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Greetings to the Class of 2021!

Greetings to the Class of 2021!. Newfane Middle School 5 th Grade Orientation. Welcome to the Middle School!. We Believe In You!. Welcome to the Middle School!. We Believe In You! We will work together to build your academic, social and physical skills. Welcome to the Middle School!.

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Greetings to the Class of 2021!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Greetings to the Class of 2021! Newfane Middle School 5th Grade Orientation

  2. Welcome to the Middle School! We Believe In You!

  3. Welcome to the Middle School! We Believe In You! We will work together to build your academic, social and physical skills.

  4. Welcome to the Middle School! We Believe In You! You will leave us more confident, more persistent and more resilient.

  5. Welcome to the Middle School! We Believe In You! You will be ready for high school, and prepared to take more courses that interest you and prepare you for an amazing future.

  6. Welcome to the Middle School! We Believe In You! Your only jobs are to believe in yourself, care for those around you, and work towards your goals!

  7. What Are We Here For? • To become engaged, determined students • To take a variety of courses, so we can begin to find out what interests us, and what we want to pursue • To become students that are responsible for their own learning, who work hard to keep every option open after leaving middle school and high school • To develop lasting connections with the people and places that surround us; to work towards creating a better future

  8. 5th Grade—What’s it all about? Classrooms

  9. 5th Grade—What’s it all about? You are “on team” Some of you have Mrs. Dinino, Mrs. Cichand Mrs. Connolly Others have Mrs. Rappolt and Ms. Ferington. You’ll hear more from them in a bit!

  10. 5th Grade—What’s it all about? Classrooms Courses taught by your team of teachers:

  11. 5th Grade—What’s it all about? Classrooms ELA Math Reading Science Social Studies

  12. 5th Grade—What’s it all about? Special Area Classes

  13. 5th Grade—What’s it all about? Special Area Classes Physical Education Technology Art Music Library Remedial Math/ELA Enrichment Math Enrichment ELA Band/Chorus

  14. 5th Grade—What’s it all about? How to find classes?

  15. 5th Grade—What’s it all about? How to find classes? Check your schedule!

  16. 5th Grade—What’s it all about? How to find classes? Check your schedule! Use your map!

  17. Your Schedule • The middle school day runs from 7:30-2:13!! • Students are encouraged and in some cases required to stay after. • Our shuttle bus to the Elementary school picks students up at 3:05. At the El, they will board the correct bus to arrive home.

  18. Your Schedule • Students permitted to enter at 7:30 • Homeroom begins at 7:40 • Lunches: 30 minutes, either at 10:48 or 12:16 • You’ll eat in the “Sunshine Café” • Most periods are 40 minutes long • No change of clothes for physed

  19. Drop Off/Dismissal

  20. Drop Off • If dropping students off prior to 7:15, use bus circle • If after 7:15, enter lot on East Ave, closest to playground. • Drop students off at orange cone. • Students will enter at bus circle entrance • Exit to your right, merging with buses when necessary • Breakfast available at 7:15 • Students cannot go to classrooms until 7:30

  21. Dismissal

  22. Dismissal • Bus riders, walkers and those students getting picked up all leave the school at the same time. • It’s messy, but it works! • You don’t need to sign your student out if you’re picking up at end of day! • Make sure you discuss SAFETY, LOCATION, and SAFETY with your students if you are picking them up! PLEASE…DON’T PARK ACROSS TRANSIT! • Contact the office if you have any concerns

  23. What’s Different? • The Bells! • Our day is divided into nine 40 minute periods— • Class is dismissed when teacher dismisses!

  24. What’s Different? • Getting from class to class • At first, your teachers will walk you to your classes throughout the school and to your buses at the end of the day.

  25. What’s Different? • Getting from class to class • At first, your teachers will walk you to your classes throughout the school and to your buses at the end of the day. • Eventually, you’ll travel on your own! Worry not!

