equipment to the Patrols and make sure it is returned in good condition. • Receive damage reports and new equipment requests and convey it to Ubermaster. • Give equipment reports to the Ubermaster, so that he can then give the reports to the PLC • Maintain the Troop trailer in neat order. Label all storages boxes with contents. • Keep a list, every trip, of who took what home, and pester (email, call, etc.) that person until they bring it back • Set a good example. • Enthusiastically wear the Scout uniform correctly. • Live by the Scout Oath and Law. • Show Scout spirit. • Perform any additional duties as assigned by adult and youth leaders
The troop guide is a lot like the patrol leader of the first year Scouts • Introduces new Scouts to Troop operations. • Guides new Scouts through early Scouting activities. • Shields new Scouts from harassment by older Scouts. • Helps new Scouts earn First Class rank in their first year. • Works with the Instructor to help with the advancement of first year Scouts • Counsels individual Scouts on Scouting challenges. • Sets a good example. • Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly. • Lives by the Scout Oath and Law. • Shows Scout spirit.
Den Chief • Knows the purposes of Cub Scouting. • Helps Cub Scouts advance through Cub Scout ranks. • Encourages Cub Scouts to join a Boy Scout troop upon graduation. • Assists with activities in the den meetings. • Is a friend to the boys in the den. • Helps out at den meetings and pack meetings. • Meets with adult members of the Den, Pack, and Troop as necessary. • Sets a good example. • Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly. • Lives by the Scout Oath and Law. • Shows Scout spirit.
Plays bugle as requested by troop leadership, such as Troop assembly at meetings and campouts. • Should work on completing Bugling Merit Badge by end of term. • Set a good example. • Enthusiastically wear the Scout uniform correctly. • Live by the Scout Oath and Law. • Show Scout spirit.
End • Thanks for watching • If you have any questions, you can ask anyone in the troop – especially someone who held that position prior to you • Finally, remember that this is a big step in your Scouting journey and we are all here to help you