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China and Taiwan GATE Class Activities

Engage in activities exploring relational models and cultural dimensions between China, Taiwan, and the US. Understand diverse cultural traits and prepare for global leadership.

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China and Taiwan GATE Class Activities

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  1. China and Taiwan GATEClass Activities Prof. Tony O’Driscoll

  2. Agenda Civilization, Culture, Leadership and GATE Understanding and Applying Relational Models Understanding and Applying Cultural Dimensions Preparing for GATE

  3. Activity: US/China Relational Models • Form teams of 3-4 • Allocate 100 points across CS, AR, EM, MP • Identify Key Domain for top two RMs • Explain rationale for Allocation and Domains 10m 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CS AR EM MP

  4. Relational Models

  5. Insert RM Domains Here 12

  6. Insert RM Domains Here 12

  7. Insert RM Domains Here

  8. Agenda Civilization, Culture, Leadership and GATE Understanding and Applying Relational Models Understanding and Applying Cultural Dimensions Preparing for GATE

  9. Activity: US/China Cultural Dimensions • Form teams of 3-4 • Identify where the US/China vary from Avg. • Explain rationale for your CD Profile 10m Source: Globe Study of 62 Societies, Sage 2004

  10. In Group Collectivism Source: Culture, Leadership and Organizations. The GLOBE Study. p.454

  11. Power Distance Source: Culture, Leadership and Organizations. The GLOBE Study. p.536

  12. Uncertainty Avoidance Source: Culture, Leadership and Organizations. The GLOBE Study. p.618

  13. Institutional Collectivism Source: Culture, Leadership and Organizations. The GLOBE Study. p.459

  14. Performance Orientation Source: Culture, Leadership and Organizations. The GLOBE Study. p. 245

  15. Humane Orientation Source: Culture, Leadership and Organizations. The GLOBE Study. p.570

  16. Assertiveness Source: Culture, Leadership and Organizations. The GLOBE Study. p.405

  17. Future Orientation Source: Culture, Leadership and Organizations. The GLOBE Study. p.302

  18. Gender Egalitarianism Source: Culture, Leadership and Organizations. The GLOBE Study. P.359

  19. Agenda Civilization, Culture, Leadership and GATE Understanding and Applying Relational Models Understanding and Applying Cultural Dimensions Preparing for GATE

  20. Processing the Region: Relational Models • Form a team of 3-4 • Complete the activity below 5m Select at Transition/Tension (S/P/E) to discuss Based on the RM profile, identify the TWO DOMAINS within the RM profile that best articulate the root-causes of the tension.

  21. Processing the Region: Cultural Dimensions • Form a team of 3-4 • Complete the activity below 5m Select at Transition (S/P/E) to discuss Based on the Transition(s)/Tension(s) you explored, identify the TWO Cultural Dimensions that best articulate the root-cause(s) of the tension.

  22. Activity: Preparing for Gate • Form teams of 3-4 (GATE Locations) • Identify CDs that have high variability • What can you do to prepare for this? 10m Source: Globe Study of 62 Societies

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