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WWI THE GREAT WAR. Canada and the World 1914 - 1918. The Real Face of War. The Causes of WWI – M.A.N.I.A. M – Militarism : the policy of the government making the military very strong.

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  1. WWI THE GREAT WAR Canada and the World 1914 - 1918

  2. The Real Face of War...

  3. The Causes of WWI – M.A.N.I.A M – Militarism: the policy of the government making the military very strong. A – Alliances system: where countries make agreements that if they are attacked the friendly country will help them. N – Nationalism: patriotic feeling towards your country. The desire for people to protect their own language, religion, traditions etc. I – Imperialism: extending the rule of your country over another country. This was called empire building. A – Assassination: 28 June 1914 a Serbian nationalist assassinated Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, the man who was to be the King of Austria – Hungary.

  4. M - Militarism • Countries like Germany were trying to build up their military, especially their navy. • Germany was competing with Britain for the largest navy, building dreadnoughts/ battleships and U-boats/submarines. • This created an ARMS RACE – competing for the most military weapons.

  5. Navy • The new war boats were called Dreadnoughts. Battle ships with massive guns. • Submarines or U-boats, as the Germans called them, were used to blockade Britain from getting supplies from Canada and other countries. • Aircraft Carriers were also invented in WWI.

  6. Biplanes – a rarity in the war • The Airplane was used to drop grenades and small bombs on soldiers in trenches. • There was air to air fighting called DOG FIGHTS. • ACE - anyone who shot down more than 5 planes • Famous ACES – Canadian BILLY BISHOP– 72 kills Germany’s Manfred von Richthofen - The RED BARON - 80 kills

  7. Biplanes – a rarity in the war

  8. Machine guns – a new technology first used by the Germans

  9. Artillery – new word for cannons

  10. Tanks – a new technology 1916 • Tanks were invented because it gave soldiers protection from bullets when trying to attack the enemy. • Tanks could also drive over trenches.

  11. Chlorine Gas • The gas made a chemical reaction when it came in contact with moisture (nose, mouth, lungs) and burned the victim. • Poison gas like this led to the invention of gas masks.

  12. Other Weapons • Repeating Rifle – It is a gun that doesn’t have to be re-loaded after every shot. • Flamethrower – a special gun that shoots flaming liquid out of it to burn out troops from trenches and dugouts/bunkers • Cavalry – some horses with riders who had swords and charged at the enemy were still used in the Great War.

  13. Europe in 1914 – map

  14. A – Alliances System • There were two major alliances in Europe: • The Triple Entente – the Allies: Britain (including Canada) France Russia Italy (used to be part of Triple Alliance but switched sides) • The Triple Alliance – the Central Powers: Germany Austria-Hungary

  15. A Comic Look at how Alliances work...

  16. How the Alliance System led to World War • When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed in Serbia, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia 28 July 1914. • Since Russia was Serbia’s ally, Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary 29 July 1914. • Since Germany was an ally of Austria-Hungary they declared war on Russia 1 August 1914. • THEN, since France and Britain where allies of Russia they declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary 3 -4 August 1914. • CANADA? Declared war on Germany because Britain did. That is because Britain had control over our foreign policy.

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