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The Fermi blazars divide. Gabriele Ghisellini Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera In collaboration with L. Maraschi and F. Tavecchio. Bright Fermi blazars. >100 with >10 s detection 57 FSRQs and 42 BL Lacs Redshift for all FSRQs and for 30 BL Lacs. FSRQs. TeV.
The Fermi blazars divide Gabriele Ghisellini Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera In collaboration with L. Maraschi and F. Tavecchio
Bright Fermi blazars • >100 with >10s detection • 57 FSRQs and 42 BL Lacs • Redshift for all FSRQs and for 30 BL Lacs
FSRQs TeV g-ray energy spectral index ag There is a sequence… Ghisellini, Maraschi, Tavecchio 2009 BL Lacs
…despite dramatic variability Ghisellini, Maraschi, Tavecchio 2009
Agile Fermi
The“blazarsequence” FSRQs Steep Lg Fossati et al. 1998; Donato et al. 2001 BL Lacs Flat
Steep FSRQs Flat BL Lacs
Pjet~Maccrc2 Ldisk > ~ ~100
GG, Tavecchio & Ghirlanda in prep, Celotti & GG 2008, Maraschi+ 2008
Pjet~Maccrc2 Ldisk > ~ Ldisk~MEddc2 Ldisk~0.01MEddc2 ~100
Ledlow & Owen Ghisellini & Celotti 2000
Ledlow & Owen Ghisellini & Celotti 2000
Jet power vs disk Lum. BL Lacs, FSRQ FRI, FRII Photon trapping Pjet LdiskPjet e-p decoupling Ldisk ~10-2 Disk accretion rate (Eddington units)
M>0.01MEdd External Compton strong cooling 1/2 1/2 RBLR ~ Ldisk UBLR= const RTorus~ Ldisk UIR= const MeV Far IR Torus ~1-10 pc BLR Standard disk
M<0.01MEdd SSC only weak cooling 1/2 RBLR ~ Lioniz ~No BLR (or very small) TeV X TeV BLR <<0.2 pc “ADAF disk”
Evolution? (e.g. Cavaliere & D’Elia 2002) • M should increase with redshift • In the past more FSRQs (and FRII): positive evolution? • Now more BL Lacs (and FRI): negative evolution? • And taken together…? Similar to radio-quiet or not?
Conclusions/Predictions • The most powerful Fermi blazars should be accreting near Eddington, and have the largest black hole masses • Also radio-quiet should have much weaker broad lines for M<0.01MEdd • As the survey goes on, including weaker sources….
smaller M 0948 ~forbidden except extraordinary and rare states
Conclusions/Predictions • The most powerful Fermi blazars should be accreting near Eddington, and have the largest black hole masses • Also radio-quiet should have much weaker broad lines for M<0.01MEdd
From Ho, 2008, ARAA.. For radio-quiet: “8. Low luminosity AGNs are not simply scaled-down versions of powerful AGNs. Their central engines undergo fundamental changes when the accretion rate << Eddington. In this regime, the BLR and obscuring torus disappear… 9. Below L~0.01% Eddington, the canonical accretion disk transforms into an inner vertically thick and radiatively inefficient accretion flow….”
M Ljet propto Ldisk M2 1/2 Ljet propto Ldisk ADAF (Narayan et al.)
By modeling, we find physical parameters in the comoving frame. gpeak is the energy of electrons emitting at the peak of the SED EGRET blazars
Low power slow cooling large gpeak Big power fast cooling small gpeak
tcool 1/(gpeak U) = R/c µ 2 ggpeakU = const µ
The power of blazar jets G Lr = radiation Le = relat. electrons Lp = protons LB = B-field R ~1017 cm
High power If one p per e- Relat. electrons Celotti & Ghisellini 2007 Powerful jets are not magnetically dominated Magnetic Field Radiation
Low power If one p per e- Relat. electrons Celotti & Ghisellini 2007 Magnetic Field Radiation