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CMPE-401 Graduation Project. Why is it a compulsory course?. Students should learn how to conduct independent research on a new topic Students should learn how to write project reports in English
CMPE-401 Graduation Project • Why is it a compulsory course? • Students should learn how to conduct independent research on a new topic • Students should learn how to write project reports in English • Students should learn how to present a research topic in front of a professional audience in English. April 11, 2001 CMPE - 401
CMPE-401 Graduation Project • CMPE-401 projects are prepared and presented under the supervision of a faculty member. (Your project SUPERVISOR) • Important Dates : • Progress Reports are due : May 7, 2001 • Final Reports are due : June 21, 2001 • Presentations will take place on July 9, 2001 April 11, 2001 CMPE - 401
CMPE-401 Graduation Project • Important to note : • Withdrawal(W) is not permitted for CMPE-401 • Incomplete grades (I) can’t be given for CMPE-401 • You can’t apply for a graduation make-up exam for CMPE-401 April 11, 2001 CMPE - 401
CMPE-401 Graduation Project • Progress Report : • Each student must present a Progress Report in the first half of the semester to his/her supervisor. Quality of the Progress Report will have a direct impact on the student’s final grade • All work done in the initial stages of the project must be outlined, and difficulties encountered, references found and read should be stated. April 11, 2001 CMPE - 401
CMPE-401 Graduation Project • Also, a brief idea on what will be covered in the final report should be stated, with a tentative outline of the final report. • Progress reports should be short (4-5 pages) April 11, 2001 CMPE - 401
CMPE-401 Graduation Project • In case parts of a topic is carried out by two students, they are going to submit separate Progress and Final Reports. April 11, 2001 CMPE - 401
CMPE-401 Graduation Project • Final Reports : • See the web page for CMPE-401 for a sample report. • Size is approximately 25-30 pages. • You are expected to write reports with your own words. April 11, 2001 CMPE - 401
CMPE-401 Graduation Project • Presentations : • Each student will have 15 minutes to present his/her project work, so you have time to present only the most important results. • You are expected to use at least power-point and data projectors for a quality presentation. April 11, 2001 CMPE - 401