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Ethical Perspectives common to Siddha Medicine and Hippocrates Oath with reference to Physicians. . T. Sasi Priya, N.S. Priya Devi, A.Shakthi Paargavi, S. Thanalakshmi, Thomas M.Walter. Govt. Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, T.N. Hippocrates Oath.
Ethical Perspectives common to Siddha Medicine and Hippocrates Oath with reference to Physicians. T. Sasi Priya, N.S. Priya Devi, A.Shakthi Paargavi, S. Thanalakshmi, Thomas M.Walter. Govt. Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, T.N.
Hippocrates Oath • The great Greek physician Hippocrates (460 - 377 BC), is referred to as "The Father of Medicine”. • He rationalized that diseases are caused by excess substances in the body such as blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. • He was the first physician to describe symptoms that accompanied a disease and believed in a natural healing process.
Hippocrates Oath & Physicians • Hippocrates oath plays a vital role in each and every Physician’s life. They undertake this oath when coming out of their Medical Colleges and try to implement it in their practice. • In traditional Siddha Medicine, the students study Siddha Philosophy & Ethics along with their subjects since this is a Holistic system.
How Physicians’ are viewed upon… • Siddha traditions blend in people’s life in such a way that in some parts of India particularly in rural areas Physicians are considered as next to God. • Even today there is a practice among the rural people of India to remove their footwear when entering into a Physician’s room which they do only before entering their place of Worship. • This habit is being passed away through generations. So, it becomes the responsibility of the Physicians to follow ethical perspectives in serving the people who are giving them the highest attainable place.
Ethics in Ayurveda • Charaka’s view Friendship Sympathy towards the sick Interest in cases No attachment with patient after recovery Susrutha’s view Patient may doubt his relatives, sons, and even his parents but he has faith in the physician. So the physician should look the patient as his own son.
Ethics in Siddha Theraiyar’s view. 1. The physician should be selected by eligibility criteria. 2. Special emphasis on treatment regime, non commercialization of the medical profession. 3. Guru sishya parampara being the ideal way of learning.
Background • A separate chapter regarding Physicians and their characters are found in the classic Siddha texts “Theraiyar Yemaga Venba” and “Siddha Maruthuvanga Churukkam”. • definition and specialities of a Physician, synonyms along with their meanings, • the three eyes needed for a Doctor, • books to be learned by the Physician • knowledge about environmental and age factors, • requirements for starting treatment, • the ideal dress code, • diagnostic methods, • those who are not eligible to become physicians, • characters of a Physician with negative thoughts
Definition and Specialities of a Physician – Siddha aspects • A Physician should be aged-one. • He should not be Money-minded. • He must be well versed about the diseases, its progress and medications. • He must be able to differentiate the Tridosha influence in individuals. • He should never compromise his basic ethical requirements. • He should maintain self-discipline, respect to aged people and great sense of humanity.
Synonyms of Physicians along with their meanings Parihari-The person who utilizes the vitals and his basic knowledge to determine the disease. Vaithiyan-The person who is well-versed in preparing Medicines. Garan-means the person who does favor.
contd… • Maruthuvan-The person who correctly diagnose the disorder and prescribes the exact medicine. • Paran - The person is rightly compared to the Almighty.
Books to be learned • Along with Regular texts, the Physician should be well-versed in • Language books • Mathematics • Logistics • Astrology • Anatomy • Physiology • Pathology • Sara Nool markam • (Pranayama-a breath exercise)
Environmental and Age factors • Physicians who consider, • Anatomy of the patient’s body • Astrological concept relevant to patient • Age factor and • Economical status of the patient • - and if he starts the treatment, such a regimen will never fail and it won’t cause any ill-effects.
The ideal Dress code • The Physician should avoid wearing color dresses along with spots and some designs. • He should follow the ideal dress code (White colored over-coat). • Possessing this Dress code, • and treating, the patient gets cure for sure.
Those who are not eligible to become physicians – as per Siddha ethics • Persons without Humanity • Money-minded persons • Persons without the basic knowledge (clinics, subject) • Persons addicted to Drinks, Gambling etc.
Characters of a Physician with Negative thoughts • Persons without the basic knowledge such as vitals, diagnosis etc. • Persons without the talent to prepare medicines. • Boasting themselves as a good physicians. • Persons believing in superstitions. • Assuring to treat the disorders beyond his knowledge limit. such persons, who causes more ill-effects to Patients, carries the curse even for his forth-coming generations.
1st Oath - Regarding God • I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygeia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement: Siddha Medicine. LORD SHIVA , PARVATHI – God of siddha, Nandi peruman Dhanvantri Agasthiyar
2nd Oath-Bond with Teacher / Guru • To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; To look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art; and that by my teaching, I will impart a knowledge of this art to my own sons, and to my teacher's sons, and to disciples bound by an indenture and oath according to the medical laws, and no others. • The Student (Sishya) must show his utmost respect and gratitude to his teacher (Guru). As per Siddha Ethics, the teacher - student relationship is compared to father – son relation. • Before learning an art from the teacher the student should provide him with proper compliments (Guru Thatchanai).
3rd Oath-Professional Ethics • I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone. • At first a Physician should completely examine the patient. After diagnosing, he must prescribe them with right medications. • He should not have any bias and conflict of interest when planning the treatment regimen.
4th Oath-Regarding Humanitarian Priorities • I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art. • If a Physician treats the Patient without the basic knowledge of vitals, tridosha etc, the Physician would carry the sins and curse even for his fore-coming generations.
5th Oath-Preserving Purity, Ethics • But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts. • The Physician should carry out the ethical traditions and requirements of the system.
6thOath-Where Medicine Ends…./Accepting Limitations • I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art. The treatment regimen for the patient should be: • To start with Herbal products (extract or Powder form of root, leaf or the whole plant). • When not responding, switch over to Metal & Mineral formulations. • Finally to Aruvai Maruthuvam (Essentials of Surgery)
7th Oath-During House Visits • In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or men, be they free or slaves. • Treating the patients by concerning only his health will lead to a well blessed and cherished life of the Physician.Heshouldn’t involve your personal conflicts of Interest within the treatment.
8th Oath-Maintaining Secrecy • All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal. • A physician should confine the secrets of the patient within himself even after the patient’s demise.
9th Oath-Professional Etiquette • If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practise my art, respected by all humanity and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my life. • The physician should sacrifice his life for the service of humanity. • He should never be money minded. • As per Siddha ethics, such persons are not eligible for this noble profession.
Discussion - Similarities • When going through both Hippocrates oath and Siddha literatures, one can find the following similarities: • Respect for Teachers • Pledging life to the service of patients • Placing Patient’s interest before his own.
Contd... • Protecting Patient from harm & injustice. • Respecting Patient’s right to make decisions. • Improving the care for Patient’s wellbeing. • Not to become intimate with Patients.
Contd… • Trying to Prevent as well as cure disease. • Protecting Patient’s confidentiality. • Imparting Medical knowledge to others.
Conclusion • In our Classic Tamil language, there is a saying, ‘Vazhugindra Makkalukku Vazhanthavargal Paadam’ which means, ‘For those living now, the Life of our Elders are real lessons’. • So, if we follow the ethical guidelines of our Elders & Fore-fathers, we will be the ‘Light of the World’
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • My indebted thanks to my lecturer, Dr.Thomas M.Walter & Mrs. SweetyNirmala • My gratifying thanks to my colleague, Mr.S.Merish • My fruitful thanks to my co-authors, • Last but not least I would like to raise my sincere regards to my crew.