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Who can fix the ” middle-skills ” gap ?

Who can fix the ” middle-skills ” gap ?. Heikki Korkala & Niko Parkkinen. Content of the slide show. Defining middleskill job Background of the article Examples of collaborative programs Summary of the article Sources. What is a middle - skill job.

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Who can fix the ” middle-skills ” gap ?

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  1. Whocanfix the ”middle-skills” gap? Heikki Korkala & Niko Parkkinen

  2. Content of the slide show • Defining middleskill job • Background of the article • Examples of collaborativeprograms • Summary of the article • Sources

  3. What is a middle-skilljob • Middle-skilljobsrequiressometrainingbeyondhighschoolbutnot a four-yeardegree • Examples • Dentalhygienists • Legal secretaries • FireFighters • Electricaltechnicians

  4. Background of the article • Companieshavedifficulties to fillmiddle-skillposts in US • Lack of middle-skillsworkersweakens US competiteveness • Middle-skilljobsrepresent 48% of the workforce • 47% of the new vacanciesareexpected to be in thiscategory

  5. Solutions for trainingmiddle-skillworkers • How to trainpeople to thesekind of jobs? • Somesuggestthatcompaniesshouldbeinitiative in trainingemployees • Companiesshouldcooperate with institutions and eachother (collaborativeprograms)

  6. Collaborativeprograms • Features of collaborative programs (at least one) • Employers cooperate with educational institutions to design training • Includesclassroomtechnicsintegrated to actualworking • Programoffercareerpathways (notonlycertain and immediatejobs) • As a resultemployer and employeereceivemutualbenefits • Biggersalary for employees • Reducescosts of recruiting

  7. Examples of collaborativeprograms • Apprenticeshipprograms • Combination of classroomlearning and on-the-jobtraining • Unions and employerscooperatetogether in apprenticeprograms

  8. Examples of collaborativeprograms • Sector-basedregionalinitiatives • Regioanl • Industry-focusedapproaces to workforcedevelopment • Focus is on a specificindustry • Skilltraininge.g. construction and healthcarejobs • Cooperationbetweencompanies, localpolicymakers and institutions

  9. Examples of collaborativeprograms • Educationconsortia with industry ties (Community college) • Training modelbuildupbetweenemployers and postsecondaryeducationalentities • Requiresstrongemployercommitment • Programs and firmstrainworkers • For initialjobs • Retrainexistingworkers

  10. Examples of collaborativeprograms • Education consortia with industry ties (Internships and cooperative education) • Designed internships • Cooperative degree programs (try before we buy approach) • Giving tailored training to employees for employers needs

  11. Examples of collaborativeprograms • Education consortia with industry ties (Online education) • Free online courses • Helping employers to tailor education for their needs • Demands collaboration between employers and online entities • Unemployed graduates may be retrained

  12. Summary of the article • There is no trainingprogram/systemthatfits to everyone in US • The presentedprogramsare to improvecurrentsituation to educatequalifiedemployees • It is important to US to fill the middleskillgap to remaincompetitive

  13. Sources • http://www.skills.maryland.gov/middleskills.shtml • http://www.insightcced.org/index.php?page=what-is-sector-initiative • Who can fix the ”middle-skills” gap? - Article

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