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Knowledge Structure Mapping and NEC Development

Knowledge Structure Mapping and NEC Development. Richard Ellis Stratum Management Ltd. KSM and NEC - Overview. NEC way ahead - from Systems to Knowledge Grappling with Knowledge Knowledge Structure Mapping Potential applications of KSM in Defence . A Brief Digression.

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Knowledge Structure Mapping and NEC Development

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  1. Knowledge Structure MappingandNEC Development Richard Ellis Stratum Management Ltd

  2. KSM and NEC - Overview • NEC way ahead - from Systems to Knowledge • Grappling with Knowledge • Knowledge Structure Mapping • Potential applications of KSM in Defence

  3. A Brief Digression Data ManagementvInformation ManagementvKnowledge Management

  4. Information: Data that has been processed in such a way that it can increase the knowledge of the person who receives it. Data: factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation Knowledge Management: the collection, organization, analysis, and sharing of information held by workers and groups within an organization. Data: a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn Information: knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction Knowledge management: the organization, creation, sharing and flow of knowledge within organizations. Information management is the handling of knowledge acquired by one or many disparate sources Knowledge: the fact of knowing, acquaintance, familiarity gained by experience, intellectual acquaintance with or perception of, fact or truth, understanding, a mental apprehension, perception, intuition, or other cognition Information: the result of processing, manipulating and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the person receiving it. Knowledge is the awareness and understanding of facts, truths or information gained in the form of experience or learning. Information is measured as the decrease in uncertainty of a receiver or molecular machine in going from the before state to the after state. (Claude Shannon, A Mathematical Theory of Communication)

  5. Information: Data that has been processed in such a way that it can increase the knowledge of the person who receives it. Data: factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation Knowledge Management: the collection, organization, analysis, and sharing of information held by workers and groups within an organization. Data: a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn Information: knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction Knowledge management: the organization, creation, sharing and flow of knowledge within organizations. Information management is the handling of knowledge acquired by one or many disparate sources Knowledge: the fact of knowing, acquaintance, familiarity gained by experience, intellectual acquaintance with or perception of, fact or truth, understanding, a mental apprehension, perception, intuition, or other cognition Information: the result of processing, manipulating and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the person receiving it. Knowledge is the awareness and understanding of facts, truths or information gained in the form of experience or learning. Information is measured as the decrease in uncertainty of a receiver or molecular machine in going from the before state to the after state. (Claude Shannon, A Mathematical Theory of Communication) KSMfocuses on the Human Knowledgeheld or needed in an organisation

  6. End of Digression

  7. KSM and NEC • NEC way ahead - from Systems to Knowledge • Grappling with Knowledge • Knowledge Structure Mapping • Potential applications of KSM in Defence

  8. The future of NEC • Current focus is connectivity and systems • Enables Information Management • The next step will be ensuring we have the rightknowledge and skills in the right place to use the information

  9. New Knowledge Challenges "Nothing endures but change." Heraclitus (540 BC - 480 BC)

  10. New Knowledge Challenges • The NEC Era will bring many new challenges • New tasks and missions • New ways of working • New allies • What knowledge will a Commander and his staff need to meet these challenges? • How will this knowledge be made available to him?

  11. KSM and NEC • NEC way ahead - from Systems to Knowledge • Grappling with Knowledge • Knowledge Structure Mapping • Potential applications of KSM in Defence

  12. Grappling with Knowledge • Human Knowledge can be a difficult concept to work with. • But knowledge has a structure, with some knowledge elements supported by others. • Knowledge structure is a natural concept, and provides an accessible mechanism for discussing and analysing knowledge.

  13. Knowing how to Interview people effectively Knowing Interview theory Knowing how to Organisean interview Knowing how to Recordinformation Knowing how to Define interviewobjectives Knowing how to Explore a topicof discussion Knowledge Structure - Interviewing

  14. Using Knowledge Structure • Understanding the structure of knowledge in a particular area of the business • provides a common frame of reference for discussion • provides structural information about the knowledge that relates directly to the way the knowledge can be developed and utilised. • supports management decision making.

  15. KSM and NEC • NEC way ahead - from Systems to Knowledge • Grappling with Knowledge • Knowledge Structure Mapping • Potential applications of KSM in Defence

  16. Knowledge Structure Mapping - Overview • Method and toolset designed to explore the structure of knowledge in a chosen domain or application. • Developed and matured by Applied Knowledge Research Institute over the last ten years. • Based on academic research into expert knowledge acquisition. • Designed to answer practical questions about an organisation’s knowledge resource

  17. KSM Applications • Used internally by Rolls-Royce plc (called Structural Knowledge Auditing by Rolls-Royce) • Used in other large and small businesses such as BAE Systems, Promethean, Pendle Borough Council etc. • Applied knowledge areas as diverse as: • Procurement • Continuous Improvement • Super Plastic Forming and Diffusion Bonding • Off-Licence Retail etc.

  18. KSM - A typical Knowledge Study • Carried out by two fully trained analysts. • Involves work with a business team of between 4 and 16 people. • Delivers results in 3 to 4 weeks. • Provides: • A visualisation of the knowledge area • Expert opinion concerning the knowledge that is used, along with knowledge structural information. • Observation and conclusions concerning the business use of the knowledge resource • Additional learning support information to supplement staff development and knowledge resource growth. • Larger projects may be delivered in 3-4 week modules ensuring that business managers remain in control of full project development.

  19. KSM Example…. Continuous Improvement In the Advanced Manufacturing Cell For Eurofighter Typhoon

  20. KSM Study - Continuous Improvement Study undertaken with BAE Systems: What you need to know in order to understand continuous improvement (CI) in the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Cell (AMT)

  21. Importance Difficulty Study-Exp Known By

  22. Knowledge at Highest Risk

  23. Top 10% Highest Risk Knowledge

  24. Colour Coded Risk.Red High – Blue Low

  25. Knowledge Risk Profile

  26. Largest Prerequisite Structure

  27. Prerequisite Knowledge Structure for ‘CI Process’

  28. Post-requisite Knowledge Structure for ‘Process Schedule’

  29. Data Export and Sharing • The KSM Toolkit provides a range of formatted reports, suitable for importing into other applications. • xml export is provided, and used in Corax, a web enabled knowledge browser.

  30. KSM - Summary • Allows managers to visualise the knowledge resource in a chosen domain or application. • Provides a common and accessible framework for discussion about the knowledge resource. • Offers automated analysis and information sharing tools. • Supports managers in making decisions about the knowledge resource.

  31. KSM and NEC • NEC way ahead - from Systems to Knowledge • Grappling with Knowledge • Knowledge Structure Mapping • Potential applications of KSM in Defence

  32. Application in the military domain • HQ Structures • Deployment planning • Training for a new capability • Long term recruitment and development • Acquisition

  33. KSM and NEC • Knowledge will be a key to NEC. • We need a method of grappling with knowledge and its structure. • KSM is one method that can provide an essential insight into the knowledge needs of the future.

  34. Knowledge Structure MappingandNEC Development We need to knowwhat we need to know. Questions Richard Ellis (richard.ellis@stratum-management.co.uk) John Gordon (john@akri.co.uk)

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