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Email: Still a Record After All These Years …and what about Twitter, wikis & blogs – oh my!!!

Email: Still a Record After All These Years …and what about Twitter, wikis & blogs – oh my!!!. Donna Read, CRM, CDIA+ Senior Records Analyst President, Florida Gulf Coast ARMA Chapter St. Petersburg, Florida March 20, 2012. Steps for Managing Email & Other Social Media Tools (Web 2.0).

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Email: Still a Record After All These Years …and what about Twitter, wikis & blogs – oh my!!!

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  1. Email: Still a Record After All These Years …and what about Twitter, wikis & blogs – oh my!!! Donna Read, CRM, CDIA+ Senior Records Analyst President, Florida Gulf Coast ARMA Chapter St. Petersburg, Florida March 20, 2012

  2. Steps for Managing Email & Other Social Media Tools (Web 2.0) #1 Research & Homework – what’s the current situation #2 Educate – Train – Raise Awareness #3 Develop Email & Social Media Policy #4 Determine best solutions for your organization #5 Implement, Enforce & Audit

  3. Love - Hate Affair with Email • “Email is like coming home at night after a long day and finding 70 people in your kitchen.” John O’Donohue, Irish poet

  4. Statistics • Average employee spends 2.5 hours a day dealing with emails • Search on Google for “embarrassing emails” brought up 1,060,000 hits • 294 billion emails were sent each day in 2010 http://www.about.com

  5. Defining “Other Social Media” By Robin Riat

  6. More Time Spent Social Networking Than on Email PC Magazine March 2009 Blogs and social networking are consuming more online time than checking and writing personal email, market research firm Nielsen Online reported. One in every 11 minutes online globally is accounted for by social network and blogging sites, the group found, or 45 billion minutes in total. That works out to a bit more than a combined 85,500 years spent on blogs and social networking sites in Dec. 2008 alone.

  7. More Statistics Virtual Worlds – 1 billion registered members (10/10) Facebook – more than 250 million users (3/12) YouTube – 2 billion views a day (5/10) [146 million unique viewers] Twitter – 175,000,000 registered users (10/10) MySpace – 125 million registered users (4/10) LinkedIn – 60+ million members (2/10)

  8. Virtual Worlds

  9. Save money Saves time No need for human intervention Digital format for sharing & manipulation Informal careless Persists Proliferates No privacy Potential for misuse Virus carrier Litigation target E-mail & Other Social Media: Benefits & Drawbacks Drawbacks Benefits

  10. E-mail & social medial records MUST be managed from 3 different perspectives • Legal Risk Management • Records Management • Information Technology Management

  11. Role of Records Manager in Social Media Initiatives

  12. Step #1 – Research & Homework • What is the current situation? • Is there already email and other social media policy in place at your organization? • Is there a deletion process in place – what is it? • Where does the email live – a separate server or mixed in with all other data – inside the firewall or on the cloud? • What is the volume of legacy emails?

  13. Step #1 cont. - Research • What social media tools are currently in use? • Is there policy governing the use of social media tools? • Are governance rules in place for Sharepoint and Wiki sites? • Are there legal requirements to keep the content of social media sites?

  14. Is Ignorance Bliss???

  15. Step #2 - Educate – Train – Raise Awareness Email & other social media communications must be recognized as a potential record Start with management – teach them how to recognize a record Use statistics – headlines – litigation risks

  16. Where’s the Risk • Up to 80% of e-mail creators stated that they did not “have a clue’ as to when their e-mail qualified as an official record • “great inconsistency” as to what was actually classified as a record • Staff were “largely unaware” of the existence of organizational e-mail policies Rick Barry “Email Legal Status” Message posted to the Australian Archivists(aus-archivists) listserv on March 31, 1998

  17. Typical Email “In Box” - Most of the messages shown are NOT Records!

  18. Typical non-record, “spam” Email

  19. Reference “FYI-only”

  20. A “Record” message

  21. The “envelope” (metadata) to link to the “record” message

  22. This personal message was erroneously broadcast to 3,000 Email boxes on a listserv

  23. Recognizing Email or Web 2.0 Records • Am I the originator of the message? • Is it a substantive message or just routine ‘chit-chat’? • If so, does the message have to do with the work of my office? • Is the content of the message something that I will need in future years to do my job?

