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QUALITY ENGINEERING EDUCATION AT DUET FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Prof. Dr. -Ing. M. Anwarul Azim Vice-Chancellor . Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur. Exit. INTRODUCTION.
QUALITY ENGINEERING EDUCATION AT DUET FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Prof. Dr. -Ing. M. Anwarul Azim Vice-Chancellor • Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur Exit
INTRODUCTION Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Gazipur is one of the reputed universities for the study of Engineering in Bangladesh. About 40 km away from Dhaka, it is one of the five Public Engineering Universities of Bangladesh. It is the only public university for graduation of Diploma Engineers in Bangladesh. • From the 1st September 2003, the Institute has started its journey as a full-fledged University named as Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Gazipur. Till today, it has produced around 3000 graduates in different branches of engineering and has established a good reputation all over the world for the quality of its graduates. Exit
SOME SPECIAL FEATURES OF DUET The university has some special features. These are: • It is the only public university in Bangladesh for Diploma Engineers to get graduation. • One of the best practices of the university is that its academic activities are not hampered by any type of political unrest (Hartal/strike), which is rare in Bangladesh. • Lecture plans are supplied to the students in advance. Course materials are also available in the university website for easy access to the students. Exit
SOME SPECIAL FEATURES OF DUET The university has some special features. These are: • In final examination, one test is per week without any preparatory leave. This reduces pressure on the students as well as helps in avoiding session jam. • The university is seriously working towards achieving accreditation. • An on-campus English Language Club helps the students to improve their English language skill. Exit
SOME SPECIAL FEATURES OF DUET The university has some special features. These are: • Establishment of an English Language Laboratory for the students is going on. • Smoking is strictly prohibited within the campus. • Plantation and gardening are regularly practiced within the campus to ensure a healthy environment. Exit
Engineers are the architects of the society and the university’s major thrust is to produce quality graduate engineers. To expedite the economic growth towards achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) engineering manpower is vital. Reflecting the need of the society, the university is producing more graduate engineers than in the past to meet the demand. Moreover, the university has already established some new engineering departments (e.g., Computer Science and Engineering, Textile Engineering) to fulfill the need of the society. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Exit
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Goal(8) • Develop global partnership for Development • Target-18 • Make available benefits of new technologies, specially Information and Communication technologies Exit
Quality engineering education is definitely a step towards attaining the MDGs. Access to modern facilities like computers and broadband internet is very available for all the students. Modern machinery and equipment, modern teaching method and up-to-date course curricula are essential in order to meet the global challenges. The university has already introduced multimedia based education system. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Exit
The teachers and students of this university are very sincerely involved in academic activities. As a result of this effort, recently, four students of this university have received the Prime Minister’s Gold Medal for their excellent result at the undergraduate level. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Exit
UNIVERSITY - INDUSTRY COOPERATION • Quality engineering education is enhanced by interactions with industries. There is very little scope of improving the practical engineering knowledge during the undergraduate study. For the betterment and benefit of the students, the university is arranging study tours to the modern industries so that the students can acquire up-to-date practical knowledge. Such interaction between the university and the industry extends the role of the university in the national development. Exit
REASRCH ACTIVITIES • The teachers of this university are actively involved in research program. Their research papers are published regularly in the national and international journals. As recognition of the excellent research, four teachers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of this university received the IEB Best Paper Award at the Golden Jubilee Convention of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. Exit
CONSULTANCY, RESEARCH AND TESTING SERVIES (CRTS) • A significant part of the university activities is the testing, advisory and consultancy services including research and development work for industries and organizations of national importance. It provides consultation and testing services in the various fields. These services are regularly offered by the university and are considered to be of great help by the clients. These types of activities provide the teachers the opportunities to gain some valuable experience. • As a part of the consultancy and advisory services, the university also conducts examination of selection of Engineers and Officers for appointment in various organizations. For example, it conducted examination of Senior Officer for Bangladesh Shilpa Bank and Assistant Engineer for Public Health Engineering Department. Thus, through CRTS, DUET is sharing knowledge and expertise with industries. Exit
CONSULTANCY, RESEARCH AND TESTING SERVIES (CRTS) • Major Consultancy Services for Bangladesh Bank’s Head Office, Motijheel,Dhaka • Modernization and Extension Works of Close Circuit Television (CCTV) System. • Fire Detection and Alarm System with integrated Public address System • Access Control System Exit
DEVELOPMENT PROJECT • Teachers are actively involved at different stages of development works of DUET. They are, in collaboration with Education Engineering Department, reviewing the design, supervising the construction, testing materials, and giving suggestion at different stages of construction works. A development project for construction of14-storied academic building is in progress at DUET with active participation of its teachers. Exit
DEVELOPMENT PROJECT • An auditorium has been constructed within the campus recently. Other development projects are going in full swing. These include: construction of dormitory building for postgraduate students and bachelor teachers; construction of students halls of residence; construction of library building and so on. Teachers are contributing their knowledge and experience in these development projects in order to complete the development works in due time. Exit
OTHER FACILITIES WITHIN THE CAMPUS • The university devotes considerable effort and resources to the development of an outstanding library collection to meet the expanding need of teaching and research, and to serve as a resource reference center. The library has a computerized information system to provide information about library materials for its members. The physical education center provides different sports facilities to the students to acquire physical fitness indispensable for healthy mind and body. The university maintains a beautiful playground for football, cricket, badminton, volleyball etc. The physical education center arranges central indoors and outdoors sports competition annually. The university also organizes annual cultural competitions and occasional cultural program on some special events like celebration of different national days. Exit
CONCLUSION • Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Gazipur is providing quality engineering education for national development to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The best practices of DUET include Hartal free campus, smoking free campus, examination of one subject per week without preparatory leave and so on. Other universities, educational institutions and other organizations can learn from these best practices for the betterment of their organizations and, after all, for the development of Bangladesh. Exit