1. Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics 1 Micro Robotics Dr. Heidi Fearn
CLE Lecture 5
April 11th Spring 2005
2. 2 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics We already Know about Drexler’s dream of diamond based nanomachines-http://science.howstuffworks.com/nanotechnology.htm/printable
3. 3 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics Here are some animations of the Drexler’s gears might work- computer animated. http://science.howstuffworks.com/nanotechnology.htm/printable
4. 4 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics What am I going to talk about today? Micro robots for use in nuclear plants- crawl into small spaces that are otherwise inaccessible.
Flying robots for use in surveillance and planetary exploration (Mars- NASA).
Swimming robots- small enough to enter the body for highly localized drug delivery and screening for diseases
Self reconfigurable robot- atomic unit modular.
Control of a micro organism as a prototype micro-robot.
5. 5 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics So What Robots can we make now? And how big are they?? MIT has a very active AI (artificial intelligence group) see links below
There are many Universities and government agencies interested in tiny robots, eg. NASA, DARPA and the DOD. Let’s start with the bigger robots and work our way down in scale.
MIT groups Including Crystalline atomic unit modular self-reconfigurable robots.
Case Western University group
KTH Microsystems technology group
Sandia Laboratory
Nanorobotics Lab @ Carnegie Mellon University
DARPA Microbot Homepage and NASA
Berkeley for true micro robotics.
6. 6 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics Robots that fly, walk and hop.
7. 7 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics MIT group on AI and Roboticshttp://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/living-machines/overview/overview.shtml
8. 8 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics MIT group: http://www.csail.mit.edu/research/activities/activities.htmlhttp://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/humanoid-robotics-group/
9. 9 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics MIT group continued- LEGS program.http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/leglab/navigation.html
10. 10 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics Bug roboticsCase Western Reserve Univ.
11. 11 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics
12. 12 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics Plenty more BUGS for you!!
13. 13 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics
14. 14 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics MINI-WHEGS Robots
15. 15 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics Mini robots: KTH Microsystems Technology Group
16. 16 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics So now lets walk up walls and walk on Mars and fly too!!http://www.erg.msu.edu/microrobot/fr_main.html
17. 17 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics Walk and fly over Marshttp://robotics.jpl.nasa.gov/tasks/nrover/nrt_main.htmlhttp://avdil.gtri.gatech.edu/RCM/RCM/Entomopter/EntomopterProject.html
18. 18 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics More flying machinesworlds smallest flying beastie:
19. 19 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics
20. 20 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics Really tiny robots
21. 21 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics
22. 22 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics Swimming robotics bugs http://www.me.cmu.edu/faculty1/sitti/nano/projects/swimming/
23. 23 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics and bugs that walk on water!!
24. 24 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics Little mini robots that change shape.http://www.mit.edu/~vona/xtal/xtal.html
25. 25 Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics Control of microorganism as a prototype micro-robot.http://robotics.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ronf/UCYBORG/index.html
26. Dr. H. Fearn CSUF Physics 26 THE END DVD’s to come later:
Nat. Geographic, “The incredible human body”
Nova, “Cracking the code of life”.