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TeraGrid Training Opportunities

TeraGrid Training Opportunities. Campus Champions Seminar 15 April 2009. Training Resources and Opportunities. Live Training Offered at RPs, Conferences, and on campuses Let us know if you would like training on your campus! Let us know of conferences we should be attending

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TeraGrid Training Opportunities

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  1. TeraGrid Training Opportunities Campus Champions Seminar 15 April 2009

  2. Training Resources and Opportunities • Live Training • Offered at RPs, Conferences, and on campuses • Let us know if you would like training on your campus! • Let us know of conferences we should be attending • Synchronous Training • Working to reach more users with real-time interaction • TeraGrid is expanding sync training offerings • Asynchronous Training • Self-paced, just-in-time training • TeraGrid is working to expand on-line training • Over 30 new topics offered in 2008 - largely influenced by Ranger and Kraken coming on-line

  3. How to Find TeraGrid Training Info • TeraGrid Web Site - Events Calendar • www.teragrid.org/eot/calendar.php • TeraGrid User Portal - Training • https://portal.teragrid.org/gridsphere/gridsphere?cid=training&JavaScript=enabled

  4. HPC University • A virtual organization to share educational and training materials for HPC communities • A multi-agency, multi-organization digital library • Catalog of resources and materials • Events calendar (RSS feed) • Opportunities for educators and students • Reviews of materials • An evolving site - driven by community needs - let us know how it can be improved! • Please submit resources, events, etc.! www.hpcuniv.org

  5. Upcoming TeraGrid Training • Quarterly TeraGrid New User Training (synchronous delivery) • Friday, April 24 from 2-4pm EDT • http://teragrid.org/news/news09/0415.html • HPC Seminar Series offered by LONI (synchronous delivery) • 2009 Cray XT5 Quad-core Workshop, April 13-16, 2009 • Hands-On Introduction to Scientific Visualization, April 17, 2009 • Fortran 90/95 Programming for HPC, April 21, 2009 • Integrated Performance Monitoring, April 23, 2009 • Introduction to Parallel Computing on Ranger, May 28-29, 2009 • Introduction to Parallel Computing on Ranger and Lonestar, June 11-12, 2009 • TeraGrid ‘09 will offer 8 tutorials - June 22 • Parallel Optimization & Scientific Visualization for Ranger, July 16-17, 2009 • Introduction to Parallel Computing on Ranger and Lonestar, September 17-18 • Data Analysis on Ranger. October 12-13, 2009 The list continues to grow….your input is needed to help us determine topics to offer!!

  6. Other Community Offerings • Open Science Grid - Grid Schools • North Carolina Grid School -- April 22-24, UNC/Renci/Duke, NC • Midwest Grid School – tentative -- September, Chicago • International Summer School on Grid Computing (July 5-17, 2009), Nice, France • Institute for Computing in Humanities, Arts, and Social Science – HASTAC III, Urbana-Champaign • The Software Environment for the Advancement of Scholarly Research Workshop, April 22, 2009 • Imaging and Image Analyses, April 22-23 • Virtual Worlds Visualization Workshop, April 22 • National Center for Computational Sciences • www.nccs.gov/user-support/training-education/

  7. On-line Training Tutorials • Ranger Virtual Workshop modules via TeraGrid User Portal: • Parallel Programming Concepts and HPC • Ranger Environment • Message Passing Interface (MPI) • OpenMP • Profiling and Debugging • Optimization and Scalability • http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/ta/ta_display.php?ta_id=100428 • CI-Tutor • High Performance Computing and Cyberinfrastructure topics • Debugging Serial and Parallel Codes • Intermediate MPI • Introduction to MPI • Introduction to Multi-core Performance • Introduction to OpenMP • Introduction to Visualization • Multilevel Parallel Programming • Parallel Computing Explained • Parallel Numerical Libraries • Performance Tuning for Clusters • http://ci-tutor.ncsa.uiuc.edu/login.php • What topics would you recommend we make available via on-line resources?

