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Join us for an evening to learn about the key features of life in Class 3, how to support your child and the exciting curriculum focused on Romans. We will also discuss rewards, the learning environment, home learning, and enrichment trips.
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 3 – Miss Stanley and Mrs Kemp Purpose of the Meeting To introduce the Key Features of life in Class 3 To consider how you can support your child and school
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 3 New Beginnings Beginning of the day- quiet activity, for example a number puzzle, spellings, reading, handwriting Pencils and equipment provided for the children on their tables. Classroom monitors Times Tables and mental maths – regular practice and WEEKLY ‘CRACKING TIMES TABLES’ Outside learning e.g. Muddy Monday – this is where a lesson will be held outside and so children need to be dressed appropriately (wellies to be left in school later on in the term if possible).
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 3 The Curriculum Topic: Romans Main threads include:- In history we will be looking at :- The expansion of the Roman Empire into Britain. Life before the Romans (The Celts) Drama on Celtic village life and Life in Britain under Roman rule In Art we will:- Making Roman helmets Designing and making shields Exploring mosaics
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 3 Rewards & Celebrating Success How do children achieve awards? – through hard work, good effort or attainment, good listening, being respectful, achieving personal targets, being an outstanding role model… The rewards are:- Personal Merits – awarded for personal achievement House Points – more general positive behaviour Assembly Awards – for consistently striving for, or achieving their best Star Writer – personal achievement in writing Special Subject Achievement Awards – for excelling in a particular area or reaching a personal goal
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 3 The Learning Environment Encouraging independence through ‘learning habits’ Learning Intention and Success Criteria (displayed to help children take a step by step approach to achieving the learning intention). RESPECT – School Code of Conduct Targets – Child centred and generated through ongoing daily assessment and termly formal assessment. To be shared at parents’ evening. Personal and peered assessment – writing ladders
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 3 (Mrs Kemp) Home Learning in this class:- Spellings– Set once a week and cracking times tables Plus either maths or Literacy once a week (Miss Stanley) These will be a short activity or game (abacus games) to consolidate learning intentions (covered in that week ) plus occasionally we will send home Science OR Creative Curriculum homework which extends learning which has taken place in class. READING – To regularly read at home, little and often is the best motto – between 15 and 20 minutes most nightsplease.
Code of Conduct • R – Responsible in all we do • E – Encourage each other • S – Safe work and play • P – Polite and considerate • E – Enjoy being and ‘active learner’ • C – Challenge and celebrate our efforts • T – Trust each other • Any breaches of our code of conduct will result in a letter home and a record will be kept.
READING Reading/homework record books- Please can you record when you have heard your child read and write any comment about reading or homework in this book. It can also be a form of communication between us. We will record when they have been given a new book or if they have read to an adult in class. Occasionally children will write notes about homework in this book. Children have a reading journal in class in which they do a variety of responding to guided reading activities which take place in class. MATHS Tables revision – we will have regular mental maths quizzes where children will need to be familiar with multiplication and division facts. Please can children complete their homework neatly and in pencil only. Home learning tasks are to be placed in the homework tray in the classroom first thing in the morning of the due day.
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 3 The Whole Child PHSE – values for life and half termly topics RE – half termly topics and recognition of many key festivals – where children develop understanding of others and develop questioning skills Collective Worship – bringing everyone together Reflection Time / lunch time prayer/sharing of outside achievements in class
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 3 Enrichment Trips to enhance learning e.g. Roman trip to Lunt Fort in Coventry on Wednesday 15th November Muddy days – outdoor learning sessions. Whole school days – e.g. World Book Day. Class swaps/paired reading.