  26. What’s Different? • Clubs! • You’ll need to listen carefully to announcements—that’s where our important information can be found… • Clubs for the 2013-2014 school year include: • Student Senate, Science Club, Lego and Robotics club, Peer Mediation, Broadcast and Video Club and Jazz Band

  27. What’s Different? • Intramurals • Intramurals are run by a number of certified physical education teachers and/or coaches • Listen to announcements for dates for 5th grade students to participate. • Students can take the late bus home.

  28. 5th Grade Performing Music Performance Music— Band and/or Chorus Instrumental lesson once a week • 5 day rotation schedule • You’ll need to get the work you miss from lessons! Large Group Rehearsal Every Other Day

  29. Your Schedule A Closer Look!

  30. Counseling • Mr. Weber (6th and 8th grade) • Mrs. Hinton (5th and 7th grade) Provide academic, social and emotional support Huge role in helping to define goals, support organization, and transition from grade to grade Individual, small group and/or large group

  31. Health Office • Full Time Nurse—Mrs. Erck • Immunization proof is needed—submit to Nurse’s office • Medication dispensed from original prescription container with doctor’s note • Nurse shares medical information with teachers—completely confidential • Nurse does NOT diagnose • Infectious disease-Must have doctor’s note to return to school • Be sure phone numbers are accurate so you or your emergency contact can be reached

  32. Safety • All doors, except main entrance, locked after 8:30am • All visitors must sign in and wear visitor’s pass • Parents must report to general office to sign out child for early dismissal (child must bring note in that morning) • Please submit a written excuse for all absences • You do not need to sign out your child when picking him/her up at the end of a regular day—

  33. Parents’ role • Communicate with your 5th grader • Set realistic expectations regarding academic progress and behavior • Read and discuss together: • Student handbook • District Code of Conduct

  34. Parents’ Role continued • Reassure that teachers will be patient—they’re nervous too! • Feel free to walk in Wednesday morning and drop off at homeroom and help with supplies if needed

  35. Parents’ Role Part III • Review student agenda nightly! • Check homework assignments for quality, understanding and completion • Record test and project due dates • Schedule in time to study and work on projects • Check for teacher comments • Correspond with classroom teachers

  36. Parents’ Role Part IV Encourage Regular Attendance • Avoid appointments during school time if possible • Avoid family vacations during school year • Commit to performing music concert dates • Attend school functions with your child • Sign up for and utilize Parent Portal (see packet)

  37. Parents’ Role…finally done (we know…it’s never done)! • Always contact classroom teacher first with concerns or questions • Notify school (Administration, Counselors, Team Teachers) of issues affecting your son/daughter—at school or home 778-6452 HELP US TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS!

  38. Supplies and Summer Reading • Bring supplies during first week-- • Agenda-distributed first day of school (no charge) or directly after today’s presentation • Summer reading summaries are due Friday, September 13th

  39. Important Dates • School opens—Wednesday, September 4th • Open House—Thursday, September 12th at 6pm • Pictures—September 25-26 during physed • Summer Reading Reports due— Friday, September 13th • End of first five weeks—Friday, October 4th • End of first marking period—November 8, 2013

  40. Important Dates, continued • Parent Teacher Conferences- • 11am dismissal each day • Thursday, November 22nd – 11:40-2:30 • Monday, December 4th – 11:40-2:30 and 6 – 8 Sign up through your classroom teacher

  41. Our School…Our Safety • Look out for each other!! • Concerned about someone? Bullied? Witness something wrong? TALK TO SOMEONE! • Dignity for All Students Act • Learning is job #1! Discrimination and harassment of students is not only wrong but illegal!

  42. Our School…Our Safety

  43. Final Thoughts… Expect to have a great year!! Take advantage of what we have to offer!! See you on Wednesday, September 4th!! • Join your teachers following this presentation

  44. Communication • Phone—778-6452 • Email – tadams@newfane.wnyric.org or dbedette@newfane.wnyric.org • Facebook – www.facebook.com/newfanemiddleschool • Twitter— www.twitter.com/newfanemiddle • Blog– www.newfanemiddle.wordpress.com

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