  24. More questions to ask…. • Does the message support decisions that were made in my program area? • If I am the recipient, is the message “information only”? • Does it require me to take action? • Will someone need the message for operational, fiscal, or legal purposes? • Use the same thought processes as you do when taking action on other documents that cross your desk! BE SELECTIVE ABOUT WHAT YOU KEEP!

  25. Step #3 - Develop Email & Web 2.0 Policy SEDONA GUIDELINES ON EMAIL POLICY DEVELOPMENT Guideline 1: Email retention policies should reflect the input of functional and business units through a team approach and should include the entire organization including any operations outside the United States. Guideline 2: The team should develop a current understanding of email retention policies and practices actually in use within the entity. Guideline 3: An entity should select features for updates and revisions of email retention policy with the understanding that a variety of possible approaches reflecting size, complexity and policy priorities are possible.  Guideline 4: Any technical solutions should meet the functional requirements identified as part of policy development and should be carefully integrated into existing systems.

  26. More From Sedona Guidelines Framework for policy development General Retention Considerations Typical Retention Features1. User Mailbox Size Limitations (“Quotas”)2. Automatic Deletion of User Mailbox Contents3. Extended Storage Options4. Restrictions on Local Storage The Importance of Litigation Holds www.thesedonaconference.org

  27. Email Policy TOC Functional Overview Roles & Responsibilities General Information and Guidelines Generating and Preparing Emails Storing Emails in a document mgt system Disposal of Emails Definition of records along with other vocabulary Laws and Regulations

  28. Definition of Email from DOC Email Policy “An email message consists of any document created, transmitted, or received on an email system, including message text and any attachments, such as word-processed documents, spreadsheets, and graphics that may be transmitted with a message, or with an envelope containing no message.”

  29. http://www.inc.com/guides/2010/05/writing-a-social-media-policy.htmlhttp://www.inc.com/guides/2010/05/writing-a-social-media-policy.html

  30. More Excitement – Twitter, Facebook, and blogs!!!! Social Media or Web 2.0A community of people sharing ideas, both useless and useful information, smart and stupid.

  31. Twitter Indiscretion Govtech.com 2009

  32. What About Facebook? http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/is_facebook_your_permanent_rec.php

  33. Conversations: Microblogs

  34. Conversations: Blogs

  35. Step #4 – Determine the best solution for your organization Team of stakeholders – Management, RM, IT, Legal, & Budget Map out options – they are limiteda) Manually manage e-mail & Web 2.0b) Use software to managec) Combination of both *all options involve resources $$$$

  36. Moving Legacy Data to Buckets #1 Non-Business information that is no longer useful to you and can be destroyed #2 In-progress information you have created or received that is directly related to your current work activities. Includes short-term reference materials or personal information useful only to you in conducting company business #3 Final information directly related to your assigned work activities or information required for the company to have adequate records. These records are defined in the Corporate Records Retention Schedule

  37. 3-buckets – Rohm & Haas Co.

  38. Marking Electronic Records E-Mail Example – Marking Subject / File Code

  39. Software Solutions Email Archiving software Email modules are available for document management systems

  40. Choosing Software One size does not fit all Nothing is plug and play Costs continue - not a one time thing Needs to work with other systems in your organization Takes a lot of resources and continued IT support

  41. Email = Evidence Mail

  42. E-mail Law Suits • Wrongful Termination: Potential cost $20 million • Martha Stewart • Enron Corporation • Department of the Interior BEWARE OF LITIGATION

  43. Email Involved in Litigation • “No matter what happens, we have to slow down Netscape’s ability to drive new protocols/stds down.” “Do we have a clear plan on what we want Apple to do to undermine Sun?” • Microsoft emails used by Department of Justice in antitrust litigation.

  44. “The meeting with the FDA yesterday was a tremendous success! No black box [warning]!” Email discovered during Fen-Phen litigation of pharmaceutical executive bragging about convincing the FDA that a warning label on a bottle was unnecessary. Settled for $3.75 billion Are Email & other Web 2.0 transmissions a record?

  45. Guidance Already in Existence

  46. Resources • www.fgcarma.org • www.arma.org • www.archives.gov • www.naa.gov.au • www.aiim.org • www.thesedonaconference.org

  47. Step #5 – Implement, Enforce & Audit • Once policy is developed & approved it must be distributed and taught • Policy needs to include what steps will be in place to enforce the new rules • Everyone in the organization needs to understand the importance of following the policy • Audit of the email and Web 2.0 tools will ensure that implementation is done

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