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Global Population Growth

A crowded world. Trends in Human Population Growth. GROWTH in the World's Population. 1830 the world's population reached ONE BILLION 1930, just 100 years later the population reached 2 billion. 1960 (30 years later) it reached 3 billion 15 more years later in 1975, it climbed to 4 billion.12 years later in 1987, it crossed the 5 billion mark. 12 years later in 1999 the world's reached 6 billion By 2029, the world's population is estimated to be 10.4 billion.

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Global Population Growth

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Global Population Growth What are the trends in global population growth? Where are the people? How do these trends come about? What is the relationship between population, the life course, and the character of industrial societies? What do these population changes mean for the way we live our lives? 

    3. Trends in Human Population Growth

    4. GROWTH in the World’s Population 1830 the world’s population reached ONE BILLION 1930, just 100 years later the population reached 2 billion. 1960 (30 years later) it reached 3 billion 15 more years later in 1975, it climbed to 4 billion. 12 years later in 1987, it crossed the 5 billion mark. 12 years later in 1999 the world’s reached 6 billion By 2029, the world’s population is estimated to be 10.4 billion

    5. Population Growth – A graph

    6. Population Growth: developed and developing countries

    7. How rapidly is the global population adding a billion?

    8. Distribution of population growth rates

    9. Rate of change in the growth of the world’s population

    10. Changes in the rate and absolute growths in the global population As the figure shows, the rate at which the global population is growing is slowing faster than the absolute increases in the population. Can you explain why?

    11. Distribution of World’s Population East Asia: Eastern parts of China, Japan, the Korean Peninsula and the island of Taiwan = 25% of World’s Population South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka 20% of World’s population. South East Asia: Islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans Indonesia, Philippines etc 500 million people Europe = 15% of the World’s People North America = Southern Canada & N.E USA has over 150 million people Sparsely populated Areas include – Deserts, Very cold Lands (Arctic & Antarctic regions) and Forest Jungles.

    12. Distribution of World’s People

    13. Continental distribution of global population in 2002 Asia = 57% Europe = 16% Africa = 12% South America = 9% North America = 5% Australia = 1%

    14. Distribution of the world’s population 1800 – 2050. www.prob.org/...population...growth...growth.htm

    15. World distribution of population by Latitude

    16. Future increases in population

    17. Thomas Malthus (a British Economist) & his 1798 essay on Population and Resources

    18. Malthusian Theory on Population Thomas Malthus, wrote in 1798 that: Population was increasing geometrically but resource supplies were increasing arithmetically. He predicted that eventually, population growth will outstrip the supply of resources and If population growth is not controlled voluntarily, calamities (starvation, diseases, wars) will bring population in balance with the supply of resources.


    20. Changes in Birth and Death rates during a demographic transition Stage 1 – Pre-industrial Stage Agriculture leads to population increase and death rate fluctuates due to epidemics Stage 2 – Early Industrial Stage Improved agriculture expands population but improvement in nutrition lowers death rate Stage 3 – Industrial Stage Education and opportunities for jobs causes decline in fertility to match declines in death rates Stage 4 – Post-industrial Stage Low birth and death rates but birth rates might fluctuate at times

    21. Why developing countries today cannot take advantage of a demographic transition? Lack of trained and skilled personnel (brain drain). Lack of an essential energy base (coal, oil) to provide the energy for development. Rapid population growth and poverty creates a poverty trap and no savings. Lack of financial resources for investment in building factories and industries Strong competition from already industrialized countries

    22. What account for variations in Fertility levels of females from different societies…1? The absence of old age social security payments necessitate more child birth High Infant mortality compels parents to have more children Society’s view of children i.e. as a prestige Educational opportunities for women Carrier (job) opportunities for women Religious beliefs (Catholics vrs. Muslims) Availability and affordable of family planning and birth control services

    23. What account for variations in Fertility levels of females from different societies…2? Level of affluence in the society Cost of educating and raising children Average age at marriage Urbanization and associated high standard of living Availability and affordable legal abortions for women

    24. A diagram of the age structure of a population is called the Population Pyramid. The Pyramid records the proportion (%) of the total population available in five-year age groups usually known as cohorts. Constructing a Populating Pyramid 1. Look for a census data which divides the total population of a country into males and females and also into 5-year age groups (cohorts). Age structure of a country’s population

    25. Classify the population of each sex group (males & females) into 5 year age group intervals (0-4. 5-9, 10-14 etc. to 85+.). Calculate the percentage of the total population represented by each of the 5 year age groups for a) males and b) females. Graph the percentage of the 5-year age groups for Males on the Left side of the vertical axis of a graph sheet and that for Females on the Right. Age structure of a country’s population …2

    26. Dependent and Productive Populations The pre-productive age = between 0-14yrs, Reproductive age = 15 - 44 years and… Post-reproductive age = 45 - 85+ Economic Divisions A) 0-18 = Dependent class B) 65 years plus = Dependent class C) 18-65 years = the Productive class Age Dependency Ratio: P0-14 + P65+ X 100 P 15-64

    27. Types of population pyramids 1. Nigeria - rapidly growing population, broad-base 2. Australia – stable population 3. Bulgaria – declining population, narrow-base

    28. What is the relevance of the age-structure diagram? Shows the occupational structure of a nation’s population Displays the number of males to females (sex ratio) in the population Provides clues to present and future trends in the growth of the population Provides evidence of historical events that impacted the population (wars, economic booms etc).

    29. Addressing the population problem – INDIRECT methods Education and empowerment of women More women in the labor force Improvements in health and economic conditions Incentives for increasing or decreasing births State laws setting limits on child births e.g. China.

    30. Addressing the population growth problem – DIRECT methods Abstinence Family planning & birth control services Legal abortion Legal migration (immigration and emigration) Religious beliefs (e.g. catholic)

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