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Welcome Hyndland Secondary S2 Information Evening

Welcome Hyndland Secondary S2 Information Evening. Introduction and Overview. Ms McNeil Head Teacher. Mr Brown Depute Head Teacher. Curriculum for Excellence?. ‘Curriculum’ in this context means ‘all that is planned for children and young people throughout their education’:

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Welcome Hyndland Secondary S2 Information Evening

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  1. WelcomeHyndland Secondary S2 Information Evening

  2. Introduction and Overview Ms McNeil Head Teacher

  3. Mr Brown Depute Head Teacher

  4. Curriculum for Excellence? ‘Curriculum’ in this context means ‘all that is planned for children and young people throughout their education’: The ethos and life of the school as a community Curriculum areas and subjects Interdisciplinary learning Opportunities for personal achievement

  5. What’s the aim? Curriculum for Excellence: the three pillars • Raising standards • Improving knowledge • Developing skills …Bringing life to learning and learning to life

  6. Curricular Areas • Expressive arts • Languages and literacy • Health and wellbeing • Mathematics and numeracy • Religious and moral education • Sciences • Social studies • Technologies

  7. Why change? Preparing young people for an ever changing world Nurturing them to be: – successful learners – confident individuals – responsible citizens – effective contributors Build on Scotland’s reputation for having a great education system

  8. ‘By the age of 16, the average adult in the UK will have done 75% of the writing they will do in their lifetime’

  9. 7 out of 10 teenagers have a handheld games machine

  10. 9 out of 10 teenagers have a home computer, a mobile phoneand a games console

  11. 84% of young people play computer games at least once a fortnight

  12. 72% of teachers never play computer games

  13. The world our kids are going to live in is changing four times faster than our schoolsDr Willard DaggertDirector of International Centre for Leadership and Education

  14. So what is new?

  15. New qualifications The Scottish education system is world-renowned and our qualifications are highly valued. Higher andAdvanced Higher qualifications will remain and will be updated to reflect changes to the curriculum. From 2013/2014 there will be new National 3, National 4 and National 5 qualifications to replace Access, Standard Grade and Intermediate 1 and 2 courses. Young people can now study for Scottish Science and Scottish Language Baccalaureate (a stage on from Higher/Advanced Higher).

  16. Building towards the Senior Phase

  17. When will my son / daughter be required to make the relevant decisions in terms of Course Planning? S1-S3 is designed to provide a broad, general education, but there can be scope for choices including increasing specialisation during that time, for example at the end of S2. This flexibility helps ensure learners have the right level of challenge and support & will provide a strong basis for moving on to the learning for qualifications.

  18. The curriculum – Hyndland Secondary • In the past we have allowed pupils to choose subjects in February of S2 ready for new subjects in May. • Some schools will delay the chance for pupils to choose subjects until the end of S3 – with all pupils continuing with all their subjects from S1 for another year

  19. What are the pros? • This allows pupils another year to mature before making decisions about subjects they will take on to qualification level • This allows pupils more chance to experience their subjects before making a decision

  20. What are the cons? • Readiness? They know what subjects they enjoy, and the subjects they don’t • Choosing at the end of S2 allows teachers to give you a deeper understanding of your chosen subjects • Choosing at the end of S3 will mean choosing fewer subjects in S4 to give teachers enough time to cover the courses – this might limit what pupils can do later • New subjects can be made available in S3 if choices are being made – this will not happen if there is no course planning

  21. The curriculum – Hyndland Secondary • In Hyndland we are allowing our young people the some choice of courses for further study in May of S2 and their new courses will begin in August of S3 • Further course choice may be required at the end of S3 as young people begin examination courses in S4 to ensure learners are on the most appropriate pathway

  22. How many subjects will young people choose? • In all pupils will continue with eleven areas of study – five which will be compulsory and six which young people choose following advice and support by teachers and Pastoral Care staff.

