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Beyond The Classroom Dr Robbie Nicol Outdoor and Environmental Education University of Edinburgh www.education@ed.ac.uk

Beyond The Classroom Dr Robbie Nicol Outdoor and Environmental Education University of Edinburgh www.education@ed.ac.uk/outdoored. Do you recognise this person?. Range and Scope of Outdoor Learning. Sustainability Field Studies Biodiversity Awareness of local area Cultural landscape

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Beyond The Classroom Dr Robbie Nicol Outdoor and Environmental Education University of Edinburgh www.education@ed.ac.uk

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beyond The ClassroomDr Robbie NicolOutdoor and Environmental Education University of Edinburghwww.education@ed.ac.uk/outdoored

  2. Do you recognise this person?

  3. Range and Scope of Outdoor Learning Sustainability Field Studies Biodiversity Awareness of local area Cultural landscape STEM subjects Wellbeing ‘Greenspace’ Physical activity Tackling obesity Life-long activity Skill development Adventure sport Environmental Education Outdoor activities Outdoor Learning Personal & Social Education Self-awareness Self-esteem Social development Communal living

  4. OUTDOOR LEARNINGTo what Degree are we dealing with: Knowledge Attitudes Feelings

  5. Is learning outdoors different from learning indoors?

  6. What are they learning?

  7. A structure for programme design?

  8. A River walk

  9. Why Learn Outdoors?

  10. Connection • ‘It is our sensory immersion that most profoundly links us to the land.’ Professor Anthony Weston • It is the lack of sensory immersion and outdoor experiences that leads people to be unaware of their connection to nature.

  11. Outdoor Learning and Sustainability • Opportunity to experience nature and its physical and biological processes • This helps to understand our dependence (often hidden) on nature

  12. Summary STEM subjects knowledge + sensory immersion in the outdoors = an organising framework for sustainability

  13. Dr Robbie NicolOutdoor and Environmental Education University of Edinburghwww.education@ed.ac.uk/outdoored

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