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Electric vehicles in Norway and in the Oslo region

Electric vehicles in Norway and in the Oslo region. Erik Figenbaum 13.05.2013. 1993/94 2013. Nationwide About 65 EVs 10 charging stations Tens of EVs sold Oslo region 40 EVs 10 charging stations. Nationwide 1.quarter About 12000 vehicles

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Electric vehicles in Norway and in the Oslo region

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  1. Electric vehicles in Norway and in the Oslo region Erik Figenbaum 13.05.2013

  2. 1993/94 2013 • Nationwide • About 65 EVs • 10 chargingstations • TensofEVs sold • Oslo region • 40 EVs • 10 chargingstations • Nationwide 1.quarter • About 12000 vehicles • 4000 chargingstations, • 127 fast chargestations • 4000 EVs sold 2012 • Oslo region • 5000 EVs • 1750 chargingstations, • 45 fast chargingstations

  3. So howdidthiscomeabout? efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  4. Up to 2000 – preparation and imports • Vehicleregistrationtaxexemption from 1991/1995 • Freeparkingintroduced 1999 • Some imports ofKewets from Denmark and eventually a factorywith all tools and IP rights • Think in developmentphase, bankruptsy, rebirth and newlife as a Ford US subsidiary • Stavanger gainingtraction, linking to Peugeot getting a dealondeliveriesofEVs to Stavanger area, lobbying to get EVS24 to Stavanger in 2009 • In 2000: only 383 EVs in nationalfleet efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  5. From 2000 a bumpy ride butgainingtraction Pure mobilitybankrupt Thinkproductionmoved to Finland Thinkbankrupt New Buddy launched by Pure mobility Nissan Leaflaunch Second hand imports offrenchEVs First fast chargers FrenchEVs 1. gen sold by norwegianimporteurs KewetBuddylaunched by ElbilNorge Mitsubishi I-Miev launch REVA EV launched Transnovaschargingstation program Ford launchesThinks first model Ford pullsoutofThink Thinkbankrupt Thinklaunchesnewmodel Permanent access to bus lanes, minibusno longer allowed, Freeferries VAT exemptiondecided Access to bus-lanes in test area VAT exemptionintroduced Reducedannualtax EVS 24 in Stavanger 1500 del. Source: OFV/Grønn bil efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  6. Sales 2011-2013 Nissan Leaflaunch Mitsubishi deliveringbacklogofpre-orders Mitsubishi, Citroen, Peugeot pricereductions Nissan expandingnationwide efi@toi.no 13.05.2013 Source OFV

  7. Modelsplit sales 2011-2012 efi@toi.no 13.05.2013 Source: OFV

  8. Developmentofnational EV fleet Base ofaround 3000 devoted EV drivers whenthebig automakers launchedcars in 2010 A survey of EV owners in 2006 showedthattheyidentifythemselves as EV drivers efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  9. 1. gen up to 2009 2.gen from 2010 • Small independent producers, uncertainty • No warranty • No safetyrating • Think 290000 NOK • Fewdealers • Buyerstradedcomfort and safety for access to buslanes and free tolls • Established automakers and importers • 5 year/100000 km warr. • 4/5 star EuroNcaprating • Mitsubishi price 240000 NOK • Mitsubishi 04/13 182000 NOK • Nissan Leaf 07/13 220000 NOK efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  10. GeographicalspreadofEVs efi@toi.no 13.05.2013 Source: Grønn bil/OFV

  11. EVs in norwegian media Media focusstarted 2-3 yearsbeforecar-manufacturerslaunchedcars efi@toi.no 13.05.2013 Source: Retriever

  12. Access to parking at thehousehold 2 or more cars and parkingfacilities at home: 23% 1 or more cars and parkingfacilities at home: 65% Householdswithparkingfacilities at home: 83% Source: SSB 2001 Likely more multicarhouseholdstoday efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  13. EVs - a rationalchoice • Priceon par or cheaperthangasolinecar • Lowusercoststhanks to highfueltaxes • Userbenefitsofgreatvalueifyouusethem • Manymulticarhouseholdswithgarage/carport • Positive image • Goodcars have arrived in theshowrooms A verycompetitivefree market. efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  14. Marketing creativity efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  15. Who arethebuyers? • Belongs to a multicarhousehold • Belongs to householdswith more people • Drives as much as othermulticarhouseholds • Youngerthanbuyersofregularcars • More inclined to be welleducated and in theworkforce • The newvehiclesbought from 2012 are used as much as comparablegasolinecars (2013 NTNU survey) • EarlierEVshadlowerannualmileage (ECON 2006 survey) • A fewbuy it as their single car and they have reducedannualmileagecompared to other single carhousholds efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  16. For which trips arethevehicles used? Source: Klöckner et al, NTNU efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  17. The powerofincentives… • Bus laneaccessswitch from minibus to EVs in test areas hadimmediateeffecton sales: efi@toi.no 13.05.2013 Source: Vista Analyse AS 2011

  18. Ranking ofincentives • VAT exemption – cutsvehicleprice 25% • Access to bus lanes – Vaining importance as vehicle sales spread to regions withfewbus-lanes • Toll roadexemption • Reducedannualtax • Freeparking • Expansionofchargingstations Runner up: Reducedcompanycarbenefittax Earlydays: Exemption from taxonvehicleregistration efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  19. HowdidEVsget all theseincentives? • 1990s: Removingdisincentives to get testing going, localinitiativesonfreeparking, toll roadexemptioncreatedbottom-up push ongovernment, energyindustryinvolv. • 2000s: The dreamof an EV industry, needed a stronghomemarket to thrive • 2010s: Climate policy, increasinglyimportant part oftransportationsectorefforts, NGOs, car importers push • Alwaysone more incentiveneeded, • New pressuregroupsjoinedthe party alongtheway efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  20. But most importantof all… • It is mucheasier to NOT collect a taxthan to collecttaxes and then HAND OUT a subsidy • Electric carswas a managablefleetsize for access to bus lanes at the time it wasdecided efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  21. The unfortunatecousin • Plug-in hybrids have fewincentives • Theycomewelloutoftheregistrationtax • VAT makes thecarsextraexpensive • No localbenefits •  Veryslow sales, (about 500 in fleet) • butneeded to reachnational goals efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  22. National targets – Passenger cars efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  23. Safety - fires • Fires related to illegal modifications efi@toi.no 13.05.2013 Sources: www.vg.no; www.rb.no

  24. Safety - accidents Sourcewww.budstikka.no Sourcewww.bt.no efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  25. Learningpoints • EVs a rationalchoice for consumers • Most buyersare private citizens • EVsbought as secondaryvehicles, being used as primary • Buyersusethecars a lot and are more car-useinclined – • EVswinter range - worst case half ofofficial • Cold temperatureslows fast charging to half speed • Ownersillegallyupgrade/modify old cars • Lot ofknowledge and EV-entusiasmbuilt-up in theslow market growth up to 2010, ready for thegoodEVs efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

  26. Outlook • Economicincentivesfreezedthrough 2017 • Userbenefitsmaychange in cooperationwithlocalauthoritites • Manynewmodelsarriving • Waiting list for Tesla Sedan S • Volkswagen, Norwaysbiggest brand, launchingcars 2013 and 2014 • BMW, Ford and otherscoming up efi@toi.no 13.05.2013

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