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Planning and Design for Elderly in Hong Kong for the 21st Century Concluding Remarks

Ageing Trend. Median age of HK population19912001 31 36Number and percentage of people age 60 and above 199120012016 (Projected) 716,901 1,000,849 1,593,800(13%)(15%)(20%). Population Ageing . ?We are in the midst of a silent revolution that extends well beyo

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Planning and Design for Elderly in Hong Kong for the 21st Century Concluding Remarks

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    1. Planning and Design for Elderly in Hong Kong for the 21st Century Concluding Remarks Mr. Patrick Nip Deputy Secretary Health and Welfare Bureau 19 January 2002

    2. Ageing Trend Median age of HK population 1991 2001 31 36 Number and percentage of people age 60 and above 1991 2001 2016 (Projected) 716,901 1,000,849 1,593,800 (13%) (15%) (20%)

    3. Population Ageing “We are in the midst of a silent revolution that extends well beyond demographics, with major economic, social, cultural, psychological and spiritual implications.” Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of UN

    4. Demographic Revolution By 2050, one third of the world’s population is over age 60. Industrial revolution and technological revolution – impacts are loud and clear However, the demographic revolution has so far aroused little interest though its effects are far-reaching

    5. Myths of Ageing Ageing, particularly population ageing, is a problem People become dependent when they are old Older people are necessarily frail Population ageing means more special housing and long-term care facilities

    6. Facts of Ageing Population ageing is a challenge as well as an opportunity Ageing is a natural, lifelong, and positive process It is a societal wide phenomenon – not only pertaining to older people Most older people are healthy and independent. Only 10% are frail and needing special care Most older people do not need special housing

    7. Built Environment and Ageing Built environment is an important hardware to support software such as social interaction, independent living, community participation, healthy lifestyles etc. WHO has identified housing to be a key factor for the quality of life from birth to death In 15 years’ time, 1 in 5 persons is over age 60. Any conventional housing will potentially house an older person sooner or later.

    8. Overseas Experience Special housing for older people Can never keep up with population ageing Most older people dislike age-segregated housing Living environment that accommodate functional declines Minimize dependency Benefit everyone Ageing in place Conventional housing as location of long-term care (home and community care)

    9. Implications Design for all ages (Universal Designs)

    10. Design for All Ages Universal design principles satisfy safety, comfort and usability requirements of people of all ages and functioning abilities A marketable approach because it addresses the diverse needs of a majority of consumers Normalization and maximum inclusion of all people

    11. Food for thoughts … Special elderly housing, elderly designs or universal designs? Can our conventional housing and community facilities meet the changing needs arising from population ageing ?

    12. Reinventing Ageing Current policies and built environment have been designed with a youthful society in mind. We need to plan and design with an ageing society in mind. Implications for change span across planning, housing, environment, employment, retirement, lifelong learning, leisure, health and long-term care.

    13. Elderly Commission Workshop held in November 2001 on “Rethinking Policy, Reinventing Ageing” A positive understanding of older people and of ageing by the wider society To build an ageless society/a society for all ages that does not rigidly define age nor create age-barriers Older people should not simply be seen as individual needing help but as people having much to offer and wanting to give A barrier-free and age-integrated built environment that enables all-age access and multi-generational encounters

    14. EC Symposium and Exhibition Challenges and Opportunities of an Ageing Population - 8 June 2002 - Public and social institutions need to embrace an ageing society and adjust mindset and policies to meet the changing needs of an ageing population To focus the community on reinventing the concept of ageing and rethinking the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population Macro and forward looking Cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary

    15. Main Themes of the EC Symposium National framework and strategy for an ageing society – overseas experience Ageing population – Economic and business perspectives Reconstruct the image of ageing Remodel the living environment Reinvest in ageing Refocus the health maintenance system

    16. Thank you.

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