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Multiplex Automated Genome Engineering (MAGE) for large-scale programming and evolution of cells. 报告人:陈艳. in vivo methods such as recombination-based genetic engineering (recombineering) have enabled efficient modification of single genetic targets using single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)
Multiplex Automated Genome Engineering (MAGE) for large-scale programming and evolution of cells. 报告人:陈艳
in vivo methods such as recombination-based genetic engineering (recombineering) have enabled efficient modification of single genetic targets using single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) • no such attempts have been made to modify genomes on a large and parallel scale. MAGE
多基因工程(MAGE) • MAGE simultaneously targets many locations on the chromosome for modification in a single cell or across a population of cells, thus producing combinatorial genomic diversity. • the process is cyclical and scalable • MAGE technology to facilitate rapid and continuous generation of a diverse set of genetic changes (mismatches, insertions, deletions). • 单基因工程只能改良生物的单基因性状,不能改变高等生物的多基因性状 • 而多基因工程非但能改良生物品种而且能创造生物新物种
According to “High efficiency mutagenesis, repair, and engineering of chromosomal DNA using single-stranded oligonucleotides.” by Ellis, H. M et. from PNAS λ Red-mediated ssDNA recombination provides a rapid and highly efficient approach for generating recombinant DNA molecules. ------ssDNA Recombination Requires Only Beta. 与双链DNA重组机制不同: Red 重组系统由λ噬菌体 exo、 bet、 gam 三个基因分别编码的三种蛋白组成: Exo 蛋白是一种核酸外切酶 ,结合在双链DNA的末端 ,从5′端向3′端降解DNA ,产生 3′突出端; Beta 蛋白结合在单链DNA 上 ,介导互补单链DNA退火; Gam蛋白可与 RecBCD酶结合,抑制其降解外源DNA的活性。 Red同源重组技术具有同源序列短(40~60 bp) 、重组效率高的特点。 这种技术可在DNA靶标分子的任意位点进行基因敲除、敲入、点突变等操作 ,无需使用限制性内切酶和连接酶
λ Red-mediated ssDNA recombination provides a rapid and highly efficient approach for generating recombinant DNA molecules. Because this process is highly efficient, one can directly screen for mutations in the absence of selection.Oligo-mediated recombination occurs in both E. coli and yeast, suggesting that recombination via annealing of ssDNAs may occur in a wide range of organisms. Thus, recombineering with ssDNA may be applicable to higher eukaryotes as well, perhaps by a mechanism as simple as overexpressing Beta or a functionally similar ssDNA annealing protein, or more directly by introducing the protein itself into the eukaryotic cell during electroporation.
determine the rate at which MAGE generates sequence diversity:use three different 90-mer oligos to produce mismatch changes in a targeted region of the lacZ gene in three distinct cell populations ---(基于蓝白筛选原理、DNA测序) 经过连续的MAGE周期,LacZ基因的序列与野生型的差异越来越大
MAGE产生序列差异的程度是由三个因素共同决定:MAGE产生序列差异的程度是由三个因素共同决定: • (1) the degree of sequence variation desired at each locus; • (2) the number of loci targeted; • (3) the number of MAGE cycles performed. 无论细胞群体数量多少,可以通过计算预测和MAGE连续循环生成所有的变种。
The device executed repeatedly and continuously through the following steps: • (1) grow cells at 30 ℃ to a pre-set density (that is, OD600 nm of 0.7); • (2)induce cells for allelic replacement via 42 ℃ heat shock for 15min; • (3) chill cells at 4 ℃ to halt cellular metabolism; • (4) wash cells through 15–20 iterations of filtration and resuspension with dH2O; • (5) mix cell suspension and synthetic DNA; • (6) deliver DNA into cells by electroporation; • (7) resuspend electroporated cells with growth media.
MAGE的应用 通过优化含有pAC-LYC质粒大肠杆菌(EcHW2)的DXP生物合成途径的代谢通量来过量生产番茄红素。 用oligos的核糖体结合位点(RBS)的简并序列(DDRRRRRDDDD; D=A,G,T; R=A,G)(设计成类似Shine–Dalgarno序列(TAAGGAGGT))来替换20个内源靶基因(dxs, dxr, ispD, ispE, ispG, ispH, idi, ispA, appY, rpoS, crl, elbA, elbB, yjiD, purH, rnlA, yggT, ycgZ, ymgA, ariR) ,以提高翻译效率。 分支途径的4个基因(ytjC, fdhF, aceE, gdhA)因在oligos的开放阅读框中引入2个无义突变而失活,进一步提高DXP途径的通量。 与单基因操作相比, 一次操作能同时优化24个基因