  8. TeraGrid ‘09 Conference Tutorials • Cactus • Terascale Remote and Collaborative Visualization • Metascheduling on the TeraGrid • Scientific Workflows: The Pegasus Workflow Management System • Preparing Your Application for TeraGrid Beyond 2010 • REDDnet: A cyberinfrastructure for moving data across the TeraGrid boundary • Building Science Gateways • Using Tools to Understand Performance Issues on TeraGrid Machines: IPM and the POINT Project http://www.teragrid.org/tg09/

  9. SC09 Education Program Summer Workshops • May 17-23: Computational Chemistry at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK • May 25-30: Introduction to Computational Thinking at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI • June 7-13: Computational Biology at University of California Merced, Merced, CA • June 7-13: Parallel and Cluster Computing at Kean University, Union, NJ • June 14-20: Computational Physics at Widener University, Chester, PA • July 5-11: Computational Thinking at Atlanta University Center, Atlanta, GA • July 5-11: Parallel and Cluster Computing at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA • July 12-18: Pre-College Computational Thinking at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL • July 12-18: Computational Engineering at Ohio Supercomputing Center, Columbus, OH • Aug 2- 8: Computational Thinking at University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR • Aug 9-15: Parallel and Cluster Computing at University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK • November - 4 day event for educators in Portland • Let us know if you would like to host a workshop next year! www.computationalscience.org/workshops2009

  10. Other Community Offerings • Supercomputing in Plain English • This workshop series offered by the OU Supercomputing Center for Education and Research • Occurs each Tuesday this semester; Sessions are free • http://www.oscer.ou.edu/education.php • Virtual School for Computational Science and Eng. • The Virtual School for Computational Science and Engineering is offering two week-long Summer Schools for graduate students at 4 sites, via webcast • Scaling to Petascale - August 3-7, 2009 • Many-Core Programming - August 10-14, 2009 • www.greatlakesconsortium.org/education/VirtualSchool/

  11. Other Community Offerings • Scientific Computing Curriculum Package • New & improved package of TACC’s 5 courses (August 2009): • Fortran & C for HPC, Scientific/Technical computing; • Parallel computing, Visualization & data analysis, Distributed computing. • Lectures, Assignments, Projects, In-depth content, and Faculty guides. • www.tacc.utexas.edu/education/academic_courses.php • Purpose: build your own courses with a solid foundation. • Enhance courses with existing training & community offerings: • TG Conference Tutorials, Virtual School, HASTAC III, NCCS, SC09 Workshops, HPC University, Training resources, CI Tutor, Science Gateways. • Supercomputing in Plain English, Open Science Grid (Grid School), CSERD. • Be creative! • Improve these courses to further TeraGrid’s EOT mission! • Check out the Ralph Regula School of Computational Science.

  12. HPC Training and Education Survey • We are conducting an annual survey of the community needs and requirements • We would like your feedback, and that of your local researchers and educators • Objectives • Identify community training and education needs • Identify quality materials that already exist • Identify gaps in offerings we should focus development efforts on • Begin process to develop HPC Competencies http://www.rrscs.org/survey/petascale.shtml

  13. We Need and Value Your Recommendations • What do you and your users need? • What is the right mix of introductory, intermediate, and advanced topics? • What topics would be most useful? • What is the right mix of live, sync, and async? • What are you offering or developing? • Please submit any materials and events you may have to share via HPC University • What are you developing? • Would you like to help review materials? • We have materials in HPC Univ in need of reviews • We are developing new content that will need reviews

  14. Would the following be of interest to you for future Campus Champion training? • Data storage and movement across TeraGrid • Scientific Visualization - tools and services that are available to users • Information Services - software tool kits available • Allocations process update • InCommon - how Shibboleth can benefit your users accessing TeraGrid from campus resources • Open Science Grid opportunities • How to create CI-Tutor training materials • Other topics of interest?

  15. Advertisements! • Please encourage your faculty and students to register for TeraGrid ’09 • TeraGrid has funding for registration, travel and housing for 75 high school, undergraduate and graduate students to attend - please help spread the news!

  16. David Hart <dhart@indiana.edu> Brad Armosky <barmosky@tacc.utexas.edu> Sandie Kappes <skappes@ncsa.uiuc.edu> Jim Ferguson <jwf@utk.edu> Scott Lathrop <scott@ncsa.uiuc.edu> THANK YOU!

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