  23. Compulsory Subjects English Maths RME PE PSE

  24. Choices within the Broad General Education • Students will then be allowed to select from curricular areas set out within Curriculum for Excellence • Pupils should choose subjects from each curricular area • It is expected that young people will continue with a Modern Language in S3 but this can be either French or Spanish

  25. What will the Senior Phase in Hyndland Secondary School look like?

  26. What does it mean for qualifications • On the whole this model will see young people attaining eight or nine qualifications across National 3, National 4 and National 5, depending on ability, by the end of S4. • Pupils will then progress to the most appropriate courses as the narrow their choices further to normally 5 into S5.

  27. Pupil voice • Given the importance of this to young people the most important dialogue we have had so far has been with our pupils through Assemblies and PSE • Last session the current S2 pupils were encouraged to let us know what they thought

  28. Pupils in favour of making choices at the end of S3? 2% in current S3 6% in current S2 Pupils in favour of making choices at the end of S2 98% in current S3 94% in current S2

  29. Parental Involvement • Last session this process was outlined at a Parent Forum Meeting in February 2012 where parents overwhelmingly supported the model • The matter was then fully discussed at Parent Council in February 2012 where again parents supported this model

  30. The future • The model of choosing subjects for S3 is our current model. • Following advice from Scottish Government and from Education Scotland the position may change over the next two years. • Parents will be consulted on any changes.

  31. Mr Pyke Depute Head Teacher

  32. The Process • Course Planning booklets issued through PSE over the next few weeks • Discussions in PSE with PSE teachers • Discussions with class teachers • S2 Reports in March • S2 Parents’ evening in April

  33. Individual interviews with pupils at the start of May • Final decisions by young people confirmed by parents at the start of May • Timetable complete and courses confirmed with pupils in June ready for new timetable in August

  34. Option Form • A draft Option form will be included in the Course Planning booklet issued through PSE this month • A final version, confirming pupils choices will be signed by parents and young people • Once all forms are received the process of creating classes begins • Pupils will provide second choices in case subjects cannot be offered following the options process or the combinations of subjects cannot be offered

  35. Some DOs and DON’Ts DO • remember that you are choosing course that is likely to last for TWO years. • choose a BALANCED course. You must have a range of different types of subjects. • listen to advice from your teachers, your parents, and careers service • remember that it may not be possible to offer every pupil her or his first choice of subjects. Of course we will do our best

  36. DO • pay attention to your S2 Report. Generally speaking you will probably do better to choose subjects in which you have done well. • consider also how much you ENJOY a subject. Education is about more than getting certificates. It is also about enjoyment and satisfaction. • remember to think about what you may wish to do in Fifth and Sixth Year

  37. Don’t • choose a subject just because your friend has chosen it • choose a subject just because you like (or dislike!) the teacher. You may have a different teacher next session • give up a subject without thinking whether or not you may need it • that throughout your life you have to make decisions. Make sure that you have thought about these matters carefully. Never hesitate to ask for advice or information. We are here to help. Remember

  38. Mr NeePastoral Care Team

  39. Pastoral Care Supporting Personalisation and Choice

  40. Pastoral Care Teachers 2A Lomond House Mrs Pollock 2B Rannoch House Mrs Mills 2C Nevis House Mr Nee 2D Katrine House Mrs Ritchie 2E Torridon House Mr Carstairs 2F Torridon House Mr Carstairs

  41. The story so far… Interim Reports - October 2012 Self Evaluation - Strengths/Areas for Development within PSE PSE Programme – 2 periods of KUDOS, Class discussion & preparation PlanIt Plus. Appointment with the Career Adviser

  42. Next Steps….. S2 Reports issued end of March 2013 Course Choice Booklet issued to each pupil Detailed Subject/Course information Further discussion in class and at home S2 Parents’ Evening - 25 April 2013 Course Choice Interview – week beginning Monday 29 April

  43. The Interview • Each interview is scheduled for 10 minutes • Each pupil should be well prepared for their interview • After the interview, the form is taken home for parent/guardian to sign • Pupil returns completed form to Pastoral Care Teacher by Friday 3rd May

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